Zarigan Prospect Area is located at 50 km North of Bafgh, East of Yazd Province. This area is a part of central Iran intercontinental drift, formed during pre-Cambrian. Calc-alkaline magmatic process (500Ma) with felsic compositionhas brought about different types of metasomatism. Radioactive mineralized zone was associated with "Na-K-Fe-Si" rich hydrothermal fluid that intruded following the tectonic activities with E-W trend. Mineralization is related to albite, albite-epidote-Amphibole and silicified zones that emplaced in the margin of Diabasic Dykes trending E-W. The main host rock is felsic Tuff. The thickness of mineralization is between 0.3-2 meters, dipping 30-35°N. Main minerals in the active zone are: Ti-magnetite, Davidite, pitchblende, and other radioactive minerals, quartz and some sulfide minerals such as pyrite (3-5%), which are found mainly as disseminated, irregular veinlets and dispersed lenses. Uranium and thorium grade varies between 50-2500 ppm and 50-5000ppm, respectively. Subsurface geological studies show that the activity is discontinued in zones and radiationis related to shallow to intermediate depths (40>m). The contents of Ce, Ti and Zr (Trace Eis.) and Fe2O3 (major Oxide) are also high and notable in this system.