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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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To clarify the effect of dose and time following Allium sativum administration in goats, 16 mixed breed goats were divided into four equal groups. 4 goats were determined as the control group and the three remaining groups received different doses (9.6, 38.4, 153.6 g/animal) of garlic (Garcin), orally. All animals were bled 24 hours following garlic administration and different serum biochemical factors (total protein, albumin, globulin, glucose, BUN, creatinin, cholesterol, triglyceride, total lipid, calcium, phosphorus, AST, ALT and GGT) were measured, using conventional methods. Thereafter, the animals were given a 2-week resting period and the effect of a single dose of garlic (45 g/animal) on biochemical factors was tested on 5 goats during a-five-consecutive-day period. The results showed that different doses of garlic significantly reduced cholesterol, triglyceride and total lipid levels (p<0.05). This effect was dose dependent. A single oral dose (45 g/animal) of garlic reduced the level of serum cholesterol, triglyceride and total lipid to a minimum level on day 1. Serum creatinin decreased significantly on day 2 following garlic administrations (p< 0.05). Garlic produced a time and dose dependant effect on serum lipid profile in goats.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In order to detect leptospiral antibody in the serum of people in Ahvaz, blood samples were taken from 180 men, and they were divided into direct contact (93 person) and non-direct contact (87 person) with animals. The sera were initially screened at serum dilution of 1:100 against six live antigens of Leptospira interrogans: pomona, canicola, hardjo, ballum, icterohemorrhagiae and grippotyphosa using the microscopic agglutination test (MAT). Antibodies against one or more serovars at dilution of 1:100 were detected in 21(22.58%) and 11(12.64%) sera of the men with direct and non-direct contact to animals, respectively. Among the positive sera, antibodies were most frequent in serovar canicola (56%) followed by grippotyphosa (26%), pomona and hardjo (each of them 8%) in the men with direct contact to animals and in the men with non-direct contact to animal, antibodies were most frequent in serovar canicola and grippotyphosa (each of them 41.2%) followed by Pomona (11.8%) and hardjo (5.9%). The majority of titre level was 1:100 for all serovars and the frequency of 1:100 were 84% and 70.6%, 1:200 were 16% and 11.8% and 1:400 were zero and 17.7% in the men with direct contact and non-direct contact to animal, respectively. The prevalence of leptospiral antibody in the men with direct contact to animal was higher than the non-direct contact, but statistical analysis showed non significant difference between these groups.

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View 626

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In order to determine and compare hematological parameters in culturing Benni (Barbus sharpeyi) and Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), blood samples were obtained from the caudal vein of 121 clinically healthy male Barbus sharpeyi (benni) (61) and female (60) and 126 Ctenopharyngodon idella (Grass carp) male (71) and female (55). The fish were captured from the culturing pools at the Azadegan culturing center in Khuzestan province, Ahvaz, Iran. In this study the overall mean of the total red blood cells, total leukocyte count, hemoglobin, mean cell volume (MCV), mean cell hemoglobin (MCH), mean cell hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), hematocrit, lymphocyte, neutrophil, eosinophil, and monocyte in Barbus sharpeyi (Benni) were (1.6±0.2)×106, (8.7±0.2)×103 cell/ml, 9.3±0.2 g/dl, 265.8±5.4 fl, 58.7±1.5 pg, 21.8±0.3, 42.8±0.7, 48.8±1, 50.8±1, 0.1±0.03 and 0.1±0.2% respectively and in Ctenopharyngodon idella (Grass carp) were (2.4±0.04)×106, (11.8±0.2)×103 cell/ml, 7.7±0.09 g/dl, 144.7±2.3 fl, 33.1±0.6 pg, 22.4±0.2, 34.8±0.5, 44.7±1, 55±1, 0.2±0.04 and 0.2±0.04% respectively. Statistical analysis revealed that the mean value of hematocrit in male Barbus sharpeyi was higher than the female (P<0.05). The results showed that the overall mean of hemoglobin, hematocrit, mean cell volume (MCV) and mean cell hemoglobin (MCH) in Barbus shapeyi were significantly higher than the Ctenopharyngodon idella and the overall mean of the total red blood cell counts and total leukocyte counts in Ctenopharyngodon idella were higher than the Barbus sharpeyi (P<0.05).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 781

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Lead poisoning is a problem of developing countries. The most accumulation of lead has been reported in the bone with a half-life around 20 years. Althouph the lead toxicity is widely investigated in animals, a few studies reported the toxicity of this metal in the osteoblast cell culture. In this study, the effects of short and long term lead exposure on the growth of Saos-2 cells were studied by XTT assay. Long term exposure was performed by three pulses at the 48h intervals for six days. Furthermore, effects of fetal bovine serum (FBS) on the toxicity of lead were evaluated by the above method. Results demonstrated a significant inhibition of growth in the presence of 10 and 100m lead acetate. The lead toxicity increased with decrease of FBS. Lead (1m M) induced a considerable decrease of growth in the culture medium containing 2.5% FBS. Moreover, repeated exposure to 1, 0.1 and 0.01m M lead resulted in 70, 42, and 22% decrease of growth, respectively. In this study, 10m M lead acetate alters the cell shape without consideration of FBS level from flat and adherent to spherical, and this alteration was seen at the lower concentrations of lead with the decrease of FBS level. In addition, lead exhibited strong toxic effects on the osteoblastoma cells in the culture medium. The results of the present study are in accordance with the studies which reported decrease in the bone density in the lead-treated animals, and focus on the direct effect of this metal on the cellular and molecular structure of the bone tissue.

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View 1023

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The cadmium and lead content of muscle, liver and kidney of 40 cattle slaughtered in Shahrekord were investigated. They were determined by graphite furnaces atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) after wet digestion of the samples. An analytical quality control program was carried out during the study. The mean and median cadmium of the processed samples were 0.002, 0.0015 for muscle, 0.0299 and 0.0193 for liver, 0.0652 and 0.0386mg/kg for kidney. Cadmium values in samples did not exceed the acceptable maximum threshold established in the European Commission. The mean and median lead of the processed samples was 0.0489 and 0.0395 for muscle, 0.2454 and 0.2270 for liver, 0.3239 and 0.3300mg/kg for kidney. Lead content from 15% of muscles, 7.5% from livers and 12.5% from kidneys exceeded the acceptable maximum threshold established in the European Commission. As a consequence, it was values in muscle, liver and kidney that can be related to animal age (P<0.05). Cadmium and lead comparison between two the sexes were not statistically significant. According to the results of this study, fortunately, the mount of toxic elements of cadmium and lead in animal products in Shahrekord is lower than acceptable maximum throshold established in the European Commission.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Morphometrical changes in the testis of adult rats after unilateral experimental cryptorchidism were investigated. Adult male wistar rats (150-200 gr) were divided into 5 groups of 8 animals each. Three groups were created unilaterally experimental cryptorchidism by fixation of right testis to abdomind wall. In the first, second and third groups, respectively, 15, 30 and 60 days after operation, the animals were dissected and their testis was sampled. In the forth group, as a sham after incision, testis were replaced from scrotum to abdominal cavity and then returned to scrotum. In the fifth group, as a control group no operation was done. Testis were studied histomorphometrically after sampling and fixation in salin formalin 10% , tissue processing and preparing histological section and staining with H&E method. Highly significant (P<0.01) decrease of diameter of somniferous tubule in cryptorchid testis in 30 and 60 days after opration was observed. In the left testis (hypertrophic) in 15, 30, 60 days after opration a significant (P<0.05) increase of diameter of Somniferous tubules in comparson to control group was observed. Thickness of epithelium of somniferous tubules in cryptorchid testis in each three groups decreased significantly (P<0.05), in contrast to the left testis which significantly (P<0.05) increased. Thickness of interstitial tissue in cryptorchid testis 30 and 60 days after operation increased highly significantly (P<0.01), in contrast to the left testis which decreased significantly (P<0.05) in the same group. Thickness of testicular capsule significantly (P<0.05) increased. Number of spermatogonies, primary spermatocytes and spermatids in somniferous tubules decreased highly significantly (P<0.01) and sertoli cells decreased significantly (P<0.05) in cryptorchid testis, 30 and 60 days after operation but no significant alteration was seen in the left testis. No significant changes were noticed in all the parameters between sham and control groups.

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View 1052

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Vaccination of rainbow trout against ciliate, Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, using live theront through intraperitoneal route (800 theront per fish) influenced humoral immunity against this parasite. Higher antibody titer in immobilisation assay and higher optical density in ELISA test were measured in vaccinated groups compared to controls. Although significant increase was reported in antibody level by immobilization assay or ELISA test 14 and 28 days post vaccination (DPV), there was no significant increase until 7 DPV. Temperature dependent antibody production against this parasite after vaccination was observed, so the mean and standard deviation (SD) of antibody levels measured with immobilization assay on 14 and 28 DPV in 12°C and 20°C were 36±32.32, 34.67±22.46 and 46.67±42.17, 46±42.86 respectively, whereas mean and SD of optical densities in 14 and 28 DPV were 0.168±0.085, 0.148±0.052 and 0.206±0.080, 0.205±0.096, respectively. Meanwhile, results showed that ELISA is more sensitive test than immobilization test to measure the antibody level against Ichthyophthirius multifiliis after vaccination. It may be due to the nonspecific humoral response which affected immobolisation test.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1018

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This study investigated the relationship between corpus luteum volume and serum progesterone concentration in cows. The data were obtained from 51 non-pregnant cows which were slaughtered in Ahvaz abattoir. Blood samples (10 ml) were collected from jugular vein prior to slaughter. After collection, blood samples were kept at room temperature for 3 hours, and then centrifuged for removal of the serum. Serum was stored at -20°C until progesterone was measured by radioimmunoassay. After the slaughter, the ovaries were recovered and CL sizes were recorded. The volume of each observed CL was determined using the principal components analysis and correlation between progesterone concentration and CL total volume was examined using regression analysis. Three cows had no CL and the mean (±SEM) progesterone concentration was 0.324±0.27ng/ml. Forty eight cows had mature CL, and the mean total volume of CL was 1197.78±107.22mm3 and the mean progesterone concentration was 1.583±0.22ng/ml. Progesterone concentrations in 20 cows were more than 1.5ng/ml (mean 2.948±0.38 ng/ml) with a mean CL volume of 1760.77±124.30 mm3, while in the other 28 cows they were less than 1.5ng/ml (mean 0.55±0.08 ng/ml) with a mean CL volume of 795.65±110.30mm3. Correlation between corpus luteum total volume and progesterone concentration was significant (P<0.01), so that with every mm3 increment on total volume, progesterone concentration increased by 0.0016 and 0.0005 ng/ml in cows with active and inactive corpus luteum, respectively.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2132

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In this study the effect of natural zeolite supplementation on serum sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, inorganic phosphorus and magnesium of broiler chickens was investigated. Three hundred and twenty day old broiler chicks were purchased from a local broiler breeder farm and divided into 4 equal groups (1, 2, 3 and 4). Natural zeolite types 1 and 2 were added to the rations of groups 1 and 2 at 2% level respectively. Group 3 received zeolite type 3 at 1% level and group 4 as the control group. Using plain vacutainers, blood samples were collected from brachial vein. Natural zeolites had no significant effects on the level of sodium, potassium, chloride and magnesium of the chick's sera. In groups with 0.5% calcium in diet, serum concentration of calcium was influenced by zeolite and increased to normal range. The concentration of inorganic phosphorus significantly decreased in all experimental groups. Zeolite had significant effects on the serum calcium and phosphorus, but the concentrations of serum sodium, potassium, chloride and magnesium did not show significant changes.

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Prevalence and diversity of Eimeria spp. in relation to age, sex and fecal concentration were investigated on cattle and buffalo in Tabriz region, Iran. In the present study, results indicate that the prevalence of Eimeria infection in cattle, calves, buffalo and buffalo calves were 46.2%, 53.8%, 50.6% and 49.4%, respectively. A number of seven species of Eimeria in cattle were identified including E. wyomingensis (25%)_ of caecum and colon, E. zurneii (20%) of caecum and colon, E. bovis (20%) of small intestine, E. cylindrica (10%) of small intestine, E. mundargi (10%) of intestine contents, and E. subspherica (10%) of duodenum and jejunum, E. bombayensis (5%) of intestine contents. A number of eight Eimeria species including E. zuernii (35%) of caecum and colon, E. bukidnonensis (20%) of intestine contents, E. bovis (10%) of small intestine, E. cylindrica (10%) of small intestine, E. pellita (10%) of intestine contents, E. auburnensis (5%) of jejunum and ileum, E. illinoisensis (5%) of caecum and colon and E. canadensis (5%) of duodenum and jejunum were identified in buffalo. These species were mixed in both ruminants. In addition, maximum rate of infection observed in male calves of cattle (54%) younger than one year-old and buffalo calves (50.2%) with similar age condition. Maximum range of ova per gram of feces was determined in cattle (431-1232) between 2-5 year-olds and buffalo calves younger than one year-old (582-1302).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1331

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Linguatula serrata, the 'tongue-worm" is a zoonotic parasite that occurs in nasal and respiratory passages of dog and some other carnivores. Herbivores such as sheep, goat,.. are suitable intermediate hosts. This survey was carried out on 139 sheep slaughtered at Yasuj abattoir from October to December 2005. Mesenteric and hepatic lymph nodes (MLNs & HLNs) of 139 sheep were examined for Linguatula serrata under a stereomicroscope. Before examination, lymph node samples were randomely collected, torn to pieces and/or digested by acid-pepsin solution. Nymphal stages of L. serrata were found in the mesenteric and hepatic lymph nodes (65 out of 139=46.76%) and (8 out of 139 =5.75%) from the sheep respectively. The number of nymphs collected from MLNs and HLNs of each infected animal varied from 1 to 163 (mean, 18.73±32.31) and 1 to 4 respectively. Mean lengths of the nymphal stages were 4.9±0.5 mm with a range of 2-6 mm. Study of Linguatula serrata infection in dogs (definitive hosts) from the aerea will be useful for control maesurments of the infection.

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View 816

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The objective of the present study was to detect clinical endometritis through vaginal examination together with transrectal palpation of reproductive tract in dairy cattle before breeding. A number of 1620 holstein cows in a large commercial dairy farm around Tehran province were clinically evaluated by rectal as well as vaginal examination at least forty days postpartum and afterwords. Cervical and uterine horns diameter were measured manually. In the absence of external uterine discharge following rectal massage of the uterus, vaginal examination was performed manually under aseptic condition with lubricated gloves after cleaning the vulva and searching for uterine discharge. The vaginal mucus was scored for character and degree of endometritis based on the amount of pus in uterine content. The prevalence of various degrees of clinical endometritis was 12% and the examination of vaginal discharge was required to identify 25% of these cases. Sensitivity of rectal massage for uterine discharge and diagnosis of endometritis was 74.7%. Asymmetricity in uterine horns diameter has no significant relationship with the degree of endometritis. Means cervical diameter of score 1 and 2 of endometritis were not significantly different but it was statistically larger for score 3 (p<0.05). Cervical diameter, when endometritis was diagnosed rectally, was significantly larger (p=0.0005) indicating more severe condition. Number of lactations shows no significant relationship with degree of endometritis. Cervical and uterine diameter was not always a reliable evidence of endometritis when compared with vaginal discharge. In conclusion vaginal examination can be a useful method for detection of the majority and more cases of clinical endometritis.

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View 3769

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The objective of this study was to determine the effect of estradiol in short–term treatment with Controlled Internal Drug Release (CIDR) and Pregnant Mare's Serum Gonadotropin (PMSG) on estrus induction, estrus synchronization, observation period between CIDR withdrawal and estrus, lambing efficiency, prolificacy and lambing rate. Thirty six nonlactating and nonpregnant Taleshi ewes (2-4 years old) were randomly allocated to three groups (n=12/group). Estrus was synchronized with intravaginal insertion of CIDR devices containing 0.3g of progesterone for 7 days. At the time of CIDR removal, PMSG (360 IU) was injected (i.m) to all ewes. The Control ewes (Con) did not receive estradiol benzoate (EB) and others were injected EB (1.5mg) on days 7 (EB7) and 8 (EB8) of the experiment, respectively. A higher number of estrus detected in ewes received EB on days 7 and 8 compared to the control group (P<0.05). Observation period between CIDR withdrawal and estrus in EB7 treatments was significantly lower than Con and EB8 treatments (p<0.05). Estrus in EB7 and EB8 ewes was synchronized better than the control group. Lambing efficiency, prolificacy and lambing rate did not statistically change between the treatment groups. It was concluded that injection of EB, 24 hours after CIDR removal (EB8), without reducing reproductive performance, is an effective method of estrus synchronization.

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View 2908

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A 4-year-old Holstein dairy cow with a history of anorexia, decrease milk production and weight loss was referred to the faculty of veterinary medicine, University of Tehran. Tentative clinical diagnosis revealed the animal suffering from an atypical for stomachs disorder and subsequent left flank exploratory laparatomy cleared the existence of extensive adhesion at cranial portion of the rumen and large to medium-size (3 to 7 cm in diameter) abscesses at serosal surface of the wall of the rumen at caudal portion. Macroscopically, the masses were relatively firm and seemed they were filled with a liquid content. Cream-colored fluid with a watery consistency escaped when an abscess was opened. Serosal surface of the rumen was a portion of the wall of the abscesses. Pure E. coli was isolated from the abscess contents. Histopathologic examination confirmed a mass of pus encased in a wall of granulation tissue (pyogenic membrane). The literature reviews indicated that purulent abscesses were observed in liver, kidneys and peritoneal cavity of the cattle and rarely present in the serosal surface of rumen. This pathologic event and the subsequent disorder could be interfering with diagnosis of digestive system dysfunctions especially vagus indigestion, chronic peritonitis and abomasal displacement.

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View 2837

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One eight-month-old female calf (Holstein breed) was referred to the Veterinary Research and Teaching Hospital (VRTH), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tehran, in 2006. According to the history taken from the owner, the calf showed anorexia and grounding two weeks before that. Clinical examinations of the calf showed a mild fever, with abdominal hyperpnoea. For further investigation, a blood sample for hematology and a radiograph from chest area were taken. The results of clinical and para-clinical examinations revealed that the animal was suffering from traumatic reticulopneumonitis. According to the radiograph pattern, which showed a severe involvement of lung, the animal was referred to abattoir.

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