The most important problem of natural resources of Iran in recent decades is natural resources degradation. This research was based on documental research method, field research method and desk research method, by using 3 questionnaires for villages, tribe settlements and stockholders. Altogether, 131 sample areas in 3 main climatic zones of 11 provinces and sub zones were selected. In these sample areas, 487 village questionnaires, 1847 family questionnaires and 504 expert questionnaires were completed. Results indicated that degradation intensity from semi-desert zone toward semi-steppe, steppe ,dry forests and high mountainous sub zones of Iran-touranian zone have increased. In addition, 19 socio-economic factors are the most important and effective factors of natural resources degradation of Iran. These factors were ordered in three groups including animal and animal husbandry group, cutting and harvesting group and land use changing group. Stockholder ideas showed that animal and animal husbandry group were 47.2%, cutting and harvesting group were 16.9% and land use changing group were 35.9% effective in natural resources degradation. In contrary, expert opinions were 43.3% animal and animal husbandry group, 24.3%cutting and harvesting group, 32.4% land use changing group. Mean of these two ideas indicated that the first effective group in natural resources degradation with 45.9% is the animal and animal husbandry group, cutting and harvesting group with %33.5 is the second and and use changing group with 20.6% is the third. So, the most important factor in natural resources degradation of Iran is animal and animal husbandry group, including, increasing in livestock and herder numbers, premature grazing, over grazing and problems between stockholders.