Introduction:Hepatitis B is a wideworld Disease .There are 2.5%HbsAg positive people in Iran HBV causes chronic hepatitis , fulminant hepatitis, chronic cirrhosis and hepatocelluar carcinoma in adults and children. HBV can be transmitted perinataly and parenteraly but immunization of newborn and health workers with HBV vaccine markedly reduces risk of disease. Objectives: This research was done for evaluation of immunogenicity and time of immunity of HBVvaccine with HBsAb measurment after vaccination, and also evaluation of correlation between HBV vaccine immunity with age, sex, smoking, chronic disease, immune deficiency, profession, site of work, time of vaccination, numbers of vaccinations, and site of vaccine injection. Material & methods: This is a descriptive cross- sectional study. 304 health workers in Amiralmomenin hospital were evaluated for HbsAb titer.23 were not vaccinated, 281 were vaccinated in the past . Results: 139 (49.5% were women)142(50.5% men)110(39.1%) single,171(60-9%)married, 45 ( 16% were smoker.) There was no correclation between immunity level and sex,age,chronic disease,but there was correlation between immunity level and job, smoking , time of vaccination,number of vaccinations and site of work. In this study average time of immunity was 6 years, 40 (14.2%)were not responder, 57(20.3%)were poor responder, and 154(65.5%)were good responder. HBV vaccine immunogenicity was 85.5%.Conclusion:Health work is a risk factor for hepatitis B infection, and HBV vaccine has85.5% immunogenicity,Therefore health workers need to be vaccinated for HBV, and every 6-years their HbsAb must be measured, if HbsAb titer is less than 10 mIU/ml, booster dose of HBV vaccine is used.