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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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In this survey two genera of aromatic plants (Thymus& ziziphora) from viewpoint of characterization and ecological demands in kurdistan province. Results showed that there were 6 different species of genus of thymus in transcaucasicus and daenensis with 2 sub species comprising to daenensis and lancifolia in areas with 1560-2200maltitude and mostly in north and west north directions. Prenial species of ziziphora clinopodioides distributed between I450-2000maltitude and mostly companion with species of Thymus in different areas of Kurdistan. Mentioned aromatic plants in addition to aromatic and medicin value, cause their extensive canopy inflounce on soil conservation.

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Robinia pseudoacacia (Black locust) are an ornamental tree with beautiful flowers. Its main distribution is North America which spreads to Europe, Asia and Iran. Today, it is naturalized in Iran and grows in every where.Previously, we reported chemical composition of the essential oil and absolute of hexan extract of R. pseudoacacia. In this research, the flavonoids from flowers and leaves of Robinia pseudoacacia were investigated. The extracts of flowers and leaves of R. pseudoacacia were obtained by Sochselet apparatus (by petroleum ether, benzen, chloroform, acetone and methanol) and also by macceration in methanol-water (9: 1) and then methanol-water (1:1) and extraction with chlorform and hexan. After purification and separation of the extracts by P.C, HPLC, column and flash chromatography, two flavonoids, Quercetine and Robinine were obtained as pure compounds. Structures of the compounds were charachterized by HPLC (using standards), U.V. and IHNMR.

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Ziarat Biosphers Reserve covers an area 65I hectares situated in the Golestan provinces, at different altitude (650- 2250 m), in this geographical area, remarkable endemic and unique plants are spreading of their compatibility and extraordinary conformity concerning the environmental a climatic adaptive have been taken in to account among the valuable herbaceous genetic reserves and in order to recognition of their chemical compositions and effective material during the recent decades, extensive researches have been done by different research and university centers. Fortunately, some company agro - industry associations in production of many kind of drugs. The result obtained from their continued efforts is the production of many kinds of drug with herbaceous source which are possessing the justification from the ministry of Health.Non - economical collection if medicinal plants in traditional from demonstrated the necessity of their cultivations in the form of, echanized cultivatidrs and agro industry associations. Therefore, to achieve the purpose, the recognition of ecologic, phenologic needs of plants in inevitable.In this article 107 plant species are reported from the area. They are including 42 family and 103 genera. Therophytes (20.6%), Hemicryptophyte (11.2%), Geophytes (36.4%) Phanerophytes (19.6%) and chamaephytes (12.1%) are the most important life forms of the reserve.Also traditional Current uses, Botany characteristic, the methods for increasing, geographical distribution, chemical composition, the way of using, usable parts of the plant and finally their medicinal figures have been presented.

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The erial parts of Geranium rotundifolium L. were collected during the flowering stage from National Botanical Garden of Iran in Jun 2001. Dry leaves of the plant were hydrodistilled for obtaining the essential oil. No significant amount of the oil was produced so it was separated from water by adding diethyl ether, and analysed by GC and GC/MS.The major constituents determind in leaf oil were a-terpinyl acetate (39.3%) and pulegone (27.7%), respectively.

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The Jujube tree is a valuable medicinal plant that is considered as an important traditional medicine. It is spread in different parts of Iran with different climatic conditions so it has a wide ecological tolerance range. Jujube is being found from humid and low altitude region in Caspian Sea littoral to dry and deserty region in Yazd and Tabas and also Fars and Lorestan mountains.The variety of Jujube locations shows genetic diversity of it which is being used in gardens and natural fields with difference environmental conditions leading us to different quantity and quality of chemical components and ingredients needed for preparation of medicines, In additional protect of Jujube germinative is necessary, because it is warning in many ways. This study was executed for finding Jujube ecotype & genetic diversity in Iran in 1999-2002. Ecotypes of Jujube were found in 15 provinces of Iran and stool shoot from 29 regions planted in Badieii research station located in western part of Qom for morphologic and phenologic studies (every ecotype 5 stool shoot from 29 regions planted in Badieii research station located in western part of Qom for morphologic and phenologic studies (every ecotype 5 stool shoots).Characters of growth and birth orderly were recorded. Analysis of variance indicated that leaf length and width in every repeat had significant differences.

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The compostion of the oils from flower and leaf of Achillea eriophora DC is reported. The plant were collected during the flowering period from 25 km away from Shiraz in park Bamoo alt. 1650 m. in July 2003. The essential oils were obtained by different methods of distillation (steam distillation and hydrodistillation), the percentage of oils for flower and leaf were 1% and 0.9%, and 1.2% and 0.9% respectively, and calculated on the basis of dry weight and analyzed by GC and GC/MS.The major constituents determined by steam distillation method in flower were 1,8-cineole (45%), b -pinene (16.6%) and (E)-nerolidol (7.6%) and in leaf were 1,8-cineole (41.5%), (E)-nerolidol (10%) and b-pinene (9.8%) and by hydrodistillation method in flower were 1,8-cineole (41.3%), b -pinene (12.4%) and a-thujene (6.5%) and in leaf were 1,8-cineole (41.%), (3-pinene (13.8%) and terpinen-4-01 (9.1%), respectively.

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View 1288

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The effect of making wounds (incision) on bulgy roots of Ferula gumosa was studied in order to find the survival rate and yield of plants. This project was conducted over 4 years in Houmand absard station. Different sizes of bulgy roots were collected from Lar valley in Tehran province then transplanted in to farm in Nov.1999. Three treatments were selected including making incision 3,4 and 5 times on the bulgy roots of 40 samples for each one that chose by random in sizes and control (treatment without incision) in July and August 2002.The survival rate and the yield of gum in different treatment were measured the result showed that the yield gum had decrease with the increase of incision times, average of production and survival in analysis variation compared. There is no significant difference between the numbers of treatments (incision) and also no significant difference between survivals of them in compare with control treatment.The highest production belongs to the three times incision and the lowest production belongs to the five times. After transplanting the roots from natural site to farm for gum extraction, more than two years rest for making new cambium and also bulgy roots with more than 15 cm. in diameter are needed.

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Rosa damascena Mill. Genotypes from different areas of Iran were cultivated at the experimental field of Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, using a three replicated randomized complete blocks design. 11 genotypes were compared based on flower yield and morphological characteristics, including plant height, canopy, spine density, spine length, branch angel and leaf number. Evaluation of the obtained data was performed using ANOVA, mean classification and correlation analysis. Genotypes showed significant differences in terms of the measured traits. Comparison of means, classified the genotypes in 3, 4 and 3 groups, based on flower yield, flower number, and average flower weight, respectively. Also, the genotypes were classified in different groups, based on morphological characteristics. The results also indicated that there is a good relationship between some of the measured traits, particularly between yield and number of flowers. It could be concluded from the results of different analyses that although the genotypes could be grouped based on geographical origins, flower yield and number and some of the morphological characteristics could be used as appropriate selection factors for classification of damask rose genotypes, in order to use in breeding programs.

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