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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Business cycles analysis is one of the most important tasks for economists and statisticians. Various methods such as HP filter, BP filter, CF filter spectral analysis and Fourier transformation are used in time series analysis. All of these methods are sensitive to stationary of time series. Also the traditional methods don't offer information in scale analysis. In this paper we introduce the Wavelet theory and its applications especially to economics. Also decomposition of seasonal GDP of Iran and analysis of business cycles are the other main propose. Results of GDP decomposition show 7 cycles with length of 16-32 quarters and 13 cycles with 8-16 quarters. Volatility analysis implies no change in variance of Wavelet coefficients in prewar and war periods. However volatility of GDP increased in the post war period.

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One way of solving welfare loss asymmetric information in insurance is to design informationally consistent contracts. When the contracts are not informationally consistent, adverse selection cause the portfolio insurance to be risky, and consequently the probability of accident and loss will be high. In this paper we investigate Iran's insurance companies, based on informaionlly consistent contracts and Jonh Raily (2001) paper. We find that there are some signals that show Iran automobile collusion contracts are not informationally consistent.

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In recent years, one of the most important challenges of policy makers in Iran has been the level of foreign exchange rate. Some people believe that the existing rate is not the right one. While some of them consider the existing exchange rate higher than the equilibrium level, others think it is lower than that. In this paper, by utilizing theoretical approach, an attempt is made to analyze the past trend of exchange rate. The conclusion of this paper indicates that the trend of the foreign exchange rate movement is following the monetary policy. This approach has been proved in most of the third world countries which are experiencing high rates of inflation. With respect to findings of this paper one can believe that the growth of money supply, income and the difference between home and foreign interest rates USA are most important factors that determine the trend of money value at home.

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Implementing models are one of the main categories of EC models in the literature. Implementing models in the frame of evolutionary and maturity stages, describe how to develop and apply EC in an enterprise step by step. Integrating different implementing models and based on organizational perspective, a 6-stage maturity model of EC was designed in this article. The stages of newly developed model called "Enterprise EC Maturity Model" include: (1) package; (2) access; (3) initial presence; (4) realization; (5) institutionalizations; and (6) optimization. Obviously each stage has its own indicators. The validity of the model verified and confirmed by 10 EC experts, practitioners and specialists. Interestingly the stages of enterprise EC maturity model are consistent with e-readiness of an organization and its main activities (such as export activities). Meanwhile in the early stages of the model, e-readiness of export activities is low and in the advanced stages it seems to be high. Iran excellent exporters were 36 companies, which are considered as the sample of this paper. Findings show that all surveyed companies mainly lie in the 3rd stage of the model. However several companies could acquire some indicators of 4th and 5th stages.

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This study applies the Rao decomposition method to the Iranian households income data for both urban and rural areas.Examining the role of different income components in the aggregated income, helps to evaluate the effects of economic growth on income distribution. It also leads to have a better selection of the redistribution policies.The results show that the most important factor in income inequality stems from self-employment income. One reason for that is the tax avoidance in this sector.Wages and salaries in the public sector is another import factor of income inequality. This is because of a monopolistic condition in public employment. The elasticity of the Gini coefficient with respect to self employment is greater than other components. So, any growth strategy intending to increase self-employment or expanding the public employment level should be accompanied by redistribution policy to improve the inequality or at least prevent it from getting worse.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The efficiency wage theory has been developed to explain differential wages and involuntary unemployment. In this paper considers differential wages in the public and private Large Manufacturing Establishment (LME) for period 1374-1377. To estimate wage equation we use education, expert, experience, and ownership as explanatory variables. The results show that: (a) there is a significant difference between wages in public and private sectors, (b) differences in wage are due to not only differences in education, expert, experience, firms size and ownership, but also when we eliminate the effects of above variables, the differences in wages have remained significant yet.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This paper does an economic evaluation of several kinds of transportation vehicles of private and public sectors in transportation of mazandaran province. The variables used in this research are; rate of return on capital, annual profit, cost efficiency, capital necessary for job creation, and labor force productivity. The data has been obtained through classified questioners which ate filled by vehicle derivers, transportation syndicates, and other related organization. The conclusion is that in relation to annual profit, productivity of labor force, and cost efficiencies retailer tracks are referred. Whereas, in relation to rate of capital return, and capital necessary for job creation, vans are preferred in compare to the other kinds of vehicles.

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This paper looks at the effects of tax uncertainty on agriculture, industry and service sectors in Iranian economy. The trend of the main variables in this paper during the covered period are presented and analysed. The GARCH method is used to measure the tax uncertainty, and it is estimated by OLS.All the estimated coefficients had their expected signs and it is tax uncertainty effects on employment in all Iranian economy sectors are negative. Results suggest that the government should reduce tax income fluctuations to increase employment in all economic sectors.

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ICT1 has broad effects on economy in micro and macro levels. Effects on kind, nature of jobs and labor market are the most important. Omission, creation, change of jobs and teleworking are the four ways through which ICT influences kinds of jobs. Also, ICT influences the structure of jobs, and changes the nature of jobs in society via reduction of average work hardship, making jobs more mental, but instable and more specialized.This paper studies the effect of ICT on amount of employment using a microeconomic pattern in a ftame work of assessing effective factors on employment appalling a logarithmic model. This model has been estimated with panel data approach for 47 countries (including 22 OECD members and 25 developing countries) over the years of 2000- 2003.The results indicate positive and significant effect of ICT on employment. Also the elasticity of employment in proportion to the costs of information and communication is 0.11, which indicates 1% increase in the costs of ICT, increases employment by 0.11%.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In this paper productivity is calculated for oil and gas sectors by Solow residual. Productivity is one of the important issues which have an important role in optimal production. The oil and gas industry is one of the most fundamental industries in Iran and has a high share in export and national income. The Neo-classical model is an extension to the Harrod-Domar model including a new term, productivity growth. Solow residual is the base on a production function with two factors, labour and capital, which economic growth rate is calculated from sum of labour growth, capital growth and a residual as the Solow residual or total factor productivity growth which is an often used measure of technological progress. The estimation of production function for oil and gas sector shows that capital elastisity is 0.56 and labour elastisity is 0.37. The results show that productivity have the highest share in value added of oil and gas sectors while capital and labour inputs have a little share in the growth of this section. Of course this result sounds natural because oil and gas industrials have a inherent value of reserve.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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