Purpose: The aim of this research is to evaluate the e-readiness of Tabriz university libraries. So this study aims to investigate the level of e-readiness of Tabriz University Libraries in five dimensions: organization and management, human resources, information, ICT, and Communication with the external environment (other organizations).Methodology: The method applied in this research is survey method with a descriptive approach, and the gathering data tool is questionnaire. To do the research, a model for measuring the e-readiness of academic libraries was developed based on IUP, which has been designed to measure the ereadiness of organizations dealing with information.Finding: The analysis of collected data from 16 libraries (15 faculty libraries and 1 central library), show that the central library in three dimensions, i.e., organization and management (4.31), information (3.52), and ICT (4.15), and with overall average (3.54 compared with other libraries has the best status. The library of the Faculty of the Natural sSciences has abetter situation in two dimension, i.e., human resources (3.26), and external environment (3.17), and its overall average is 3.19. Also the University of Tabriz libraries had an overall e-readiness with 2.44 points from maximum possible 5 points which is not desirable. In this view, the external environment dimension (2.31) has the greatest weakness, and the ICT dimension (2.73) has the best situation.