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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (مسلسل 23)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (مسلسل 23)
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به منظور تعیین وضعیت آلودگی به گونه های هیپودرما مطالعه ای در چهار فصل سال در کشتارگاه صنعتی ارومیه بر روی نشخوارکنندگان صورت گرفت. در گاو و گاومیش پس از مشاهده اولیه دام قبل از کشتار آن، سطح داخلی مری از ابتدا تا انتهای آن، کانال نخاعی از شروع مهره های گردنی تا انتهای استخوان خاجی و زیر پوست و سطح لاشه پس از کشتار آن مورد بررسی دقیق قرار گرفتند. در گوسفند و بز تنها زیر پوست و سطح لاشه مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. طبق این بررسی هیپودرما بوویس گونه غالب در گاوهای منطقه بود. آذرماه، اولین زمانی بود که لاروهای مرحله اول این انگل در کانال نخاعی یافت شدند و تا اسفند ماه این لاروها همچنان در کانال نخاعی قابل جستجو بودند. حداکثر آلودگی حاصل از این انگل در بهمن ماه بود، بطوریکه %47 از گاوهای کشتاری در این ماه در کانال نخاعی خود لارو مرحله اول هیپودرمابوویس را داشتند. لاروها برای اولین بار در اسفند ماه در بافت زیر جلدی ناحیه پشتی گاو یافت شدند و تا تیر ماه حضور لاروها در زیرپوست محرز بود. اوج ابتلا بافت زیرجلدی در فروردین ماه بود، در این ماه %36 از گاوهای کشتاری واجد لارو در پوست و بافت زیرپوستی خود بودند. مقایسه شدت ابتلا و فراوانی نسبی آلودگی و ابتلا در دو رده سنی تا 1.5 ساله و بالاتر از 1.5 ساله نشان داد که در دام های جوان شدت ابتلا و فراوانی نسبی آلودگی و ابتلا بطور معنی داری (P<0.001) بیش از آن در دام های مسن است. در بز، تنها گونه مسبب هیپودرموزیس، پرژوالسکیانا سایلنوس بود. در این نوع دام، برای اولین بار لاروها در مهر ماه در بافت زیرپوستی یافت شدند و حضور آنها تا اسفند ماه در بافت زیرپوستی پشت دام قابل جستجو بود. حداکثر ابتلا در بهمن ماه بود، در این ماه در %44 از بزهای کشتاری وجود لاروهای هیپودرما محرز شد. در گاومیش و گوسفند موارد مثبت بسیار نادر بود و بترتیب معادل %0.8 و %0.36 برآورد گردید. بر اساس یافته های این مطالعه، آلودگی به هیپودرمابوویس و پرژوالسکیانا سایلنوس به ترتیب در گاو و بز در منطقه کاملا شایع است. با توجه به زمان ورود و خروج لاروها به مناطق استراحت زمستانه (کانال نخاعی) و بهاره (بافت زیر پوستی) می توان گفت که جهت کنترل آلودگی، بهترین زمان استفاده از حشره کش های سیستمیک یا داروهای لاروکش در گاو اوایل پاییز است. همچنین، با توجه به اوج آلودگی کانال نخاعی گاو در بهمن ماه، درمان دام های آلوده در چنین زمانی توصیه نمی شود، زیرا مرگ لاروهای مقیم در کانال نخاعی ممکن است عواقبی همچون فلجی را در پی داشته باشد.

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    2 (23)
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The objectives of this study were to determine the rate of infestation with Hypoderma spp. Over the four season of the year and timing of the parasite life cycle in slaughtered ruminants in Urmia, Iran. After a preslaughter inspection of the animal, internal suface of the esophagus from its cranial to its distal end, spinal canal from cervical vertebrae to end of sacrum, internal surface of skin and the surface of body were examined for the presence of Hypoderma larvae in slaughtered cattle and buffalo. In sheep and goat only the internal surface of the skin and the surface of the body were examined. The results showed that Hypoderma bovis was the main Hypoderma spp. infesting cattle in that region. Initially, first instar larvae were seen in the epidural fat of the spine in mid-December, and they were found in the spine to early-March. The peak rate of infection in the spine was 47% found in January-February. The second and third instars were first found in subdermal tissue of back in February, then till July the larvae were seen under the skin of the back. The maximum rate of subdermal tissue infestation was 36% observed in mid-April The intensity and relative frequency of subdermal tissue infestation were more significant (p<0.001) in the cattle uncler 1.5 ages in comparison with older cattle. Hypoderma silenus was the only species parasitizing goats. The larvae were observed in the subdermal tissue of the back from mid-October to mid-March. The maximum rate of infection was 44% observed in mid- February. In buffalo and sheep, the rates of infestation were quite low, i.e. 0.8% and 0.36%, respectively. The results showed that the prevalence of infestation in the cattle and goats is highly remarkable and the warble flies must be considered as one of the serious causes of losses in the region. According to the seasonal pattern of the life cycle of the parasite, we suggest that early-autumn and late-summer are the best occasions for prophylaxis with systemic insecticides in the cattle and goats, respectively. Since the peak of the spinal canal infestation in cattle is coincident with mid-winter, administration of insecticides at this time could be followed by complications such as damage to the central nervous system.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (23)
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In order to investigatie the possibility and accuracy of horse sex determination using PCRRFLP within ZFX/ZFY Genes, whole blood samples of 20 Arab horses (l0 samples from female and 10 samples from male) were collected from Khozestan province. DNA was extracted using the modified salting-out procedure. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), for amplification of 448 bp in coding region of ZFX/ZFY, was done using the primers, designed based on bovine ZFX/ZFY sequence. PCR products were digested by BSURI (HaeIII) restriction enzyme. PCR-RFLP genotypes consisted of 2 (403 and 45 bp) and 3 (448, 403 and 45 bp) bands for female and male, respectively. Results indicated that sex determination accuracy in animals was 100%. The successful PCR for equine using bovine primers indicated high conservation and homology in ZFX/ZFY sequence between two species horse and cattle. In conclusion, this gene is a reliable candidate gene for horse sex determination that can be used in sex determination of horse embryos sex.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 3476

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    2 (23)
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This investigation was carried out to study the pathogenesis of Hemiscorpius leptorus as one of the most dangerous scorpions of Khouzestan province, its cardiotoxicity and the role of insulin and antivenom therapy in rabbits. To this aim, 36 male New Zealand white rabbits with an average weight of 2000±200gr were divided randomly to four groups (A, B, C, and D) and each group was divided to three subgroups and injected with different doses of venom (1, 2 and 3 mg/kg, SC). These doses were administrated to all groups. Groups B and C were injected with insulin (0.25 IV /kg, IM) and anti-venom (2 ml/rabbit, IM) respectively. Group D was injected with both treatment at the same dose 20 minutes after envenomation. Blood samples were taken from jugular vein at the times before and 180 minutes after envenoming to measure the levels of CPK, LDH, glucose, Na, K, Mg and Ca. Statistical analysis showed significant increase of CPK after envenoming only in group A (P<0.05). The level of LDH increased significantly in all groups after envenomation (P<0.05). Administration of insulin prevented the elevation of glucose and CPK in most insulin injected subgroups. There were no significant changes for electrolytes. Thus, treatment with insulin, antivenom or both may prevent some biochemical disorders in scorpion envenoming.

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    2 (23)
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The third and fourth heart sounds are audible in association with the first and second sounds in some horses. The prevalence of these sounds is variable in different studies, which could be partly due to the number of horses taken for research. This study was carried out on 526 clinically normal horses. The prevalence of the third and fourth heart sounds was found to be 23% and 50%, respectively. Auscultation was carried out independently and simultaneously by two clinicians using ordinary and sensor stethoscopes, respectively. The effects of age, sex and heart rate on the prevalence of the third and fourth heart sounds showed that the heart rate has the major role on the prevalence of these two sounds. Therefore, at the time of auscultation the heart rate should be taken into consideration.

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View 1118

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    2 (23)
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Both baseline pain sensitivity and the response to antinociceptive treatment are influenced. by an animal's sex and estrous cycle stages. On the other hand, the role of GABA due to GABAA in nociception was investigated. So the aim of present study was to investigate the effect of ICV injection of a GABAA receptor agonist (muscimol), and an antagonist (picrotoxin) on pain sensitivity during all phases of estrous cycle.Adult female rats weighting 200-250g were used. Rats were maintained on 12h reversed light/dark cycle, and standard temperature 18-22. Food and water were available ad libitum. Pain sensitivity was evaluated by formalin test. This was performed by subcutaneous injection of 50mL formalin solution (2.5%) into the hind paw in all phases of estrous cycle. The animals were divided in 6 groups: 1- control, 2- sham, 3- experiment 1 (received 2mL of muscimol 250 and 500mg/rat), 4- experiment 2 (received 2ml of picrotoxin 20 and 30 mg/rat). Our data showed that muscimol significantly (p<0.05) decrease pain sensitivity in all phases of estrous cycle, but this analgesic effect was higher during proestruse and estrus than metestruse and diestruse. Picrotoxin significantly (p<0.05) increases pain sensitivity in all phases of estrous cycle, but this hyperalgesic effect was lower during proestruse and estrus than metestruse and diestruse. According to our data, GABAergic system can modulate pain sensitivity during estrous cycle.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 737

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    2 (23)
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For molecular identification and phylogenie analysis of Newcastle disease virus in a chicken farm Chaharmahal-Bakhtiyari province, the seples collected of lung, spleen, trachea, brain and cecal tondl sample were collected from suspected flocks. In RT-PCR method for identification of NDV, a primer amplified 356 bp products and a primer amplified 1349 bp products specific for F protein genome for sequencing nucleotides were used. Results indicated that 100% of tissue sample tested with RT-PCR method were positive.Comparison of amino acids of isolated viruses in the cleavage site of F protein with standard velogenic and mild strain revealed that all the isolated viruses are velogenie and the sequencing of amino acids in isolated viruses were GRRRQRRF. The phylogenie analysis revealed the genomic similarity of isolated viruses with Russian and Italian strain.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (23)
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For diagnosis of thyroid dysfunction, measurement of total T3 or T4 concentration must be interpreted with caution. There is considerable variability with age, breed and environmental temperature as well as a wide range of normal values. The objective of this study was the determination and comparison of serum levels of T3 and T4 of Arab horses in cold and hot seasons in Ahvaz. Fifty horses were studied and radioimmunoassay method was used to measure T3 and T4. The results showed that the values of mean of T3 and T4 were 118.9±4.3 mg/dl and 0.86±0.07 mg/dl, respectively. The serum level of T3 in cold seasons was significantly higher than hot seasons (P<0.05). Also, the level of T4 in cold seasons was higher than hot seasons but there wasn't significant difference between them. Results also showed that the serum levels of T3 and T4 in male were more than female but there wasn't significant difference between them. It was also revealed the serum level of T3 and T4 in Arabian horses is similar to some races of horses and is different with some others.

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View 1216

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To estimate the efficacy of sulfaclozine for control the experimental coccidosis in broiler chicks, 630 one-day-old male broiler chicks (Ross 308) were randomly divided in three treatments of 6 replicates. All chicks were fed diet-based on com-soybean meal as starter, grower, and finisher (1-14, 15-28 and 29-42 days, respectively). Chicks in treatments 2 and 3 were inoculated with a mixed culture of four Eimeria species oocysts (including 2 x 105 E. acervulina, 5 x 104E. Maxima, 2.5 x 104 E. tenella, and 2.5 x 104 E. necatrix) on 21 days of age. Chicks in treatment 3 received ESB3 by drinking water at a level of 2 gr/Lit on the age of 24-26 and 30-32 days. Fece samples were taken to determine the number of oocysts excreted per gram of excreta (OPG) and Flock performance was determined. Infected birds with Eimeria oocysts had lower BWG, PEI and higher FCR (P<0.05), in comparison with non-infected chicks (negative control). Sulfaclozine 30% reduced the OPG of infected birds and improved BWG, FCR and PEI (P<0.05). In conclusion the use of sulfaclozine may reduce the deleterious effects of coccidiosis in broilers.

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View 1498

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    2 (23)
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Barbus sharpeyi in family Cyprinidae is an endemic fish of the Khozstan province of Iran. The Iranian Fisherie Organization (Shilat) produces up to 1-5 million fry (1-2 g b.w.) to restock the horal azem and lagoon Shadgan population annually. These fish are produced by artificial breeding using carp pituitary extract (CPE). The objective of this study was to assay the effectiveness of a gonadotropin releasing hormone analogue (D-Ala6, Pro9-Net GnRH) in combination with the dopamine antagonist domperidone (DOM) on spawning success, latency period, weight of stripped egg mass/weight of stripped egg mass+remnant ovaries, and fertilization success in Barbus sharpeyi. Seventy two fish were divided into 12 groups and injected intraperitoneally as follows: 5 mg/kg, b.w. of CPE as positive control, GnRHa and DOM 30 jlg/kg, b.w. double injection (10-90%) 24 h apart. Propylene glycol injected fish were used as negative controls. The results showed that the GnRHa and DOM in two injection lead to higher spawning success and weight of stripped egg mass/weight of stripped egg mass, and fertilization success and spawning rate and latency period in comparison with positive control (P <0.05), while no significant differences inhaching percent and embryo viability and masuring egg were found ( P<0.05). Therefore, it can be concluded that like many other cyprinids, dopamine inhibitory tone is active in Barbus sharpeyi and it is necessary to combine GnRHa with a dopamine antagonist for spawning induction.

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View 1466

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Canine ditofilariosis caused by Dirofilaria immtis is one of the important parasites in dog cardiovascular system which caused cardiopulmunar incompatibility. Since zoonotic was found in this nematode, study on prevalence in different region such as Ahvaz with has Karun river and sufficient area to mosquitoes growthing media e.g. Culex and Anopheles is very important. In this study 120 rural Ahvaz dogs, after clinical examination and recording sex and age, the coagulated and noncoagulated blood were collected and transferred to parasitology lab. By modifying knott methods for Dirofilaria immitis microfilaria detection and immunochromatographic kit for antigen detection were investigated. The prevalence of infection by the use ofknott method and immunochromatography kit (Animal Geneics, Inc.) was 10% and 11/7% respectively. No significance relationship was detected in sex but by increasing the age infection rate was raised. Diagnosis and teartment of infected dogs in Ahvaz is necessary.

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View 1286

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This study was conducted to determine the efficacy of cypermethrine and cyhalothrine against ixodid ticks. 74 tick infected cattle were selected and divided into one control group and two cypermethrine and cyhalothrine groups. A whole body of inspection of each animal was performed and tick counting per animal was determined in each group as pretreatment day. Treatment was applied by an aqueous emulsion of acaricides which was prepared to the manufactures documented. Then ticks were counted on days 1, 7, 14 and 21 of the post treatment. The results indicated that there was a significant difference between treated and control group on days 1, 7 and 14 of post-treatments (P<0.05).99% tick control was achieved on day 1 of post treatment by cyhalothrine and its residual effect was gradually decreased to 53.5 percent on day 21of the post-treatment while the rate of efficacy of cypermethrine on the first day was 94.7 percent that was decreased to 25.3 percent on day 21 of the post-treatment.

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View 1102

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The aim of this research was the recognition of the differences between bones of hind limb autopodium in Shal sheep and Arabian goats. In this investigation, bones of 20 adult male and female Shal sheep and 20 adult male and female Arabian goats were used. After removing the tendons and muscles masses, morphomterical and morphological studies were properly carried out. Morphometrical results of all bones studied by t-student statistical method showed that there were significant differences between bones of Shal sheep and Arabian goats (P<0.05).In morphological studies some differences were observed between the bones of shall sheep and Arabian goat.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1985

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