Contracts, exchanges and trade-offs are the necessary and unavoidable part of social life of human. Although from old times, societies have always tried to go legalized to reach security, social peace, public discipline and preparing and maintaining people’s benefits, but as human needs and wants are naturally alike, there have always been struggle to gain more profits and welfare. Islam also has paid attention to this subject. This paper through a descriptive-analytical methodology, studies the effect of jurisprudential (fiqhi) effects of business like banning the hoarding (ihtikar), banning the najsh, banning the deceit (gharar), banning the collusion for overcharging and… on removing the information asymmetry and related misuses and based on this study, presents a pattern of exchange system from the viewpoint of Islam.Studying Islamic resources including Quran, tradition (sunnat), reason (aql) and consensus (ijma), shows that in a society that rules and real criteria of Islam dominates and the culture and behavior of its’ people is based on Islam rules, the society will have a clear space and all the people will have an equal access to information. No one will go toward hiding the information and misusing it on behalf of himself/herself. Lying, deception, breach of promise will have no place in such a society and in opposition, the truth, transparency and loyalty to contracts will substitute; jurisprudential (fiqhi) rules also confirm this subject.