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In recent years, inappropriate governance in water resources and qualitative and quantitative degradation and unbalanced allocation of resources have caused crisis within the watersheds. Therefore, one of the most important challenges for decision-makers (DMs) is selection of final criteria, evaluation of scenarios, and choosing the preferable scenario for watershed. Selection of final criteria and the best scenariodepend on DMs’ preferences and risk attitudes. This paper develops a novel approach based on two types of risk assessment to calculate the score and group consensus degree for selecting final criteria and ranking the scenarios. In first type of risk, the number of criteria are satisfied and in the second type the number of DMs’ consensus are considered. Accordingly, the group weights and consensus degrees of initial criteria are calculated in several risk attitudes using the ordered weighted averaging operator and the compromise programming (CP). The final criteria are selected based on the combinational group weights-consensus degrees, compared with an acceptable threshold level. Then, the suggested scenarios are evaluated with respect to the final criteria and the best scenario is selected based on the proposed method using risk assessments. This approach has been developed for Mashhad plain, to select the final criteria and the best scenario in 2040. The results showed that the number of final criteria and scenarios’ ranking depend on the two risk assessment types. Finally, the sustainable development was analyzed to determine the preferable scenarios for satisfying the most important criteria. Development of this method is recommended for watershed management in Iran.

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In the recent decades, continuous droughts in Iran caused a growing withdrawal trend from groundwater resources and reduce in surface water resources, especially storage volume of dams. Therefore, operation of water resources requires reviewing based on hydrologic conditions and especially, drought. On the other side, for the definition and characterization of drought by indices, a comprehensive survey of data existence, index applicability and goals in water resources operation is needed. In this article and towards an applicable standardized index in the conjunctive use of water resources, nonparametric functions used to achieve integration and applicability. The status of water resources is calculated via integration of climatic water balance and available hydrologic water by multivariate nonparametric function to obtain integrated drought index (IDI). In this study, the Zayandehrud River Basin is selected as the case study due to conjunctive use of surface and groundwater and occurrence of recent droughts in it. Zayandehrud Dam has a key role in streamflow regulation for downstream demands in the basin. With the index tool to determine the condition of the subbasins, dam resource reoperation is followed by the purpose of the minimum drought intensity. This way of operation resulted in demands supply reliability of more than 90%, Lenjanat aquifer balance, storage increase of Isfahan-Borkhar and Kuhpaye-Segzi aquifers by 400 million cubic meters, supply of Gavkhooni wetland water right with reliability of 96% and mean increase of 2.7 million cubic meters per month in streamflow entering the wetland in comparison with the past. The results underline the importance of the drought conditions consideration in the conjunctive use of water resources at the basin.

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Population growth causes an increase in the use of water in different sectors. This increase demands for new strategies for optimal water resources management. In this research, a tri-objective model was developed to maximize the economic benefit, maximize the reliable water supply, and minimize the water withdraw from aquifers. In the proposed model, four aquifers and Zarinehroud dam reservoir were considered as elements of the water resources system. Based on the allocated water, water requirements, and maximum yield of each product the production function were defined and the economic benefits of the regions in the study area were determined. Using NSGA-II algorithm, Pareto trade-off curves for objective were derived presenting various scenarios of cropping and economic benefit functions in Zarinehroud basin. Since the points on trade-off curve cannot simultaneously satisfy the three objectives, optimal point was selected using Borda aggregation method and integration offive multicriteria decision models’ results. Comparing the current and optimal allocation results demonstrated that we gained 42.5% water save by applying proposed model. In addition, comparison of current and optimal economic benefit showed that the benefit was increased from 1, 137, 730 billion IRR to 1, 285, 971 billion IRR (13% increase). The result of this research can be used in other basins to decrease the agricultural water use while increasing farmers’ income by optimal cropping pattern.

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The distribution of water resources and rainfall in the world is not even and accordingly the inter-basin water transfer is sometimes necessary in the form of water projects for the collection, transmission and creation of appropriate quality for balanced development of human activity. On the other hand and in addition to the issues we face in managing and exploiting the reservoirs, it is important to consider and model hydraulic and hydrologic flow conditions together. In this study, three dams (Yalan, Pashandegan and Gokan) and two water transfer tunnels transferring water from Yalan dam to Gokan dam were considered as case study. For the integrated simulating and optimizing, two algorithms were connected with each other and were as well linked dynamically with Epanet software and solved the water resources model, and took care of the hydraulic modelling and dynamic programming. Since the water flow through thetunnels are under pressure, increasing dams’ heights will cause the decrease in tunnel diameter for 95% water conveyance efficiency. The results showed that the most economically optimum combination for water transfer in this project would be met with Yalan and Pashandegan dams at the heights of 148.37 and 59.36 m, respectively, and with Yalan-Pashandegan and Pashandegan-Gokan tunnel diameters of 2.8 and 2.95 m, respectively. This project set would cost 5313.69 million Rials.

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Eeutrophication is a main challenge for surface water bodies, especially lakes and reservoirs. Zrebar Lake, as a resource of freshwater, is recently facing eutrophication problem. The aim of this study is to find solutions for water quality enhancement using integrated simulation approach. For this purpose, Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) was used as a water resources and agricultural systems simulation model. Here, its interaction with the changes in lake water quality and quantity were considered. In this study, the impacts of the various management practices (BPMs) in critical areas were analyzed. For this purpose, the influence of these strategies on improving water quality, crop yields and economical costs of their implementation were evaluated and finally the optimal solutions were selected using TOPSIS multi-criteria decision-making method. The results showed that, the filter strip, pollution control emissions in upstream (Qezelchesoo channel) and reducing fertilizer consumption up to 25%, respectively were the best management options in the basin. This study also implied that the economical analysis of BMPs is inevitable to present well organized approaches for controlling non-point source pollution discharges.

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One way to forecast solar radiation when the measurement data are not available is estimation by using meteorological parameters. In this study, meteorological data, including maximum and minimum temperatures, wind speed, sunshine hours, degree of cloudiness, precipitation, pressure, and humidity were collected in the sixth stations of Mashhad, Isfahan, Ramsar, Zahedan, Urmia, and Shiraz. Meteorological parameters affecting solar radiation were determined using Gamma test at each station. The results showed that in all stations the maximum temperature and sunshine hours, in 5 stations degree of cloudiness, and in 4 station pressure and wind speed were the parameters affecting the solar radiation. The most important influencing parameters were different at each station so that in four stations the wind speed and in three stations the sunshine hours were ranked as first and second. The results showed that the maximum temperature and the degree of cloudiness were also effective on solar radiation but they possessed less importance compared to the latter parameters. After determining the effective meteorological parameters at each station, solar radiation was estimated using support vector machine (SVM) and three experimental methods of Angstrom, Hargreaves, and Abdullah. Coefficients of experimental methods was calibrated using data training. In stations under study the accuracy of Angstrom and Abdullah were not certain and at some stations Abdullah and in others the Angstrom methods estimated radiation more accurately. Hargreaves method estimated the solar radiation with less accuracy compared to the two other experimental methods. SVM estimated the solar radiation in the test phase at Isfahan, Mashhad, Urmia, Ramsar, Shiraz, and Zahedan stations by RMSE errors of 1.38, 1.28, 1.36, 1.51, 1.21, and 1.58 MJm-2d-1 and MEF errors of 3.59, 5.50, 4.18, 7.96, 3.26, and 5.17 percent, respectively. SVM estimated the solar radiation with greater accuracy than empirical methods in all stations by using artificial intelligence.

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View 1112

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Considering the recent concerns about the water quality, the present study with a library and document method attempts to present a descriptive and legal analytic methodology to evaluate law policy in Iran regarding qualitative protection of water resources. The study also tries to alert water authorities regarding the water pollution offenses. Evaluating of the rules on water resources pollution in Article 50 of the constitution, perspective document, and other rules for environmental protection, it is evident that authorities and people are seriously concerned about this important issue but nonetheless the country is encountered serious environmental challenges including water resources pollution. Different factors including the rules, general verdicts, lack of unified law, not using experts in formulation of rules, interfering rules, lack of punishment, lack of interaction between key institutes, ignoring the role of non-state organizations, and lack of norms in the society are listed as causes for unsuccessfulness of the legal protection of water resources quality. To avoid these offenses, imprisonment and fines should be considered for the offenders and a special law should be dedicated to the crimes of water pollution.

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To assess the uncertainty of contaminant transport models in column experiments it is essential to select reliable models for simulating column experiments and estimation of reliable parameters in order to identify the processes governing contaminant transport. So the overall goal of this study is to specify the uncertainty associated with the model development by defining several conceptual models and selecting the most probable model and the best estimate of contaminant transport model parameters and model prediction. For exploring uncertainty in column experiment we considered four models from the literature including the equilibrium and non-equilibrium convection dispersion models i.e. CDE1 and CDE2 convection-dispersion models and MIM1 and MIM2 mobile-immobile models. The model selection criteria were used to evaluate the probabilities of the four models. Using the full covariance matrix that considersresidual correlation has caused definitive recommendations on the basis of AIC, AICc, BIC, and KIC statistics and the model probability. The result showed that for the slow flow case due to the satisfaction of the equilibrium assumption the CDE2 and for the high flow case MIM1 were receiving the highest model probability and the least uncertainty. Finally it is concludes that the reliability of the model’s data interpretation can be improved by considering alternative transport processes and quantifying uncertainty in the experiment.

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Uncertainty is the measure of reliability associated with a particular set of results. There are lots of parameters affecting the water movement through the unsaturated zone measurement or estimation of which are a difficult task encompassing uncertainties of some kind. In this study, a methodology based on fuzzy set theory is presented to express imprecision of input data, in terms of fuzzy number, to quantify the uncertainty in predictions. Richards’ equation as a certain model was solved numerically. To estimate the uncertainty in the model the input parameters (qs, qr, Ks, a, and n) were introduced as fuzzy parameters. After introducing suitable fuzzy membership functions for input parameters, boundary values were obtained for each parameter for different b-cut levels in input parameters. Using these values and considering different result interval boundaries, the mathematical operation on fuzzy sets are performed resulting in the moisture values in specific times and locations. Corresponding to different b-cuts, fuzzy membership functions were derived for soil moisture at any time and depth. The results showed that uncertainty in simulating soil moisture profile was minimum in saturated phase and maximum in advance phase. This was because of the maximum number of parameters taking part in maximum uncertainty in the later phase. The shape of fuzzy membership function for soil moisture in specific time was varying for different depths corresponding to the different role of the effective initial parameters in any time and depth.

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In this study, changes in temperature and precipitation is calculated in two periods of 2020-2039 and 2040-2059 with the composition of the weighted average of seven climate model output under three emission scenarios. Then, discharge into the Jamishan dam was predicted in IHACRES daily model under the effect of climate change. Based on the results of the simulation scenarios of status quo and climate scenarios in WEAP model, applicable management alternatives to the region in each scenario were simulated again. In regard of maintaining the sustainability of the basin, social, economic, and environmental criteria were considered and to assess each criterion a number of indicators were calculated. In order to prevent the effect of personal opinions the numerical objective weighting methods were used to reach the preferred alternative. Finally three dimensional matrix of scenario- alternative-index was solved by Multi-criteria decision making methods. In overall, the results of the climate change showed that the annual precipitation and temperature are decreased and increased, respectively. The results of multi- criteria decision making showed that in S1 scenario the alternatives 6 and 2 were the best. In the period of 2020-2039 and under all three scenarios the alternatives 4 and 6 were the best.In the period of 2040-2059 the alternatives 4 and 2 in scenarios A1B and A2 and alternatives 4 and 6 in scenario B1 were the best.

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Estimation of reference evapotranspiration (ETo) is essential for many issues in irrigation and drainage, hydrology, environment, soil erosion, and water resources. Using the artificial neural network (ANN) to estimate ETo is common in lots of studies. But what has not been addressed in previous studies is using the meteorological data as an input of neural network together with computational methods. In this study meteorological data and the ETo calculated by computational methods including Jensen-Haise, Turc, Hargreaves-Samani, and pan evaporation methods were used as input data. Results showed that among all of computational methods using the calculated ETo by Jensen-Haise method together with meteorological data as input data resulted in closer estimation to calculated ETo by Penman-Montieth-FAO. Using the calculated ETo by other methods along with meteorological data as well improved the ETo estimation compared with using the meteorological data lonely. However the accuracy of ETo estimation by using these methods were still low.

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Information from snow cover as one of the major resources of the groundwater, drinking, and agriculture water has a significant importance in water resources management. One of the important sources of data for snow cover detection are the MODIS satellite images, from which the snow products are routinely produced. This research aims to improve the snow cover detection algorithm of MODIS using topography correction and Land Surface Temperature (LST) thresholding. In this regard, Northwestern part of Iran was selected as a pilot area. Because of the lack of field snow area data the Landsat 8 images were chosen as ground truth. Five appropriate simultaneous MODIS and Landsat 8 images in years 2014 and 2015 were prepared and 5 samples with 10000 pixels in each MODIS image were selected. Three algorithms were then implemented. The first one with MODIS snow product method achieved the mean absolute relative error of 3.44 percent. In the second algorithm topographic correction was implemented which reduced the error to 2.25 percent. The third algorithm investigated land surface temperature thresholding effect, which in the best value of LST with considering 278 K threshold yielded to mean absolute relative error of 2.58 percent. Hence, results indicated the proficiency of the provided algorithms in the study area, comparing with the standard method.

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Drought and water scarcity are two of the most important key terms in the water resources management. Drought as a large scale natural disaster is out of water resources managers control. On the contrary, water scarcity, which is the result of the wasteful and immethodical use of water resources, can be managed using precise and proper management decisions which will result in protection of water resources. Due to the fact that in most cases these two phenomena or disasters often occur simultaneously, it is tried in this research to use a simple conceptual water balance approach in the observational-modelling framework to discriminate the effects of drought and water scarcity on the basin runoff. This framework which is suggested by Van Loon and Van Lanen, (2013) allows a pure simulation of the hydrological parameters not taking into account the impacts of human activities in the Basin. This would validate a hydrological model for the period when the basin was not disturbed by the human activities and then by developing the model through years when the basin has been highly influenced by human activities and natural fluctuations, it can evaluate and determine the influence values of such effects. The results indicated that although in period of October 2000-September 2012 (water years of 1379-1380 to 1390-1391), the amount of monthly precipitation decreased by nearly 12% in compared to the long-term period of October 1972 to September 2000 (water years of 1351-1352 to 1378-1379), the ecosystem has nonetheless met the minimum environmental water requirements and slightly suffered from drought. The major cause of water shortage in the basin was accordingly the extensive human activities so that even in wet years a considerable decrease in discharge have been observed.

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The effect of watershed form on the surface runoff and hydrograph is an obvious issue. Hence a large number of researchers have considered the issue. Fractal geometry, as one of new methods, can be applied in geomorphology of rivers and also help to find some relationship between watershed form and hydrograph. The most fundamental fractal characteristic which is analyzed about the phenomenon is the fractal dimension that have a great importance for understanding and predicting river changes. In this study, we consider the consistency (match) level of artificial unit hydrograph of fractal and NRCS triangular unit hydrograph and its relationship with the compactness coefficient of watershed. To this end, Walnut Gulch watershed in United States of America was chosen and the compactness coefficient was also calculated for its 11 sub-watersheds (sub- basins), and then, NRCS triangular unit hydrograph, fractal triangular unit hydrograph were depicted and compared with each other. Results showed that when compactness coefficient is closer to 1.5, namely watershed is more circular, hydrographs are more compatible. In fact, the innovative method of fractal hydrograph is more appropriate, like watersheds 5, 7, 9 and 11, and when compactness coefficient is far from 1.5, the consistency is reduced, like sub-basins 1 and 10.

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View 1333

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In this research the flow-precipitation fluctuations in 9 station in Dinevar basin were analyzed by spectral density functions and Autocorrelation Functions in the frequency and time domain. First fluctuations in the correlogram of each time series were analyzed. Then Spectral density functions based on the Fourier series were used to check the time series in the frequency domain. In this regard, the Spectrum value of each flow and rainfall series was calculated and the periodogram of each series was produced. The Periodograms showed fluctuations in several frequencies. These were seasonal fluctuations with frequency 0.083 (return period of 12 months), short term fluctuations with frequency 0.25 (return period of 4 months), and midterm fluctuations with frequency 0.167 (return period of 4 months). Fluctuations were not observed for return period of 6 months in Precipitation data. Cross spectral analysis of data showed high match levels in frequencies 0.083 and 0.25. Also the estimated values of delay by cross spectral analysis for precipitation seasonal fluctuations (0.083) and its effect on the seasonal flow fluctuations was estimated as about 1.5 months. The delay was determinate as 0.4, 0.5, and 0.14 months for fluctuations with smaller return periods. According to the spectral analysis results for precipitation data in all stations, after removing the frequency and trends, a long term fluctuation (cycle) was observed in frequency 0.01 (100 months) that can be associated to the Wet and dry periods in this region.

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View 1026

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Developing trend in South Khorasan Province in recent years in one hand and being located in arid and semi-arid areas on the other hand demands for effective water resource strategies more than ever. One strategy for water resources management is to identify areas with different water potentials so that to allocate them according to their capacity. The goal of this research was the water potential zonation in South Khorasan Province using effective factors in groundwater aquifer recharge by the help of fuzzy logic and GIS technics. Sixteen factors were used in 4 groups (geology, hydrology, geography and human) each classified in 5 classes from low to very high potential. Finally 43 basins of the province were classified based on the groundwater potential maps. The results were then correlated with the data from the exploration wells. The water potential map of the province was accordingly prepared. The results showed that about 17% (27×103 km2) of the province area have a high or very high water potential classes that match with the quaternary sediments and areas with high fracture density. Also very low potential class correlate with high areas, hard lithology, and desert areas.

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View 1110

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In this paper the Penman-Monteith reference evapotranspiration (FAO56) as well as the meteorological parameters such as wind speed, sunshine duration, humidity, and the maximum and minimum temperature trends at monthly, seasonal, and annual time scales were analyzedusing Spearman’s nonparametric test for four synoptic sites in Kurdistan province in Iran. For each time series, trend lines were extracted using Sen’s estimator. Also the sensitivity analysis of meteorological parameters was performed using step by step multiple linear regression method. Results indicated a significant increasing trend for reference evapotranspiration in Sanandaj station. The slope of trend lines for Sanandaj, Zarinhe and Bijar stations were positive on the monthly, seasonal, and annual time scales. In these three stations significant increasing trends were also observed for both winter and summer seasons. Trend analysis of the maximum temperature of Bijar and Sanandaj stations revealed an increasing trend for warm season. Sunshine duration and maximum temperature were found to be the most dominant variables influencing reference evapotranspiration in Kurdistan province.

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