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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Roots or storon of Glycyrrhizia glabra L. commonlly called licorice, which is used for over 2000 years, mainly as a sweetening agent and a drug. Licorice known to contain the pentacyclic triterpene saponin glycyrrhizinicacid, which belong to the b amyrin series. Licorice is presently recognized for its sweet tast and pronounced to be effective as an anti - inflammatory, anti-allergenic and anti-ulcer agent. Most of licorice determination methods of glycyrrhizin in the roots are non-specific and relying on indirect methods. The results obtained from these methods are usually unreal and unreliable. In this research glycyrrhizin in plants was estimated directly by High Performance Liquid Chromatography without hydrolysing glycyrrhizin to its aglycone. All sample collected from Iranian National Botanical Garden, then after extraction, component identified with compare standard. Hence the existing problems that considerably change results are eliminated. In this method, glycyrrhizin was separated from other components of total extract using reverse phase HPLC and the results of determinations have been satisfactory and reproducible.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Consumption of in organic compounds from plants source are very noticeable from different aspects to science. However these compounds are useful to prevent and treating the diseases, but they can be harmful if used more than usual. Not only the measurement of these elements enable us to use them appropriatly in food, hygenic, pharmaceutical and cometic products but also it lets us to Know relationship between plants and their field collected.In this research gum of Astragalus gossypinus are collected from Chaharmahal Bakhtiuary, Kermanshah, Hamedan and Fars provinces, of Iran and gum used in order to determination of mineral compounds including N, P, K, Na, Mg and Ca.Determination was done by colorimetric, Flamephotometery, Kjeldahl and Complexometery method.In this study the phosphorus has at least and Calcium has the highest percentages of others inorganic elements.

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Tilia platyphyllos which belongs to Tiliaceae family has aromatic flowers. The flowers were collected from Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands and extracted by hexane solvent. The absolute of linden was prepared by using Ethyl alcohol. The absolute were analyzed by GC/MS. Nineteen compounds representing 96% of the absolute were identified of which Dihydrocarvone (29%), Limonene (12.9%), Caryophtllene (26%) and Carvone (6%) were the major constituents.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Identification of mannifer plants and determination of their provenances are necessary for economic and sustainable exploitation of natural resources. In this, investigation on plants with general name of Globe tistyle was carried out in khorassan province.The method of study includes reviewing scientific references, field practices including collection of various species of Echinops spp., derermination of active provenances, collection of biological factor processing manna and finally both studying of biology of producer factor and production mechanisms.The results indicate the sources and factors producing Trehala manna are active in three regions including Nehvandan, Sabzevar and Bardaskan, but there is not any local or national exploitonal exploitation from the host plants. Also it is found that the host plant is Echinops robustus from family Asteraceae and producer insect. is Larinus onopordi from family Curculionidae. This insect has only one generation per year initiation from March- April to September- October. Furthermore, the manna is produced by both feeding secretive function of the larva in various ages processing host plant tissues and after using for its metabolic functon, the surplus is secreted as manna from downer labium of insect glands. These secretions crystallized gradually from a liquid form to solid..Chemical analysis indicates the manna constitutes of trehalose sugar (23%), Starch (6%), musilage (15.8%), albaminoids substances (14%) and ash (4%). Thrapaetic properties of this manna correlate to the active substances containing mostly musilage, starch and sugar. The high amounts of these substances have a significant effect on diseases of respiratory system.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Utilization of medicinal plants in treatment of diseases has a long history and human know their beneficial effects for treatment. Since recognition and dissociation medicinal from unmedicinal plants is very difficult and need long time, then recognize medicinal plant and dissociate them from other plants can help interested user to utilize.In this survey according botanical resources, based upon evidences, people experiences, perfect questionnaire by grocery in different city of Khuzestan and also field investigation in the four season on fourfold regions of Khuzestan, wrote all medicinal plant and their dispersion, characteristics of specified growing region, utility and ect. From 950 species in Khuzestan about 225 species were introduced as medicinal plants in the books and grocerys.Family of Labiatae, Compositae, Papilionaceae and Umbelliferae has most medicinal plant species in Khuzestan. From this collection, the aromatic plants are worth and number of them is able to develop their industrial cultivation. Medicinal plant that needs the best method to exploitation and the species that must protect to control decay is introduced.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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During the first phase (collection and identification) 250 species of Yazd province medicinal plants were identified. They classified in 181.genera and 65 families. Scientific, Persian, and local name of species, habitat, useful parts, chemical compounds, folklore of medicinal action of uses, preparation and consumption method and distribution were mentiened in this paper.Most of the medicinal plants were related to Labiatae with 24 species, Composite with 19 species and Cruciferae with 18 species, Rosaceae with 20 species, Umbelliferae and Liliaceae each with 12 species and Solanaceae and Malvaceae families each with 9 species, in Yazd province.In second phase (domestication) seeds and seedling were used from Natural Resources and Animal Affairs Center of Yazd Province, and Research Institute of Forests and Rangelans for cultivation. They were planted in spring and autumn. Planting date, phenology and compatibility of species with Yazd climatical conditions were studied. In addition to familiarity with propagation method, plant and diseases, water and fertilizer requirements were surveyed, as far as possible. The results show that 136 species out of 154 species completed their phenology stage, 72 species had compatible with research station of medicinal plants, 12 species did not germinat and 6 species died after germination.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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