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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Glomus jugulare tumors are encapsulated, slowly growing, highly vascular and locally invasive tumors. These tumors arise from para-ganglionic cells and they are histologically benign. The purpose of this study is to evaluate Gamma Knife Radiosurgery (GKRS) on the local tumor control.Methods: This study is an observational cross-sectional research in which thirty-four patients with histologically confirmed Glomus jugulare tumor underwent GKRS either as primary or an adjuvant therapeutic option. In 83% of patients, GKRS was the only treatment and the rest of the cases had previously undergone microsurgery. The tumor volume ranged from 1.7 to 2.3 cm3, and the Gamma Knife Radiosurgery was performed through 13 to 23 Grays and marginal dose of radiation with irradiation coverage of 35 to 70%. The median follow-up period after surgery was 24 months. The results were analyzed with SPSS V.11.5 and variants have been described as percentage or mean, median and standard deviation.Results: In the all patients the tumor size decreased or remained unchanged. No patient had a tumor growth after the prescribed treatment dose; and the major reported complication was the peri-tumoral brain edema.Conclusion: The findings of this study showed that GKRS is an important option for Glomus jugulare tumors either as primary or adjuvant treatment. However, longer follow-up period is necessary to further clarify the long-term outcomes.

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Background: Infection due to genital Mycoplasmas such as Mycoplasma hominis (M.hominis) and Ureaplasma urealyticum (U.urealyticum) may have harmful effects on the reproductive health of men and may lead to male infertility. This study was performed to compare culture with PCR method for detection of these bacteria in infertile men who referred to the Royan Institute.Methods: In this descriptive-analytic, cross-sectional study semen samples were collected from 220 infertile men and divided to 3 sections: first section was used for semen analysis, second section was inoculated into PPLO broth transport media and passed through 0.45mm pore-size filters, then filtrates were inoculated into specific PPLO broth and agar media and incubated at 37oC under elevated CO2 atmosphere and the third section was used for PCR in which U4 and U5 primers were used for amplification of Urease gene of U. urealyticum and RNAH1 and RNAH2 for amplification of 16S rRNA gene of M. hominis. The results were analyzed with SPSS V.16 software. For data analysis ANOVA, Post Hoc, Crosstabs, Chi square and Mc Nemar tests were used.Results: From a total of 220 semen samples tested, 3.2% were positive with culture and 4.1% with PCR method for only M. hominis; meanwhile 27.7% were positive with culture and 29.1% with PCR for only U. urealyticum. Also 5% of the samples in culture and 11.4% in PCR method were positive for both of the bacteria; evaluation of semen parameters showed that in both culture and PCR methods, pH was lower in the two groups of “only U. urealyticum positive” and “positive for both bacteria” as compared to the group “negative for both bacteria” (p=0.006 and p=0.000 respectively for culture and PCR) and the mean of sperm motility was lower in group “positive for both bacteria” than the group “only U.urealyticum positive” in two methods: p=0.032 (culture), p=0.009 (PCR).Conclusion: Results of this study showed that higher percentage of infertile men are infected with these bacteria which may lead to infertility; thus, isolation of these bacteria in infertile men with no clinical symptoms is necessary. PCR as compared to culture is a more sensitive, quick, specific and fast method.

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Background: Contrary to adults, primary and metastatic involvement of CNS is a rare condition in pediatric malignant tumors. With CNS involvement the prognosis will be poor and practical treatment modalities will decline; so new approaches must be reviewed. The aim of this study was to find out the incidence of CNS involvement in different childhood malignancies. Also the survival analysis was determined.Methods: This study is a cross-sectional project conducted on children with different extra CNS malignancies with metastases to CNS in a 10 year period from 1998 to 2008. These children were admitted in Hematology and Oncology ward of Hazrat-e-Ali Asghar Childrens hospital. CNS involvement was diagnosed by radiological (invasion of dura by tumor) or clinical evidences. Data were analyzed by Chi square and t-tests; SPSS v>17 was also used. P<0.05 was considered as significant. Kaplan Mayer was used for survival data analysis.Results: A total of 414 patients with primary extra-CNS malignancies including non-Hodgkin lymphoma (2 out of 46), Hodgkin lymphoma (1 out of 75), Neuroblastoma (4 out of 87), Rhabdomyosarcoma (1 out of 58), Osteosarcoma (1 out of 36), Retinoblastoma (3 out of 63), Burkit lymphoma (3 out of 33), Rhabdoid tumor of kidney (1 out of 1), and Germ cell tumor of ovaries (1 out of 57) and totally 17 patient (4.1%) had CNS involvement. Mean age was 8.91±4.4096 (1-19) years. Mean age during primary tumor diagnosis was 5.97 years and that of CNS involvement was 8.33 years. Mean time span between diagnosis of primary tumor and CNS involvement was 29.24 months (SD=34.296, Median+18, Range=2-120). In 17 patients with CNS metastasis, 52.9% were males and 47.1% were females. The most prevalent clinical manifestation was seizure (47.1 %) and the least one was back pain (5.9%). Overall survival was 50.7% (median time=21.5 months) and for Progression survival was 64.7 % (median time=18 months). Mean survival duration from diagnosis of CNS involvement till death was 2 months (SD=1.54919, Median=1, Range=1-6) and that of diagnosis of primary tumor till death was 29.09 months (SD=35.10970, Median=19, Range=3-122). Finally there was 11 death reports (64.7%).Conclusion: According to results, CNS metastases in children with extra –brain tumors are rare and their prediction is difficult.

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Background: Oral reactive lesions are localized growth hyperplasia in oral mucosa caused by irritant factors. There is not enough information on relative prevalence of reactive lesions in Iranian population. The purpose of this study was to ascertain the prevalence of reactive lesions and its demographic data, clinical features, pathology and treatment procedure during a six year period.Methods: In this retrospective study, all laboratory records of oral pathology were studied. Records with pathologic diagnosis of reactive lesions were chosen. Information from these records was recorded in tables. Reactive lesions were subdivided into soft (fibrous and hemorrhagic) and intra-osseous types. The frequency of information was analyzed Chi- Square test. SPSS V.17 was used for data analysis.Results: From 443 oral lesions, 35.2% were reactive, 59% were seen in females and 56% were seen in patients aged less than 40 years. Meanwhile 95.5% of the reactive lesions were in soft tissue. Histopathologically, 59% were fibrous and 53.5% were pedunculated. The most common reactive hemorrhagical and fibrous lesions were pyogenic granuloma and irritation fibroma, respectively. Treatment was done with incisional biopsy and deletion of the etiologic factors.Conclusion: It was suggested from the results of the study that reactive lesions have higher prevalence in the oral cavity. They are more common in females and under 40 years of age. The soft tissue reactive lesions are more common than the intra- osseous lesions which may be due to fact that they are more in contact with the localized irritative factors. The most common pathological lesions are fibrous with smooth surface.

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View 1042

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Background: Scaphoid fracture, as the most common fracture of the wrist, is complicated sometimes by non-union. The purpose of this study is to compare radiologic and functional outcomes in patients with scaphoid non-union who were treated by bone graft with fixation (pin or screw) or without fixation.Methods: In this cohort retrospective study, all patients with scaphoid non-union who presented and underwent operation from 2004 through the first six-months of 2009 in Shafa Yahayaian hospital were invited. Of the total 58 patients, 37 patients (39 non-unions) were included. Using wrist radiography (AP and lateral) and Modified Green-O’Brien classification, union and functional outcomes were assessed respectively and results were compared with Chi-square test. Data analysis was done with SPSS V.13.0.Results: Twenty-seven surgeries (69.2%) were done by fixation and 12 (30.8%) without fixation. In fixation group, 25 cases (92.6%) had union and in the other group (non fixation) all 12 patients (100%) had union (p=0.4). In the fixation group 2 patients had fair, 17 had good, and 8 had excellent results. In the other group, one, 7, and 4 patients had fair, good, and excellent results, respectively (p=0.9).Conclusion: Decision to perform fixation or not is based on operation findings, non-union type and surgeon’s opinion and experience. Based on the obtained results, there was no significant difference regarding union rate and functional class between the two studied groups.

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View 1384

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Background: Headache is one of the most popular clinical presentations especially in children. The aim of this study was to study the prevalence of migraine and tension headache and its related factors among the students of Guidance schools in Yazd city.Methods: It was a descriptive and cross-sectional study implemented in 2008 in Yazd city. The study group consisted of 930 school children. Data was gathered with a questionnaire based on International Criteria for Headache Disease (ICHD) that was invented by International Headache Symposium (IHS). Statistical analysis was performed by Chi-square test and Logistic regression.Results: Among 930 cases studied 114 (12.3%) had migraine and 39 (4.2%) had tension headache. There was significant relationship between migraine and sex (p=0.002), and migraine and age (p=0.029). In patients with insomnia the prevalence of migraine and tension headache was 21% and 6.6%, respectively and significant in case of migraine (p=0.005). The prevalence of positive familial history was 13.8% in migraine group (p-0.007) and 5.1% in tension headache group (p=0.005) that was significant in both group. Also 26.6% of patients with migraine reported absence from school (p=0.00). Visual and somatic aura were significant in migraine (p=0.005 and p=0.001, respectively). Meanwhile, 26.5%of patients with migraine were visited by physician (p=0.00), but only 4% (p=0.159) of patients with tension headache reported this history.Conclusion: The result of the study shows that migraine headache generally is severing and can cause absence from school and failure in school studies. Based on this study we recommend detecting the children with migraine headache and educating them the related prevention and coping methods.When needed, they can be referred to a specialist for drug treatment.

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Background: The important issue in the application of Photodynamic Therapy (PDT), as one of the fundamental basis of new treatment for cancerous lesions, is optimal dosimetry. In this context, it is necessary to obtain enough information about the drug concentration within the target tissue. On the other hand, the fact that ALA itself is not a photosensitizer and causes the production of Protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) in target tissue, determining the amount of PpIX produced in the target tissue is important for PDT dosimetry. Thus, in this study fluorometry and fluorescence spectroscopy have been investigated to determine the concentration of PpIX within the target tissue.Methods: This study was carried out in vivo on CT26 cell line of Balb/c mouse. In this context, first by subcutaneous injection of 106 CT26 cells into right side of 18 Balb/c mice (6-8 weeks old, weighting 20- 28 gr), colon carcinoma tumors were induced. Then, tissue concentration of PpIX was determined by using two methods: fluorometry and fluorescence spectroscopy. Statistical analysis of data, after ensuring normal distribution of data in the 95% confidence, was conducted using student’s t-test in SPSS V.12 software.Results: Based on the results, appropriate PpIX fluorescence excitation wavelength is 407 nm. Also, 8 hours after injection of ALA, PpIX accumulation reaches its maximum and then the process of drug discharge begins. Thus if there is no problem to keep the patient in the dark room, the best time for radiation of treatment laser is 8 hours after ALA injection. On the other hand, in both methods by measuring the fluorescence spectrum of tissue and based on the standard curve determined for PpIX, the concentration of PpIX within the tumor tissue was determined.Conclusion: Considering the importance of determining the amount of drug accumulated within the tissue, both in clinical applications of PDT and modeling of PDT dosimetry which is a step in order to optimize this therapy, both methods; fluorometry and fluorescence spectroscopy; are effective. However fluorescence spectroscopy, as being noninvasive and allowing real time measurement, is preferd to fluorometry.

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Introduction: Recently, soft tissue augmentation has become popular due to its simple usage. Autologous fat is one the safest fillers for this purpose. On the other hand, healing effects of autologous platelet gel on acute and chronic human skin wounds have been shown in some recent studies and there are some preliminary evidences in this subject. Therefore, in this study the effect of subcutaneous injection of autologous fat versus the combination of autologous fat and platelet gel in the treatment of wrinkles and atrophies is reported in 6 cases in order to evaluate a new safe and economic way for the improvement of such common skin defects.Case Report: Six volunteers including 2 men and 4 women with the age range of 40 to 70 years were recruited in this study which was performed on 12 folds with each subject serving as his or her own control. After the preparation of platelet gel form one pack of individuals’ blood in Iran Blood Transfusion Organization they were referred to the dermatology clinic of Hazrat-e-Rasool Akram Hospital. In order to omit the confounding effects of individual factors, both two sides of lateral nasolabial folds underwent injections; one with the combination of autologous fat and platelet gel and the other with autologous fat alone. Healing was monitored for spontaneous wrinkles by clinical assessment and by digital photographs over a 6-months period on baseline (before injection), day 1 (after injection), and months 1, 2, 3 and 6. All of the patients experienced a better improvement in the wrinkles under the injection of the combination of autologous fat and platelet gel in comparison to the other side which was injected only with autologous fat. This difference was particularly more considerable after 6 months follow-up. In addition, no complication was observed in wrinkles under the combination therapy, while hematoma occurred in the 2 nasolabial folds that were injected with autologous fat alone.Conclusion: For the first time the effect of subcutaneous injection of autologous fat was compared with the combination of autologous fat and platelet gel in the treatment of wrinkles and atrophies in our study. It is shown that autologous fat in combination with platelet gel may have better cosmetic results in the healing of nasolabial wrinkles and atrophy and also associated with lesser complications (e.g.hematoma). However, the findings of this pilot study should be evaluated in some larger studies with a higher sample size.

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