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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


طلوع بهداشت

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    1 (مسلسل 28)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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طلوع بهداشت

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    1 (مسلسل 28)
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Background: Dyes are structurally complex materials which enter the environment due to various textile industry processes like dyeing and cloth completion processes. Methylene blue is one of the cationic dyes which is now used in textile industry. Textile industrial wastewaters are one of the important sources of environmental contaminants. The aim of this research is photo catalytic degradation of methylene blue dye with the TiO2 Nan particle with UV-C irradiation using batch and tubular reactor. Methods: In this research, photo catalytic degradation of methylene blue dye was studied using different concentration of TiO2 Nan particles (with lower than 21 nm of size) under UV irradiation in a batch and tubular reactor. The variables were: concentrations of color, titanium dioxide nana-particles and air Bubbling. The results of this research show that removal of methylene blue dye has direct correlation with the time of UV irradiation. All tests were performed in neutral pH (pH:7).Results: The best efficiency results for dye removal and COD in the batch reactor were 100 and 42.2 % respectively. However the best color removal efficiency and COD results in tubular reactor were 93 and 47.8% for titanium dioxide nana particle concentration of 1.2 gr/l-1 during 60 minutes. Furthermore as color concentrations increased, color removal rate decreased. Conclusion: Finally, it was concluded that model of batch reactor is the best efficiency that may be selected with regard to the characteristic of textile wastewater, desired treatment efficiency and the discharge standards.

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Background: Pervious studies have shown that food-handlers personal hygiene plays a major role in food contamination and food poisoning prevention. By law, all food handlers must attend training courses specified for these professions in order to satisfy practical amendment of food, drink, cosmetics and health materials. In this study we evaluated the effect and outcome of a personal hygiene training course offered by health training centers in the city of Shiraz in 2006.Methods: In this study 58 subjects were evaluated. The data collection methods were observation and questionnaires. Fifteen questions in the abstraction tool were based upon the practical amendment of food, drink, cosmetics and health materials in Article 13 and related role regulations. Analytical methods of statistical implementation were conducted by SPSS package. Results: Analytical results indicated 96.4% of the subjects were directly involved in food preparation. Results revealed that knowledge of the subjects' personal hygiene was significantly better before and after training session. However, no difference was observed on practice comparing before and after training.Conclusion: Evaluation of the effect and outcome of the personal hygiene training course, offered by health training centers in Shiraz, Fars province, before and after the training session, did not have the desired improvement in personal hygiene during food preparation. Therefore, changes are necessary in practical implementation of personal hygiene and food preparation as well as enforcement of health laws found in Article 13. In addition, training session materials at health training centers need to include more information regarding consequences of diseases caused by poor hygiene and food preparation to improve outcomes and to protect the public from food related diseases.

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Background: Recycling is the techniques and methods through which, the reusable wastes are separated and are returned to the nature and industry cycle. In this study, produced wastes in Ardakan city were analyzed due to developing a managerial plan.Method: In this research for recognition of the waste materials based on the most recent global guidelines, sampling from10 different areas of Ardakan was made for 10 days in each midseason and each month from 2008Jul to 2009Jul separately.Results: The results of the research indicated that 35.5 tons of wastes are produced in Ardakan city out of which 58.53% of wastes are made of organic materials, 8.9% 0f paper, newspaper and card boxes, 3.8% 0f glass, 6.30% of metals and 10.1% made of plastic and PET. In sum, around 87.63% of wastes of Ardakan city could be consumed again (compost and recycle) and since 29% of the wastes are dry recyclable wastes, around 10 tons of dry recycle could be recycled. In sum, annually 12535.5 tons of wastes are recyclable out of which 3656 tons are dry wastes. Conclusion: According to the estimated data, the total price of the recycled elements is 18292400 Rails per day. This is a large amount and could meet the demands of parts of costs related to collection, transportation and final disposal of urban wastes. By performing recycling plans in production center, not only there will be savings in raw materials but also new jobs will emerge. In addition, environment pollution is decreased and communication of diseases caused by wastes in the society is prevented significantly.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (28)
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Background: Dental caries and periodontal diseases is one of the most prevalent human disorders wasting a large amount of families, time and money. Dentistry experts believe that the only way to reduce caries and periodontal diseases is to pay more attention to prevention measures the first step of which can be promoting hygiene culture. School plays an important role in this regard. This study reviews the status of knowledge and attitude of high school teachers on oral health in Yazd.Method: A cross- sectional study was designed in 2009 and 2010. Teacher's in 10 high schools in Yazd were selected randomly. A 37-item questionnaire was developed including 7 demographic questions, 19 questions about self- care behaviors, 8 questions about awareness and three questions about function. Data were analyzed using SPSS 11 through Means index, Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis and chi square tests. Result: Out of 210 teachers, 54 were male and 156 were female. Totally 186 of them were undergraduate and 24 were master students and above. The average age of the participants was 37.37±4.98. Overall findings showed that 71 subjects enjoyed good awareness, 136 had moderate awareness, and 3 others poor awareness. The average score of the subjects was 13.88±2.43. Average level of awareness in females was 13.66±2.45 and in males 14.51 ±2.27 and the difference was statistically significant. The awareness of the subjects with low income was 14.58, middle income was13.74 and high income 16.66 and the differences were significant. According to the results taken with increase in age, the degree of teachers, awareness on oral health increased but the difference was not significant. Also, 87 subjects had poor attitude, 119 had moderate attitude but 4 enjoyed good attitude towards oral health, and the mean score of their attitude was 10.34±3.42. But the average attitude was not significant for any of the demographic variables.Conclusion: According to the results of this study, it can be said that the quality of oral health in schools requires teachers' increased awareness by using retraining courses taught by professionals, revision of the content of these retraining courses and increase in the scientific level of these courses. Given the good attitude of teachers on oral health issues, it seems that for improving their KAP they should have necessary cooperation with the dental health department of Education System and the training should be effective.

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    1 (28)
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Background: Although many activities have been done to control tuberculosis in Iran but unfortunately, tuberculosis is an important public health problem in Iran like many other developing countries. In this study, tuberculosis patients who had, for their diseases, file to be recorded were evaluated in Yazd and Shiraz at the same time. Method: This cross-sectional study was case series conducted in Yazd and Shiraz at the same time, and all the pulmonary tuberculosis patients who had file to be recorded entered into the study. We used questionnaire which recorded the patient's age, sex, occupation, nationality, smear and culture results, ESR and TB location.Results: Totally, 136 pulmonary tuberculosis case records (32 in Yazd, 104 in Shiraz) were evaluated. Most of the patients were 51-75 years old in Yazd and 26-50 years old in Shiraz (P-value = 0.00). Of the patients, 52.9% in Yazd were female and 63.7% in Shiraz were male (P-value =0.02). Positive smear rate in Yazd was 68.7% and in Shiraz 69.2%. Twenty three and half percent of tuberculosis patients in Yazd and 40.8% in Shiraz were Afghan and others were Iranian (P-value =0.01).About ESR, there was no significant difference in both sexes. Finally in both cities, 59.5% of patients had pulmonary tuberculosis and 40.8% extra pulmonary tuberculosis. The most common location of extra pulmonary tuberculosis was respectively lymph node, bone, and pleura. Conclusion: The rate of positive and negative smear of pulmonary tuberculosis is near the expectancy of WHO (70%), but extra pulmonary tuberculosis was more than expectancy so we suggest that diagnosis indices of extra pulmonary tuberculosis should be more considered.

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    1 (28)
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Background: Today, about 6 million elementary school students are studying in Iran. Due to physical characteristic and special behavior, these students are faced with environmental dangers more than adults. Hygiene and safety physical environment of schools has effective role in the students' health. The aim of this research was to determine physical environment health status of public primary school students in Shahrekord city in 2009.Methods: In the present descriptive study, all 37 public primary schools of Shahrekord city were surveyed using census methodology. Data were collected through checklist with 105questions including four sections. Validity tools confirmed content validity. Reliability tools confirmed inter-rater correlation coefficient. Check lists were completed by direct observation and exact measures by standard meter and review and observation documents. Data were analyzed by SPSS software version 16 through two-way variance analysis (p<0.01). Results: The results showed that health status of school buildings in 100% of schools was appropriate. Equipment and facilities in 47.4% of schools were suitable and in 52.6% were insufficient. Health facilities status in 36.8 %of schools was suitable and in 63.2% was insufficient. Safety physical environment status in 36.8% of schools was suitable and in 63.2% was insufficient. The results also indicated the health status of these buildings scored highest with a mean and standard deviation of 75.6±3.1 while status of health facilities scored lowest with the mean and standard deviation of 31.2±4.Conclusion: According to the results hygiene and safety physical environmental status did not have a satisfactory condition. Continuous checking of the condition helps to find weak and strong point in order to plan a better health condition of primary schools.

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    1 (28)
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Background: Traffic and problems around it is one of the important problems of industrial countries the prevention of which can develop the country and determine the health people's. Cycle drivers are considered as high risk drivers of the roads for sustaining most loss. While putting on helmet can decrease roads deaths and injuries up to 20%-45%, WHO statistics reports the suffering of 25% of traffic victims from head injuries. Method: This is a descriptive study conducted on 210 cycle drivers of Yazd city. The subjects were selected by cluster sampling method in 5 sections of the city. The data were collected by a questionnaire and were then analyzed by SPSS software .Different tests were used to analyze the data. Results: The results indicate that most of the cycle drivers (37.6%) was at the age group of 17-20.Those who enjoyed a driving certificate was 48.6% while 51.4% lacked it. Of them 43.3% used a helmet while 56.7% did not. Also 58.9% of the drivers intended to use a helmet in future. The mean grade score of the attitude of the drivers in the age group under 17 was 55.28±4.57 and their practice stood at 1±.57. Also the mean grade score of the attitude of the age group 17-20 was 55.08±6.77 while that for their practice score came to 1.54±.74.Conclusion: The results indicate that using helmet by cycle drivers can have an appropriate effect on their health. It is also shown that using helmet by these drivers is rather low so calling for a need to draw attention of the authorities to the idea.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (28)
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Background: Any organization tries to revitalize its staff by preparing face to face and distance short term training courses. Thus, the present study aimed to compare the effects of such courses on staff’s social empowerment. Method: This pseudo-experimental research covered 60 managers and chancellors of different educational degrees in Zabol who participated in a threeday leadership development training course on March 2010. The samples were divided into two groups: a control group (distanced training) and an experimental group (face to face training). Data collection tool was demographic information and a researcher-made questionnaire on the consistency, information sharing, responsibility and quality relationships. Questionnaires were completed by the subjects in two phases both, before and two weeks after the course. The data were analyzed using t-test for independent groups by SPSS software.Results: Face to face training course is more effective in social empowerment than distance training course. Conclusion: According to the results face to face training course is more effective. However; we should not neglect the fact that the main reason for such courses is mere training. So it seems necessary to look for the reasons of ineffectiveness 0f short-term distance training.

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Background: Identity is the sense of need to separation of other people who have many styles and has a very important role in adolescence. If adolescents are able to make structure of beliefs and costs for self or get this from other people and keep for them, that is named commitment.Two cases (identity style; identity commitment) can be affected by many of emotional response and satisfaction from life. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between identity styles; identity commitment and psychological well–being in girls in Qom city.Methods: Subjects were selected from the guidance school students of Qom city. They were 500 girls. Samples were chosen by cluster sampling. In this study Berzonsky’s identity styles inventory (1989), Mc kaminz psychological well–being inventory (2002), Pearson correlation, Z Fisher, and multivariate analysis were used for analysing the data.Results: Significant positive relationship was found between information and normative style of identity with identity commitment and psychological wellbeing (p<0/01). Significant negative relationship was observed between confuse identity style and identity commitment and psychological well –being (p<0/05). Conclusion: This study was congruent with most internal and external studies as well as being consistent with the notion of relationship between identity style, identity commitment and psychological well –being in girls.

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