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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (پیاپی 76)
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The genus Nepeta is one of the largest genera of the Lamiaceae family, and Iran, particularly, is one of the main centers of origin of this genus. Nepetalactones and flavonoids were reported as major constituents of Nepeta species, and the main cause of their medicinal value and biological properties. There are lots of reports related to biological activities of secondary metabolites of genus Nepeta showing the importance of this genus. In this work, the essential oil (EO) diversity of 21 wild populations from Nepeta kotschyi Boiss., Iranian endemic species, was investigated. For removing the environmental effect, the seeds of populations were planted in one place. Plant aerial parts were harvested at full flowering stage, and after shade-drying, their EO was extracted by hydrodistillation method. EO was quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed by GC and GC/MS. After botanical study and EO analysis, it was revealed that the populations were from two different varieties. Two populations including buyer-ahmad1 and Buyer-Ahmad2, were from N. kotschyi var. kotschyi, and others were stood in N. kotschyi var. persica. Twenty-four components were characterized in the EO of N. kotschyi. The highest amount of EO yield (w/w) was obtained in populations of var. kotschyi (0. 5-0. 7%). Three main chemotypes were identified among populations of var. persica based on the main component(s) of EO, including a containing NepI (4aα , 7α , 7aα-nepetalactone), b containing NepII (4aα , 7α , 7aβ-nepetalactone) and cubenol, and c containing geranyl acetate and cubenol. Except of semirom and Taft5 which were stood in b-chemotype, and Taft4 which was placed in cchemotype, other populations of var. persica, also populations of var. kotschyi, were stood in achemotype. In addition, based on the main component of EO, the populations of var. kotschyi were put in a-chemotype. In a-chemotype, the amount of NepI was obtained between %53. 9 (Chelgard) and %84. 8 (Buyer-Ahmad2), and NepII was measured between %1 (Taft1) and %13. 7 (Chelgard). In b-chemotype, the amount of NepI was measured between %0. 3 (Taft5) and %4. 9 (Semirom), and NepII was obtained between %13. 4 (Taft5) and 44. 7% (Semirom). NepIII (4aα , 7β , 7aα-nepetalactone) (1. 3-3. 3%) was characterized only in the EO of var. Kotschyi populations.

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    2 (76)
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In order to study the effects of zeolite, bio and organic fertilizers on the growth, yield and yield components of German Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L. ) in organic cultivation, an experiment was conducted at the research field of Tarbiat Modares University in 2005. The factors were PGPR inoculums (inoculated and no inoculated), zeolite (0 and 9 ton/ha) and vermicompost (0, 5, 10 ton/ha). The experimental design was factorial in a randomized complete blocks design with twelve treatments and three replications. Mean comparison was carried out using Duncan’ s multiple range test (at 5% level). Results showed that the highest value of flower yield (358. 13), biological yield (1572. 09), number of flower per plant (61. 09), flower diameter (21. 84) and height (45. 51) were obtained with PGPR inoculums. Zeolite also showed significant effects on mentioned traits except flower diameter and harvest index. With increasing of vermicompost levels, all traits were increased as the highest value of flower yield (434. 22), biological yield (1814. 30), number of flower per plant (72. 71), flower diameter (22. 35) and height (47. 91) were obtained with application of 10 ton/ha vermicompost. In addition, there were positive and synergistic interactions between vermicompost combined with PGPR and vermicompost combined with zeolite on dry flower yield, as the highest flower yield was obtained in v3b2 and v3z2 treatments with 448. 73 and 448. 7kg/ha, respectively.

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    2 (76)
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Recently, the application of SA has increased to improve plants’ resistance to stresses such as drought. Hence to investigate SA effects on morphophysiological characteristics of Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill. ) under drought stress, a split plot experiment based on latin square design with three replications was carried out at the research farm of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman in 2012. Three levels of drought stress (50, 75 and 100% of field capacity) and three concentrations of SA (0, 0. 5 and 1mM) were considered as main and sub-plot treatments, respectively. Foliar application of SA was performed at 3-to 4-leaf growth stage and before application of drought stress. Results showed that the drought stress reduced the number of fertile umbel/plant, the number of fertile umbellate/umbel, the number of grains/umbellate, relative water content, chlorophyll, carotenoids and grain yield, while increased electrolyte leakage when compared with control. Salicylic acid reduced electrolyte leakage, while increased the number of fertile umbel/plant, the number of fertile umbellate/umbel, the number of grains/umbellate, RWC, chlorophyll, carotenoids and grain yield when compared to control (No SA application). Interaction of drought stress × SA on the number of fertile umbel/plant, the number of fertile umbellate/umbel, RWC, carotenoids and grain yield was significant. Increasing photosynthetic pigments, RWC and decreasing electrolyte leakage indicates a reduction in oxidative damage and implies SA role in tolerance of fennel to drought stress.

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    2 (76)
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In recent years, W. coagulans (Stocks) Dunal (Fam. Solanaceae) has gained much attention, owing to the presence of a large number of steroidal lactones known as withanolides. Out of the several withanolides isolated from W. coagulans, the biological compound, withaferine A is pharmacologically important that due to the significant and specific therapeutic action in cancer, Parkinson and Alzheimer’ s disease. The present study was, therefore, undertaken to make an assessment of withaferin A content in the roots of different accessions of W. coagulans and in in vitro cultures. The seeds of five wild accssesion (USB001-5) were sown in greenhous. The cell suspension cultures were initialized from leaf explants derived callus on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium, supplemented with 30 gL-1 sucrose (w/v), 2. 0mg/l 2, 4-D and 0. 5 mg/l kinetin (Kin). Adventitious roots were induced directly from leaf segments on half strength MS medium (0. 8% agar) with 2 mgl-1 indole-3-butyricacid (IBA) and 30 gl-1 sucrose. The withaferin A content was evaluated by TLC and HPLC method using standard withaferin-A compound. The results showed the presence of withaferin A in all accessions (21. 01-44. 54 μ g/g D. W). In addition, there was significant differences among accession (P<0. 05). USB005 was found to have the highest withaferin A content (44. 54μ g/g D. W) and was selected for in vitro study. The results of in vitro study showed that withaferin A accumulation was higher in adventitious roots (21. 40± 1. 67 in 4 weeks and 66. 73± 0. 86 in 8 weeks old cultures) compared to cell suspension culture (6. 62± 2. 01). Nearly, adventitious root having withaferin A content 10 and 1. 5-fold higher when compared with the cell suspension and in vivo roots, respectively. Thus, our study demonstrates the in vitro root cultures potential for large-scale production of withaferin A.

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    2 (76)
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Jujube (Ziziphus jujube Mill. ) is a valuable medicinal tree, distributed in Iran. The fruit of this plant is used in food and pharmaceutical industries. In this study, some pytochemical, morphological and minerals of 23 Jujube (J1-J23), located in the Gazeroon research station in Qom province, were analyzed. Total soluble carbohydrate (TSC) of samples varied from 5. 54 to 23. 36%. The highest and lowest content of TSS was obtained from J1 (36. 13%) and J22 (16. 1%) ecotypes, respectively. J7 ecotype had the highest amount of total acidity (TA) (3. 31%). The protein amount of samples was between 5. 6 (J19) and 13. 5% (J7). The highest amount of N, P, K, Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn was obtained from J8 (2. 16%), J8 (0. 153%), J17 (1. 25%), J3 (28. 91 ppm), J4 (41. 12 ppm), J3 (50. 27 ppm), J1 (80. 23 ppm) and J8 (0. 35 ppm) ecotypes, respectively. Based on dendrogram from cluster analysis, the samples were divided into eight groups. The lack of consistency in cluster analysis could be due to the differences in genetic factors. Pearson’ s coefficients showed total soluble carbohydrate had significant correlation with TSS. In addition, correlation between fruit diameter with fruit length and length/diameter of fruit were significantly positive. Other chemical compositions do not show correlation with fruit morphological traits.

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    2 (76)
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Due to the exclusively biological and physicochemical characteristics of nanoparticles, they are widely used in biology and agriculture. Currently, silver nanoparticles (Nano-Ag) have wide application in nanotechnology. Nano-TiO2 as a semiconductor metal oxide nanocrystal has a special position in industrial world. The mentioned nanoparticles were used in cell culture of Aloe vera. In this study, the effects of nano-elicitors including Nano-Ag and Nano-TiO2 were investigated on cell suspension culture of Aloe vera. Manipulation of cell culture media by abiotic elicitors is an important way for inducing production of valuable metabolites. Aloin is the major anthraquinone compound found in Aloe vera. It has antimalarial, antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. The induced callus by elicitors was collected in five periods and analyzed by HPLC (High-performance liquid chromatograghy). Results showed that Nano-Ag caused to increased content of aloin to 43. 7% within 48 hours and then this amount was reduced to the control level. Nano-Tio2 caused to increased content of aloin to 11. 6% in 48 hours after elicitation; however, 168 h after treatment, it was reduced to 8. 8% as compared to the control. Results suggest that nanoelicitors can regulate the production of Aloin in Aloe vera.

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    2 (76)
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This research was aimed to investigate the effect of two infection methods (immersion and spray) and two Agrobacterium rhizogenes strains (strain A13 and GMI9534) to induce hairy roots on different explants (hypocotyl, cotyledon, leaf, and stem node) of Teucrium chamaedrys. Strain GMI9534 could not induce hairy roots in any of the explants, whereas strain A13 was only able to induce hairy roots in leaf and stem node explants. Infection by immersion method was more successful, with higher root induction efficiency (more than 73. 3%), and leaf explants showed the highest induction frequency (83. 3%). The transformed hairy root lines were confirmed by PCR using rolA and rolB gene-specific primers. Significant differences were shown among the 20 independent hairy root lines cultured on growth regulator-free MS solid medium for total root length and for the root branching. These variables were stable across subcultures and hence seven independent hairy root lines were selected based on these growth properties. Subsequently, the cultures for these hairy root lines were established in half-strength MS liquid medium to monitor their biomass production during a 90-day culture period. Considerable variations were observed in growth capacity among the lines. Line TC-HR-16 produced the highest fresh biomass (9100 mg/30 ml culture medium), a 455-fold increase over initial inoculum, during the 10-weeks culture period. The best-characterized hairy root lines, resulted in this study, can be used to improve the production of secondary metabolites of pharmaceutical values of T. chamaedrys.

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Shamsian S. | OMIDI M. | TORABI S.

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    2 (76)
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Aloe (Aloe vera L. ) is one of the most valuable plants in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food and health industries. Due to the growing need for this plant, extensive research has been done on in vitro culture. In vitro propagation of this plant is a convenient and efficient way for the massive proliferation and the use of secondary metabolites. In this study, the best method of sterilization for the explants derived from Aloe vera seedlings and the effects of growth regulators BAP, NAA, and activated charcoal were investigated. The experiment was based on a completely randomized (CRD) design with 3 replications and 5 treatments. BAP at concentrations of 5 and 4 mg per liter, NAA at 0. 2 mg per liter, and activated charcoal at 2 grams per liter were used in the MS-medium to induce the lateral buds of seedlings. Fungicide carbendazim 1% (20 min. ), alcohol 70% (30 seconds), sodium hypochlorite 2. 5% (20 min. ), mercuric chloride 0. 1% (10 minutes) was identified as the best protocol. In addition, MSmedium with 5 mg/L BAP and 2 grams per liter of activated charcoal was known to be the best environment to induce the lateral buds. The buds obtained in the MS-medium containing 2. 0 ppm NAA were rooted and 85% of cuttings survived in the greenhouse.

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    2 (76)
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Ephedra, belonging to the Ephedraceae family of gymnosperms, is a dioecious shrub, which has different medicinal properties. The purpose of this study was to compare some secondary metabolites of male and female stems of Ephedra major during August to October months. The male and female samples were collected from Bojnoord highlands and then were dried. The methanolic extract was separated by solvent method and total alkaloid, ephedrine, total phenol, total flavonoid and tannin levels were measured in collected samples. The measurement of total alkaloid and ephedrine content showed significant difference between male and female stems during different months. The highest amount of total alkaloid was obtained in samples collected from male stem during October month. While, the highest level of ephedrine was observed in samples collected in both male and female stems during August month. The data from HPLC analysis showed that ephedrine content ranged from 1. 5 to 1. 99 mg/g dry weight. Meanwhile, total phenol, total flavonoid and total tannin content ranged from 31. 5-41. 13, 3. 51-5. 81 and 15. 57-24. 46 mg/g dry weight, respectively. The obtained results revealed that there was significant difference between male and female stems in total phenol just in October, total flavonoid in September and October, and total tannin in August and September.

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View 1730

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    2 (76)
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This research was aimed to investigate the effects of foliar application of micronutrients on some morphological traits in fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L. ). The study was conducted in a randomized complete block design with eight treatments and three replications in 2012 at the research farm of Agriculture and Natural Resources of West Azarbaijan Research Station. Treatments included: control (no spray), foliar application of iron, zinc, manganese, iron + zinc, iron + manganese, zinc + manganese, iron + zinc + manganese. These elements were provided from iron sulfate, zinc sulfate and manganese sulfate and were applied at preflowering stage. Results indicated that there was statistically significant difference between control and spraying of micronutrient elements. In addition, results showed that spraying of micronutrient elements significantly affected plant height, number of lateral branches, number of pods per plant, number of grain per pod and fresh forage yield. Iron + zinc+ manganese spraying was superior compared to the other spraying treatments. Thus, results showed that the use of micronutrients could improve the morphological characteristics of Fenugreek.

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    2 (76)
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This experiment was done to investigate effect of Thyme (Thymus vulgaris L. ) and Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus Labill. ) essential oils on gladiolus. Gladiolus is one of the most important ornamental plants whose production is threatened by Fusarium corm rot. Essential oils of Thyme and Eucalyptus are recommended as alternative for chemical fungicides for corms disinfection, but there is not considerable investigation about potential effects of these essential oils on growth and flowering of gladiolus in the greenhouse or field conditions. For this purpose, gladiolus corms were soaked at three concentrations of essential oils of Thyme (1000, 2000 and 3000 ppm) and Eucalyptus (2000, 4000 and 6000 ppm), and distilled water (control) for 14 hours before planting. The results showed that Thyme treatment at 1000 ppm increased the number of leaf and floret, root length, corm and cormlet production, and accelerated flowering. Other treatments delayed the sprouting and flowering time and significantly decreased sprouting percentage, height and number of leaves, root length, and chlorophyll content. Eucalyptus essential oil at concentrations more than 2000 ppm had negative effects ongladiolus, so that corm sprouting and flowering were inhibited at 6000 ppm and 4000 pp, respectively. Peroxidase enzyme activity increased after treatment with both essential oils but with a different trend. The activity of this enzyme in corms treated with thyme remained at a high level during the growth period; however, in corms treated with eucalyptus it was decreased significantly.

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    2 (76)
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Antimicrobial active packaging is a novel technology that controls the growth of microorganisms in perishable food products with releasing of active components. In this work, the chemical composition of Zataria multiflora Boiss. essential oil (ZEO) was analyzed by GC/MS. The main components of the essential were carvacrol (37. 22%), thymol (28. 44). Active bio composite of zein films, containing 10% essential oils of thyme, were developed. Kinetics release of the active compound is strongly related to food models. The kinetics and extent of carvacrol and thymol mass transport within the packaging components were evaluated by using high performance liquid chromatography from bioactive films zein into simulants (10% ethanol and 3% acetic acid) at 4° C and 37° C. The antibacterial activity of active zein films was evaluated. The results of this studied indicated that the release of the active compound was strongly related to food models. The extent of releasing of carvacrol and thymol after 60 min at 4° C in acid simulant (11. 93± 1. 34 and 1. 40± 0. 06ppm, respectively) was more than that of ethanol simulant (7. 60± 0. 22 and 0. 98± 0. 02ppm, respectively). SEM observations confirmed the influence of food simulants on structure of zein, related to releasing of active components of essential oil into food simulants. The releasing rate of carvacrol and thymol increased with increasing the temperature to 37° C. Active zein film containing 10% ZEO was more stable in ethanol simulant at 4° C. The log reduction value of zein bioactive composite film against Listeria innocua and Escherichia coli were calculated to be 2. 75 and 3. 07, respectively.

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Sage, a popular medicinal plant, is widely used in food and pharmaceutical industries. This research was aimed to study the effects of organic and biological fertilizers on physiological characteristics, yield, and essential oil content of sage (Salvia officinalis L. ) under different moisture conditions. The study was conducted in a field experiment in split-plot design with 15 treatments and three replications at Tarbiat Modares University in 2012. Treatments included three irrigation levels (irrigation after depletion of 40% available water, irrigation after depletion of 60% available water, and irrigation after depletion of 80% available water) and five different soil fertility systems (control (no fertilizer) (F0), chemical fertilizer (urea) (Ur), nitrogen fixing bacteria (NFB), vermicompost (V), vermicompost + nitrogen fixing bacteria (V+MFB), allocated to main plots and subplots, respectively. Results indicated that the irrigation regimes had significant effect (p  0. 01) on all measured traits. Chlorophyll a, b, and dry matter declined with increasing of water stress, but sugar, proline and essential oil content increased. Results showed that the highest values of all measured traits were related to the vermicompost + nitrogen fixing bacteria treatment. In addition, results showed that the highest essential oil percentage (1. 10%) and essential oil yield (20. 50 l ha-1) were obtained in vermicompost + nitrogen fixing bacteria treatment under moderate drought stress (I2).

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Linum album Kotschy ex Boiss. is one of the endemic species of Linaceace family in Iran, having podophyllotoxin (PTOX) metabolite. This substance is a pharmaceutically important natural product belonging to the lignans group. It is used as a precursor for the synthesis of important anti-cancer drugs. Industrial production of this component is not economically feasible because of its complex chemical structure. Therefore, various strategies have been used to increase the production of PTOX in plants. In this study, tetraploidy was induced in nodal segments with different concentrations of oryzalin (0, 15, 25, 50 μ M) for 24, 48, 72 and 96 h. The results indicated that the viability and the number of produced shoots in each nodal segment were reduced by increasing concentrations and times of oryzalin. Tetraploid plants were identified by flow cytometry, and 2C DNA content of diploids and tetraploids were estimated to be 4. 34 and 8. 36 pg, respectively. The highest induction efficiency percentage (19%) of tetraploidy was achieved from 25 μ M of oryzalin for 48 h. Tetraploid induction caused 1. 66 and 1. 48 fold-increase in PTOX content in the leaves and stems of tetraploids compared with those of diploids, respectively. The results of this study indicated that the induction of tetraploidy could be an effective technique to increase this valuable metabolite in Linum album.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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According to the necessity of using the substances reducing the harmful effects of salinity stress in areas with saline water and soil, and providing major plant nutrients through fertilizers, a split-plot experiment in a randomized complete block design with three replications was conducted at the Research Farm of Zabol University during 2012. Two levels of irrigation water quality (0. 59 and 4. 180 dS. m-1 EC) were in the main plots, and four levels of fertilizer (control, chemical fertilizer in the ratio of 80: 40: 30 kg. ha-1 from CO (NH2)2, Ca(H2PO4) and K2SO4 respectively, 40 ton. ha-1 manure and combination of fertilizers in half amount of mentioned) were in sub-plots. Results showed that saline water irrigation (EC: 4. 180 dS. m-1) increased the activity of CAT and APX antioxidant enzymes, and other enzyme activity was reduced. In addition, the content of putrescine (Put), spermine (Spm) and spermidine (Spd), proline and carbohydrates, sodium and photosynthetic pigments in cumin (Cuminum cyminum L. )leaves increased. A separate application of NPK-fertilizer and manure showed no significant difference for physiological traits except spermine content, proline, sodium, and potassium. The combined application of NPK-fertilizer and manure was more efficient in reducing the antioxidant enzymes activity of CAT and GPX and enhancing the content of spermidine, proline, photosynthetic pigments, and potassium. The potassium content in combined treatment (581 ppm) compared with the separate application of NPK-fertilizer and manure increased 17. 61 and 18. 53 percent, respectively. According to the results of this study, in order to reduce the unilateral use of chemical fertilizer and supply plant nutrients required in salinity, NPK fertilizer with 40: 20: 15 kg. ha-1 ratios with 20 ton. ha-1 manure is recommended.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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