With affirmation that child as a delicate class grow in time of tense and urgency, there exist legal protection in international documents mostly in two process: ltuman Rights and Humanitarian Law. Thies protections divided in two sorts: general protection, special protection. General protection indude foundumental priniciples such as: proportion, separation between combatant and noncombatant, prohibition of blindly attacks, announcement of danger, exhaustion, transplantation, giving healthful! and shut - in servises, etc... In complement of this general protection there exist special pretection that is namely indude; prohibition of recruitment and exploitation of ohildren in Armed forces, conservation physical and mental health of children, right to security and immunitization from arrestment, detention and imprisonment, family rights for example right to have family and identity regist ration, orphan child eave, respecting family solidarity, educution and cultural rights, the rights connected with refugees and displaced, s child, fair and particular trail, nationality prohibition from slavary and com pulsory working. In this protective way will pay attention to International documents and relevant organization until mind direct to human dignityn.Further, whem we evuluate existent documents, will realize the interrelationships between human rights and humanitarian law and will find that "children" is the issue that outward close contact between human rights and humanitarian law.