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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and aim: Sexual dysfunction is common among women. It affects on all aspects of women's life. Majority of these problems can be treated in early stages with counseling and a few numbers of them need to be treated by specialists. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of PLISSIT-based counseling model on sexual function of women.Methods: This was a randomized clinical trial study. It was conducted in an urban health center in Zanjan. Eighty women who were married in the previous 5 years, and had sexual problems, randomly assigned to control and experimental groups. The experimental group received consultation based on PLISSIT model (Permission-limited Information-Specific Suggestion- Intensive Therapy) by a trained midwife and the control group received routine sexual consultation. Demographic and obstetric information were gathered through standard questionnaire. FSFI (Female Sexual Function Index) questionnaire were used for assessing sexual function. Data were collected from participants at three points: before consultation, 2 weeks and 4 weeks after consultation. Mann-Whitney, T-tests and x2 used for data analysis.Results: Mean scores of sexual function were 25.3 before consultation, 28.8 two weeks after and 29.4 four weeks after consultation in experimental group. These differences were statistically significant (p<0.001 and p<0.001 respectively). In control group, mean scores of sexual function were 24.48, 24.44, 23.74 before, 2 weeks, 4 weeks after consultation respectively. These differences were not statistically significant (p=0.946 and p=0.375). There was no significant difference in mean score of sexual function between control and experimental groups before intervention (p=0.408). However 2 weeks and 4 weeks after the consultation this difference was significant (p<0.001 and p<0.001 respectively).Conclusion: Based on the result of this study, we can claim that sexual problem in women decreased by using the PLISSIT model. Using the PLISSIT model is recommended in health care setting.

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Background and aim Interpersonal problems are difficulties that an individual experiences in relating to others and are sources of subjective distress. The main purpose of this study was to examine reliability, validity, and exploratory factor analysis of a short form of the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems in an Iranian students.Materials and methods: This is a psychometric study and analysis of the data involved mainly descriptive statistics. 647 volunteers (490 females, 434 males) from universities in Tehran were included in this study. All participants were asked to complete the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems (IIP-60), the Mental Health Inventory (MHI-28), the Self-Esteem Rating Scale (SERS), and the Emotional Intelligence Scale (EIS). The scale was validated with construct, convergent and discriminant validity. Its reliability was measured by internal consistency and test-retest reliability methodsFindings: The results of explarotary factor analysis supported six factors for the IIP-60 as well as a single general factor of interpersonal problems. The convergent and discriminant validity of the IIP-60 were supported by an expected pattern of correlations between the scale and the measures of mental health, self-esteem, and emotional intelligence. Coefficient alpha estimates of internal reliability were between .82 and .93 for the IIP-60 subscales. Test-retest reliability of the IIP-60 was also calculated at the range of .65-.81. All correlations were statistically significant.Conclusion: It can be concluded that the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems (IIP-60) is a valid and reliable scale to measure interpersonal problems.

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Background and aim: Stunting indicates long-term effects of inadequate nutrition and/or health.This study aimed to investigate the factors influencing stunting among first grade primary school children in Tehran, Iran 2008.Material and Method: This is a case-control study. The subjects were selected from 3147 Children whose height was measured using standard protocols. 86 stunned children (Case group) and 308 children with normal height recruited for the study, using a cluster sampling method in 5 districts of Tehran. Stunting was defined as the height for age below the 5th percentile of CDC2000 standard. The tool for data collection was a questionnaire including questions about children's birth weight and height, duration of breast feeding and demographic characteristics. Data were analyzed by SPSS14 and using Chi-square, student t-test and multivariate logistic regression.Results: The prevalence of stunting was %3.7 among children. Means for birth weight and duration of breast feeding were 2.9±0.6 kg, 17.4± 8.7 months, respectively among stunted children which were significantly lower than non stunted children (3.2 ± 0.5 kg 20± 7.7 months, respectively) (P<0.05).The parents of stunted children had lower education (P<0.05). Logistic regression analysis showed that odds ratio of stunting among children is 4.6 for children with "birth weight of lower than 3Kg" compared to children with "birth weight higher than 3Kg" (CI= 95%, OR:1.4-14.7). Odds ratio of stunning was also 3.3 (CI= 95%, OR: 1.1-9.2) among children with "breast feeding less than 3months" compared to "breast feeding more than 3 months" . It was also 6.7 (CI= 95%, OR: 1. 1-9.2).Conclusion: This study showed that the prevalence of stunting is relatively low in Tehran. Primary health care during pregnancy and breast feeding in first 3 month of life were shown as the most important factors influencing stunting.

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View 1795

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Background and aim: Nausea and vomiting are from the most common complications of surgery during recovery. Adenotonsillectomy is a common surgery among children, which can be followed by some complications such as nausea, vomiting, bleeding, and even death in some cases. There are some medical and nonmedical remedies to decrease nausea and vomiting. A nonmedical therapeutic procedure is reduction of abdominal pressure using oral gastric tube. This study aims to assess effects of gastric tube insertion during anesthesia induction on nausea and vomiting of adenotonsillectomized patients.Materials and Methods: This study was a clinical trial on 72 adenotonsillectomised children aged 6 to 12 years old in Shahid Montazeri hospital of Najaf-Abad. Patients were randomly divided to two groups of case group (36 Children with oral gastric tube) and controls group (36 children without oral gastric tube). Anesthesia method for both groups was similar. Frequency of nausea and vomiting were measured during the 24 hours following adenotonsillectomy. Data was analyzed using SPSS 15 and Mannwhithney U, Chi square, Spearman, Friedman and wilcoxon tests.Findings: Two groups were not significantly different regarding their demographic characteristics such as age, sex and weight (p>0.05). Frequencies of nausea and vomiting were significantly lower in the intervention group comparing to the control group in the first 2 hours in recovery room as well as in the first 2, 6, and 14 hours of patient attendance in the postsurgical ward (P<0.05).Conclusion: This study showed that the use of oral gastric tube during anesthesia induction can reduce nausea and vomiting after adenotonsillectomy.

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Background and aim: According to importance of occupational health for health care providers and patient safety in hospitals, implementation of safety culture with teamwork is an acceptable principle This study aims to assess attitude of health care providers toward teamwork, safety climate and knowledge transfer through team collaboration at an educational medical center in .2009Method and materials: This was a descriptive study. All 225 resident physicians, nurses and other paramedics of an educational hospital of Tehran participated in the study. The tool for data collection was the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ). Content validity and reliability of the questionnaire was assessed and confirmed. Data was analyzed using SPSS 16 and Chi square test.Results :The results demonstrated that 59% of nurses, 52% of physicians and 58%of paramedics believed that tasks are performing by teamwork. 30% of nurses, 21% of physicians and 39 % of paramedics had a sense of safety in workplace. 78% of nurses, 55 % of physicians and 73% of other paramedics believed that knowledge could transfer through team collaboration. Among demographic characteristics there were significant relationship between attitude of health care providers on teamwork with their marital status (p=0.001), attitude of health care providers on safety climate with their work experience (p=0.04), attitude of health care providers on knowledge transfer trough teamwork with organizational position (p=0.016).Conclusion : Attitude assessment of health care providers toward teamwork, safety climate and patients' or health care providers' safety is necessary to modify and improve the current deficits and to achieve to the culture of learning from errors. Managers can have an appropriate guide to establish safety culture with this sort of attitude assessments.

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Background and aim: Patient advocacy is one of the most controversial issues in nursing during recent two decades. The purpose of this study was to determine perspective of doctors, nurses and patients towards the advocacy role of nurses about patients in hospitals affiliated to Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences.Materials and Methods: This descriptive- comparative study was conducted on a sample of 329 doctors and 345 nurses and 225 patients, selected by a multi-stage sampling method. Data were collected using a demographic questionnaire and a Nursing-Advocacy-Perspective-Scale. The content and construct validity as well as internal consistency and test-retest reliability method were assessed and confirmed beforehand. The data was analyzed using SPSS 16 and statistical tests at the significant level of P<0.05.Results: There was a significant difference among the three groups in average scores perspective (p<0.05). Average scores of patients were higher than nurses and doctors, and nurses average scores Were significantly higher than physician (p<0.05).Conclusion: The nurse managers should promote the role of the facilitator and prevent loss of nursing advocacy and creating opportunities to provide this role in hospitals. In this regard the views of interest groups may help.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1469

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Background and aim: Medical procedures, particularly injection, cause anxiety in children. Coping with invasive medical treatment is an important issue for all children, particularly chronically ill children such as thalassemic children who may have to endure many treatment procedures. This study examined the effect of breathing exersice on the anxiety resulted from the injection procedure in thalassemic school-age children in Kerman thalassemia centerMaterials and Methods: In this clinical trial, 40 thalassemia children with 6-12 years old, in Kerman thalasemia center were selected through convenience sampling method. Then subjects were randomly allocated in two groups (experimental group and control group). In experimental group, bubble making was used. Data collection tools were: Demographic Information Questionnaire, and the Scale of facial self reported anxiety. The analysis of the data was carried out through SPSS 16.Findings: Average score of anxiety in bubble making group was 2.9 ±1.5 before and 1.0±1.1 after injection. The average score in control group was 3.1±2.2 before and 2.4 ±2.1after injection. There was no significant difference between two groups of study regarding the average scores of anxiety before the injection (p>0.05) but there was a significant difference between two groups regarding the average scores of anxiety after the injection (p>0.05). Conclusion: The results of this study showed that bubble making is an effective method to decrease anxiety resulted from the injection procedures.

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Background and aim: Vomiting as a side effect of chemotherapy causes to refuse or delay in treatment by most cases. Nowadays, for controlling these side effects researchers attempt to use noninvasive-, safe- and low cost methods, instead of expensive drugs with various side effects. This study aimed to assess effect of reflexotherapy on vomiting reduction among patients under chemotherapy, in oncology-hematology ward of Zahedan's Ali Ebn Abitaleb Hospital in 2010.Materials and Methods: This study was a before and after clinical trial (pre-test and post-test) with a group of 37 patients. The participants were selected using purposeful sampling method and based on the results of a pilot study. They were also considered once in the control group (receiving anti-vomiting drug Granisetron) and after 15 to 20 days in the interventional group (receiving reflexotherapy in a period of 10 minutes for each leg). The Summary of Morrow Questionnaire and CTCv2.0 (Common Toxicity Criteria Version 2) of National Cancer Institute of America were used for making a questionnaire to data collection. Face and content validity of questionnaire and its reliability (Chronbach alpha Coefficient =0.73) was confirmed beforehand. Data was analyzed using central and dispersion indexes as well as Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney tests and Marginal modeling (generalized estimating equations GE).Findings: The mean age of samples was 44.73 ±13.38 (years). Majority of participants were married and women. Patients were in their second to 15th cycle of chemotherapy; receiving Cisplatin–Gemzar or Adriamycincyclophosphamide and were from breast cancer cases. Assessment of severity of vomiting during first 24 hours showed more sever vomiting in the first 4 hours among control group than interventional group (p<0.001), but it was more severe in interventional gropup than control group in third 4 hours (p<0.001) and the second 12 hours (p=0.006). During the second 4 hours, severity of vomiting was not significantly different between the two Groups (p=0.313). Finnally, the results showed no significant difference between two treatment methods respecting their effect on severity (p=0.153) and the number of vomiting (p=0.239) during the 24 hours after treatmentConclusion: Although reflexotherapy was not shown to have positive effect on chemotherapy induced vomiting of patients but it caused to reduce severity and number of vomiting in the first 4 hours after chemotherapy among patients with moderate and sever vomiting. Therefore, experimental study using reflexotherapy is recommended in multiple sessions.

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