Contents of inorganic elements are very important traits in plants. Some of the elements have causal effects on plant growth. Also, their effects on plant metabolism and therefore quality and quantity of essential oils. Thus, to obtain relatively good results, different parts of Rosa damascena Mill. genotypes were analyzed.In this research, plants collected from different provinces, including Tehran, Qazvin, East Azarbaijan and Golestan provinces and cultivated in the national botanical Garden (Tehran - Kraj highway), and samples were collected in May 2003.For determination and comparative study of inorganic elements like Na, K, Mn, Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu, P and N used different apparatus like induced Coupled Plasma (ICP), Kjeltce and spectrophotometer. Results are from different genotypes on petals and sepals of Rosa damascena Mill. From different states like Tehran, East Azarbaijan and Golestan were Na (127.4- 160.4ppm), K (24.48 - 35.88 ppm), Mg (9.11 - 10.61 ppm), Ca (60.54 - 65.41 ppm), Mn (0.073 - 0.094 ppm), Zn (0.162 - 0.35 ppm), Cu (0.207 0.30 ppm), P (0.19 - 0.28 mg/kg ) and N (0.95 - 1.77 %) in petals, and Na (110.2- 277.7ppm), K (25.72 - 38.53 ppm), Mg (12.36 - 24.27 ppm), Ca (57.63 - 196.3 ppm), Mn (0.105 - 0.185 ppm), Zn (0.156 - 0.62 ppm), Cu (0.166 0.32 ppm), P (0.23 - 0.39 mg/kg ) and N (2.26 - 2.90 %) in sepals.