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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Purpose: Many examples of the non-use of information can be seen among the different classes of people and even in our own profession. Thus the study of non-use of information and independent of use of information is very important. The aim of this paper is to introduce this type of information behavior.Methodology: This paper is a conceptul research based on an analytical critical approach.Findings: Presents and discusses Houston's taxonomy of conditions leading to compelled non-us of information (CNI). It also explains the cognitive barriers leading to this behavior, and helps to IS professionals for better understand of it. Thereby, contributes to the development of theoretical and practical aspects of the discipline. Conclusion: Understanding of CNI as an independent behavior and identifying the type of it and conditions that leading to it is necessary for all especially for IS professionals. It is also necessary to identify factors that influence this behavior, helping them as much as possible to drive this behavior out of compulsion ad unavoiadable conditions, and reduce it in themselves and their users.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Purpose/context: Nowadays having an ineffective system in determining the kind of published books, distribution, pricing, promotion and probably more important, the lack of expert and skilled sellers in this business has confronted the selling process of story books to numerous challenges. This problem is exacerbated since many publishers of non-educational books have poor information of story book marketing mix. Regarding to this gap, the purpose of this research is to study the effect of marketing mix elements on story book buying.Methodology: To conduct this survey, a sample encompassing 420 individuals among story book buyers at book stores in shiraz using regional method are selected randomly. Facevalidity approach and two reliability approaches including cronbach's alpha (0.82) and split half (0.79) are used to test and confirm questionnaire validity and reliability.Findings: Findings show that the people element among marketing mix elements has the highest effect on story book buying and the lowest effect belongs to the promotion. On the other hand customer demography could have moderated the effect of some marketing mix elements including product, promotion and people on story book buying.

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    1 (61)
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Purpose: In the medium-term plan of improvement and development of public library, one of the key roles is the promotion of public participation's level. With this approach, this paper attemps to compare the relative performance of institutional and participatory public libraries.Methodology: The method of this study is a descriptive- analytical method. Six input and three output indexes are extracted from statistical documentat. The statistical population is all provinces of Iran in 1389 and 1390. In addition, data envelopment analysis model is used for calculating of performance.Findings: The results show fixed position of Sistan Baloochestan and Hamedan in the top of performance provinces' list in participatory libraries and fixed position of Yazd, Azarbayjan Gharbi and Fars at the bottom of performance provinces' list in institutional libraries. Khorasan Jonoobi, Sistan-O- Baloochestan, IIam and sernnan have appropriate rank in overall. The changes are a sign of good management's deficiency in participatory libraries. The main reason of this result can be the yongness of these libraries.Conclusion: In general, it can be said that the participatory libraries are not stable structurally and organizationally yet; however, they are more efficient than institutional libraries.

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    1 (61)
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Purpose: The goal of this research is to Investigate the status of Bibliographic Records In Iranian National Library's OPAC in order to RDA Rules.Methodology: This research is done through a survey method and with descriptive -analytical approach. The sample of this research is 1794 fields existed in 111 bibliographic records on Iranian history subject that cataloged in two years (1386, 1390).Findings: Findings show that there is existing coincidence between 88% fields of bibliographic records with RDA rules. The most bugs that are recognized are non- coincidence between 47.07% records and 11.20% fields with RDA, non- entering correct information in 31.38% records and 7.46% fields, non- entering information in correct fields in 12.41% records and 2/95% fields, cataloging errors in 5/15% records and 1.22% fields and type errors in 3.98% records and 0.94% fields. The most bugs except noncoincidence with RDA rules are more in 1386 than 1390. other one out put of this research is Mapping Table of Iran Mark- RDA that used for bibliographic records control.

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    1 (61)
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Purpose: The aim of this research is to evaluate the e-readiness of Tabriz university libraries. So this study aims to investigate the level of e-readiness of Tabriz University Libraries in five dimensions: organization and management, human resources, information, ICT, and Communication with the external environment (other organizations).Methodology: The method applied in this research is survey method with a descriptive approach, and the gathering data tool is questionnaire. To do the research, a model for measuring the e-readiness of academic libraries was developed based on IUP, which has been designed to measure the ereadiness of organizations dealing with information.Finding: The analysis of collected data from 16 libraries (15 faculty libraries and 1 central library), show that the central library in three dimensions, i.e., organization and management (4.31), information (3.52), and ICT (4.15), and with overall average (3.54 compared with other libraries has the best status. The library of the Faculty of the Natural sSciences has abetter situation in two dimension, i.e., human resources (3.26), and external environment (3.17), and its overall average is 3.19. Also the University of Tabriz libraries had an overall e-readiness with 2.44 points from maximum possible 5 points which is not desirable. In this view, the external environment dimension (2.31) has the greatest weakness, and the ICT dimension (2.73) has the best situation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (61)
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Objective: This study examined the overlap and possible replacement of printed Persian journals in Shahid Chamran University (SCU) Libraries with electronic Persian journals available through the Regional Information Center for Science and Technology.Methods: A survey method was applied. The electronic journals of the Regional Information Center for Science and Technology listed by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology in 1390 and subsequent comparison with the print journals of SCU Libraries were matched against one another. The research population in this study consisted of all journals held in the college libraries of SCU University in the years 1389-1382 and also the available electronic journals in Regional Information Center for Science and Technology.Results: The comparison of SCU print journals revealed that SCU subscribed only 28% of these journals in printed form. The collection of electronic journals at the Regional Information Center for Science and Technology showed that 44% of the journals qualified by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology are shared. The extent of the overlap between the journals held by the two centers was 17.95 percent.Originality /value: research has focused on the study of Persian scientific journals conducted at SCU not be paid, and this is unique in this respect.

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    1 (61)
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Purpose The article analyzes the architectural design of National Library of Iran with respect to its circulation paths in order to determine how the organization of circulation can affect the time needed for reching different parts of a library.Methdology: The findings are generated mostly through field study relying on methods of information gathering classified by Roger G. Hershberger as Diagnostic Observation, Walk-Through, Space Inventory, Trace Observation, Behavioral Mapping and Systematic Observation. Part of the data extracted from architectural maps using AutoCAD program and mathematically analyzed using excel software. The final data is presented in form of charts and tables. Statistical population consists of an equal number of users of the library in each sex group and the data is gathered at two different times of the year (summer and autumn).Findings: The main circulation centers of the library were identified. The interviewees were asked after their visit to describe their path within the building and how they had moved between such centers. The number of mtimes each path was used was thus determined. Using the architectural plan of the building the distances between different circulation centers and hence,  the time spent for such movement, were calculated. The variation of the final data determines whether there is a meaningful relation between the architecrural design and the actual circulation.Conclusion: In an ideal architectural design, particularly in the case of buildings with important functions, an inflexible architecture and a great number of users, there must be a meaningful relationship between the number of visits and the length of a circulation path. The method proposed in this article might help evaluate such a relationship. The Nationa Library of Iran seems to be far from such a standard.Orginality / value: The results of the study not only can help evaluate the efficiency of the architectural design of the National Library, rather suggest a method for evaluating the architectural design of existing buildings proposing a ciriterion for design of buildings where circulation is a major concern.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (61)
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Purpose: This research alms to analyze the effect of co-authorship strategies on productivity of information science researchers and to determine the relationship between co-authorship social networks structure·and productivity of Information Science researcheres.Methodology: Social network analysis is used as the research method. The research population includes all those researchers who have published at least one record in one of the twenty journals of information science which has an impact factor of 0.635 as a minimum from the years 1996 to 2010.Results: The One-Way ANOV A results showed that co-authorship strategies differed between different groups of researchers in information science discipline. As the findings indicated co-authorship strategies affected on factors productivity as those researchers who used cohesion strategy had the highest productivity.Findings: The Results from variance regression analysis revealed that about 52% of researchers' productivity variable variance was determined by factors such as constraint, efficiency network size and gender. Generally, it can be concluded that the variables such as network size, constraint, efficacy and gender simultaneously have a significant predictive power. Therefore, the values of researchers' productivity variable can be calculated based on four variables of network size, constraint, efficiency and gender. The higher coefficient factor of network size shows the more importance of this particular variable in predicting the criterion variables.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1299

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    1 (61)
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Purpose: Unemployment as a fundamental problem in society,  particularly among graduates of higher education system in our country has known. Library and Information Science graduates also because of lack of proper understanding and neglects which had been occurred faced with much of job less problems than the other graduates. Thus, the development of their entrepreneurial knowledge and ability is an important factor to organize their employment in the future. The main purpose of this research is a A comparative assessment of psychological characteristics that influence the cognitive entrepreneurial attitude in medical library and information sciences students in Medical University of SciencesMethodology: This is a Descriptive - survey research. Ihe statistical society is the Master of Science students of medical library and information sciences in Tehran, Shahid Beheshti, Isfahan, Kerman, and Booshehr Universities of Medical Sciences, which are about 86 students and all of them were surveyed. The research tool was a questionnaire that its validity confirmed by Medical Library and Information Sciences and Entrepreneurship teachers and its reliability calculated with Cronbach's alpha in 0.95.Findings: Among the psychological characteristics, creativity and risking in females were higher than males. Also, it was revealed that there wwas no significant differences between students based on the different universities in characteristics of cognitive psychology of entrepreneurship did not exist.Conclusion: This research suggests the development of business skills and holding Entrepreneurship training in order to strengthening Entrepreneurship abilities in students and enrichment these courses with Medical Library and Information Sciences and health needs by Establishing entrepreneurship centers are the suggestions of this research.

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    1 (61)
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Purpose: The aim of this research is to evaluate of the acquaintance and acceptance level of the members of the research hall in Astan Quds Razavi regarding the" project "consulting research services to researchers".Methodolgy: This research is a survey with an applied approach.Findings: Results showed that the most important reason and motivation of researchers for using the researcher's hall was to do their proposed theses. Most respondents completely agreed with the library training courses for the improvement of searching skiIls among the members. Also, learning research methods and use of online and offline databases as well as electronic information resources were identified as the most challenging topics.Conclusions: Regarding to researchers' opinion, the best method to make a mutual relation between researchers and the counselors is to develop brochures and leaflets. Researchers also asked for inviting counselors from the Humanities and Islamic studies. From their point of views, the best time for using of research counselors and for organizing training courses is during afternoons.

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