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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (پیاپی 33)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Construction of reservoir dams and increasing its lifespan in the upper catchment of large rivers play an important role in the sustainable development of the dry and desertified lands of the central basin of Iran. Water scarcity, erosion and sedimentation in dam’s reservoir are the major problems of dry and desertified regions in Iran. Generating sediment yield in a watershed area is normally influenced by different geological formation and climatological agents. Among them, the role of erodible formations is very important when compared with other factors. In this study the influence of erodible formations was investigated by feiznia’s methodology (1995) using the geological maps and GIS technology for surrounding provinces of the Karon 1 basin including: Chahar-Mahal and Bakhtiari, Esfahan, Kohkiloyeh and Boyer-Ahmad, Khouzestan and Fars. The contribution of these provinces to Karon river discharge are 168.1, 50.1, 64.7 and 8.5 m3/sec respectively. The results of regression analysis show that sediment load is correlated to watershed area, water discharge and the area of the erodible formation exist in the region. The regression coefficient of this correlation was 0.97 and significant at 0.01 probability level. Finally the contribution of each province- geological formation to sediment discharge was then calculated based on the factors responsible for sediment load at Karon- river outlet.Erodible  formation in the drainage basin are: Agha-Jari(MJ), Razak-Gachsaran(Mr-Mgs), Amiran(Kaf), Gurpi-Pabdeh(Kg-Ep), Kazhdumi(KK) and Hormoz(PEh) formations. It was concluded that Chahar-Mahal and Bakhtiari with 47.9%(the highest rate of sediment) and Fars province with 2.1%( the lowest rate) contributed to the sediment yield of the Karon 1 basin.

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View 974

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As the recognition impact of a plant specie plantation in a specific area can determine the effects of that plant in other parts and areas of the country, the effects of Haloxylon plantation on the stand understory in desert lands of Ardestan were studied. Three areas of Haloxylon plantation and a reference site which were approximately similar in terms of altitude (height), slope, soil, and geomorphology have been selected. The necessary number of plots in each area was chosen on statistical base. In this study the plant density and crown closure of the understory species in the Haloxylon stand and also, the reference area were measured. Then, by using Dankan Test and Analysis of Variance through SPSS package the achieved data of the sampling were analyzed. The study conducted that there was a significant difference between the understory coverage of plantation areas and the reference site. It is concluded that the Haloxylon plantation caused a great deal of increasing in understory species number and composition.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 877

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    4 (33)
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Conservation and reclamation of vegetation in renewable natural resources is of high importance; and it is necessary to pay a focal attention to it. To achieve this goal, ecological characteristics of important plant species that form natural vegetation need to be detected and recognized; and then actions could be taken to rehabilitate plant species habitats. For this purpose, a study on autecology of Ferula oopoda in Kerman Province was conducted. This plant species grows in wide areas of the province. In this research, phenology of the plant and its root system were studied. A map of plant growing areas was created. Characteristics of the species (Ferula oopoda) habitat including topography, climate and soil were determined; and accompanied species in the habitats were detected. The results showed that Ferula oopoda grows mostly in northern aspects of cold mountain areas of the province with elevations 2000-3100 m above sea level. Average annual precipitation and temperature are 250-400 mm and 7-11 Cº, respectively. For the plant growing areas, geological formation is often conglomerate. Soil depth is very shallow and its texture is coarse.  Soil acidity (pH) is 7.3-7.8 and its electrical conductivity (EC) is 0.31-0.43 ds/m. This plant species is found in habitats with different topographic aspects and slopes. The main root of this species penetrates soil to the depth of 60-90 cm. Phenological stages of this species showed that its vegetative growth stage is from late March until Early May.  Flowering stage is from Late April until late May. Seed ripening for this species is from mid June until late July. Seeds of Ferula oopoda are able to germinate several years after dissemination. Using seeds of this plant species for the purpose of reclamation and rehabilitation of deteriorated rangelands in mountainous areas, with ecological conditions similar to those of Kerman Province, is highly recommended.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1053

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    4 (33)
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Gum ammoniac (Dorema amoniacum), is a perennial forb which its gum resin is used in traditional medicine of Iran and also widely used in food, cosmetic and detergent industries. Habitats of this species are seriously disturbed by conversion of natural ecosystems to rainfed farms. Recovery of natural habitats by seed planting can be a suitable strategy to conserve this valuable plant, therefore dormancy and germination requirements were investigated in seeds of this species. Seeds were subjected to interact in different temperatures consisting of (3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 0C), and washing or not washing. So, a completely randomized design with 2×5 factorial experiments was used for conducting and analyzing the data. Results indicated that whased seeds had no significant effects on germination percentages. The optimum temperature for this plant was observed at 30C and increasing of temperatures decreased the germination percentages of the seeds. The lowest germination percentage (0%) was recorded at 15 0C. Therefore , in machinery planting of this species,  the better plan is to use the suitable time of sowing.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1785

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    4 (33)
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Considering Artemisia-Astragalus as the largest community in Iran, currently, basic studies are conducting on Artemisia spp. properties. Ecological-systematical aspects of anatomical studies of eight populations (six species) of the genus were dealt with in Western Azarbaijan. For removal of ligneous hardness and tissues maintenance, after a six-month pretreatment of leave, root, stem and epidermis of five bushes per population, hand-cutting slides prepared for observations under a light photomicroscope. Taking photographs and measurings followed coloring different transversal sections or preparing epidermises. Adaptability and xeromorphic aspects of structural characters were studied. To determine the indicators among characters, useful for categorizing species/populations, ANOVA analysis was used in SPSS 11.2. Results were indicatives of the prevalence of ecological conditions on systematical attributes; therefore, nearly all characters were significantly different between populations (even between populations of a certain species). As another important conclusion, stomata density and length were not useful anatomical factors for taxonomic purposes in Artemisia genus, although many researchers laid emphasis on them.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1131

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    4 (33)
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One of vital choices in rangeland planning is finding the most critical pastures set those places in priority. Thus for Hable Roud watershed was located east of Damavand (Iran), model of range spatial factors composition (slope, rainfall, AUM, range trend, range condition), spatial critical factors which domestic traffic is high near them and subsequently grazing pressure is high around those places (proximity to road, to village, to river, to well and to spring) and spatial constraints (slope, geomorphology, land use, road, river, village) was designed. Fuzzy standardization for factors and constraints in value range 0 to 1 by goal or maximum and linear benefit or cost functions was done. Normal weights of factors with pairwise with prefer values in 1 to 9 and inconsistency ratio less than 0.1 from analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method was determined. Compositing of these layers was done by multi criteria analysis (MCA). Composite index map (CIM) in value range 0 to 1 was made. Considering this CIM and its pixel value histogram is determining the most critical rangelands in watershed with 150 ha area for priority plans accuracy. Using this model in other districts cause to optimum data exploitation and can saving time and money.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 875

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    4 (33)
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Desert in terms of geomorphologic aspects has been defined and classified based on the morphogenesis, litological structures and combination of these two criteria. In this study Hormozgan desert has been classified in terms of geomorphologic features using morphometric method in order to separate the desert area from non desert area. The objective of this work was to determine the extent of the natural desert of Hormozgam province using maps of geology, topography and combination of data collected from geomorphologic features of desert in the GIS environment. The geomorphologic features such as pediment plains, flooding beds in the route of water way network, drifted sand, nebkas, playa, saline lands and badlands were diagnosed. In order to be able to map all items in maps showing Hormozgan desert areas, the Satellite images from ETM was used to fined the new land features and also correct the boundary of desert lands. Finally it was found that the geomorphologic desert of Hormozgan covers % 17.2 of the whole area of the province.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1214

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    4 (33)
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In order to determine the best populations for both yield and quality traits, 36 populations of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) were evaluated using a triple lattice design in Ardabil, Iran during 2005-2006. The data were collected for heading date, plant height, dry matter yield and five quality traits dry Matter digestibility (DMD), water soluble carbohydrates (WSC), crude protein (CP), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and total ash over two years. Near infrared spectroscopy was used for estimation of the quality traits. Result showed significant difference among populations for all of traits except the ash, in the first year. The populations VIII (Russia), 782026 (Shahrekord) and 60075 (Tavankesh) with average values 5.76, 5.32 and 5.5 ton/ha had the highest total dry matter production, respectively. They were suggested as the promising populations for produce synthetic varieties. The populations of 60075 (Tavankesh), 60066 (Borojen), had higher and lower values for plant heights, respectively. For heading date, 418 (Australia) and 1317 (Iranian Gene bank), were recognized as latest and earliest populstions, respectively. The populations of 60071 (Borojen) and 078 (USA) had the higher values for DMD. Results of correlation analysis showed that DMD was positively correlated with WSC, while the correlation among ADF with both DMD and WSC was negative. Heading date was negatively correlated with both DM yield and plant height. The relationships among DM yield with both DMD and WSC were weak and non significant. It was concluded that the population VIII (Russia), 782026 (Shahre kord) and 60075 (Tavankesh) with higher forage production and 60071 (Borojen) and 078 (USA) with higher quality were suggested as the best populations for cultivation in semi steppe area of northwest of Iran.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 754

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    4 (33)
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The most important problem of natural resources of Iran in recent decades is natural resources degradation. This research was based on documental research method, field research method and desk research method, by using 3 questionnaires for villages, tribe settlements and stockholders. Altogether, 131 sample areas in 3 main climatic zones of 11 provinces and sub zones were selected. In these sample areas, 487 village questionnaires, 1847 family questionnaires and 504 expert questionnaires were completed. Results indicated that degradation intensity from semi-desert zone   toward  semi-steppe, steppe ,dry forests and high mountainous sub zones of Iran-touranian zone have increased. In addition, 19 socio-economic factors are the most important and effective factors of natural resources degradation of Iran. These factors were ordered in three groups including animal and animal husbandry group, cutting and harvesting group and land use changing group. Stockholder ideas showed that animal and animal husbandry group were 47.2%, cutting and harvesting group were 16.9% and land use changing group were 35.9% effective in natural resources degradation. In contrary, expert opinions were 43.3% animal and animal husbandry group, 24.3%cutting and harvesting group, 32.4% land use changing group. Mean of these two ideas indicated that the first effective group in natural resources degradation with 45.9% is the animal and animal husbandry group, cutting and harvesting group with %33.5 is the second and and use changing group with 20.6% is the third. So, the most important factor in natural resources degradation of Iran is animal and animal husbandry group, including, increasing in livestock and herder numbers, premature grazing, over grazing and problems between stockholders.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (33)
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This project was done as a part of ecological and phonological studies of Haloxylon sp. This study was done in artificial habitat (Mohsenabad in Garmsar) and natural habitat (Chahjam in Shahrood) of Haloxylon sp. General information about condition of Haloxylon sp. habitats was gathered. Haloxylon stands were examined from different points including viability of seeds, dry matter in green, yellow and green- yellow stands. Phonological studies were done. In addition, soil physical and chemical properties were determined. Results indicated the direct and significant effect of precipitation and temperature on growth of Haloxylon sp. The other important factors were insufficient amount of major elements, unsuitable texture, the low distance between stands that caused strong competition between trees to get nutrients. The presence of rare green stands indicated their genetical resistance. It seems that the origin of these stands are form central desert region of Iran.

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