Wood industries need abundant resources of wood raw material and these industries could continue to be productive based on the availability of poplar wood. Due to the importance of poplar farming and its role in the economy of Kurdistan, investigation on the evaluation of its value chain is essential. In this research, the suitable value chains were identified for development. According to the study objectives, the effective criteria to prioritize research alternatives were identified through literature review and then with the help of questionnaires it was completed and confirmed, according to the experts views. The experts were used to identify the interrelations between criteria. After completing the paired comparison questionnaire, weight of each criterion was measured and priorities were found by the ANP. Ultimately, the final results of alternatives ranking showed the most weight is related to the MDF chain with weight of 0.259. The next priorities were paper, straw and cellulose with respective weights of 0.135, 0.134 and 0.115. The next priorities were furniture, particle board, plywood and matches, pallets, boxes, lumber and boards, with weights of 0.096, 0.077, 0.075, 0.073 and 0.019 respectively. Results of group decision-making using ANP showed that in the current situation with regard to the suitable market for MDF, proper future demand, appropriate market for processed products from MDF, condition of infrastructure in Kurdistan province and feasibility to use poplar wood in production of MDF, this industry is more important to be developed in Kurdistan province.