The present trial was carried out in Yonesi Experimental Station at Khosbijan local area of Markazi Province of Iran in 1997 in order to select and introduce the most adaptable and productive poplar clones. For this reason, 14 clones of four open crown Populus species, including: P. deltoides, P. alba, P. euramericana and P. nigra which have been selected from a previous selection nursery trial as most promising clones, were planted under the randomized complete blocks statistical design with three replications at 4 x 4 m. spacing for eight year period. Poplar characteristics, including diameter at breast height (dbh), total height, volume per hectare, mean of diameter, height and volume increment, resistance to pests and stem-crown quality were measured annually, end of growth period. Variance analysis results demonstrated that there were significant differences between the poplar clones in respect to their characteristics, except diameter and height increment. Duncan test results indicated that P.e.vernirubensis achieved the highest mean dbh, total height, volume per hectare and volume increment, P.e.vernirubensis and P.a.45.77 achieved the highest resistance to pests, the best stem quality belonged to P.a.45.77 and the greatest crown quality belonged to P.e.triplo. The lowest variables of total height, volume per hectare, volume increment, resistance to pests and stem-crown quality were observed in P.n.72.8. P.e.vernirubensis, P.d.69.55, P.e.214, P.e.455 and P.e.triplo were distinguished as the most promising clones due to their vital wood production) 19.45, 18.5, 18.23, 17.13 and 16.46 m3/ha/year, respectively) whereas P.n.72.6, P.n.72.10, P.d.missouriensis, P.d.73.51 and P.n.72.8 were introduced as the lowest adaptable and productive clones.