This study seems to evaluate the implemented Farsi language curriculum in of primary school. To this end it employs an evaluative procedure by characterizing the desired characteristics of implementing Farsi curriculum in primary school and comparing it with the characteristics of implemented Farsi curriculum, in order to recognize the shortcomings, weaknesses and strengths of implemented curriculum with regard to the curriculum components. The evaluation model stems from goal-oriented and management-oriented models of educational evaluation and uses mixed methods research in gathering data and applying research tools. The specific research goals of Iran's primary school Farsi curriculum evaluation includes four specified objectives: 1) explaining the desired characteristics of implementing Farsi curriculum in primary school; 2) exposing the characteristics of implemented Farsi curriculum in first cycle of primary school; 3) comparing the desired characteristics of implementing and the characteristics of implemented Farsi curriculum; and finally 4) examining the vertical coherence of the implemented Farsi Curriculum. To respond to the evaluation questions, field research was employed by using different tools including questionnaire on desired characteristics, observation of Farsi curriculum primary school classes, using the reports of reporting teachers in selected schools during the academic year, some interview with selected teachers and questionnaire on teachers’ viewpoints has been accomplished. The findings indicate that there are some shortcomings, obstacles and weaknesses in the selected content, instructing methods, using the curriculum materials, resources and supplementary books, evaluation of student’ s achievement, the space, time-table and the climate of education in primary school.