The aim of this paper is to introduce the notions of (Î,ÎVq)- fuzzy p-ideals, (Î,Î Vq)-fuzzy q-ideals and (Î,ÎVq)-fuzzy a-ideals in BCI-algebras and to investigate some of their properties. Several characterization theorems for these generalized fuzzy ideals are proved and the relationship among these generalized fuzzy ideals of BCI-algebras is discussed. It is shown that a fuzzy set of a BCI-algebra is an (Î,ÎVq)-fuzzy a-ideal if and only if it is both an (Î,ÎVq)-fuzzy p-ideal and an (Î,ÎVq)-fuzzy q-ideal. Finally, the concept of implication-based fuzzy a-ideals in BCI-aigebras is introduced and, in particular, the implication operators in Lukasiewicz system of continuous valued logic are discussed.