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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Material & Method: The design was a descriptive cross-sectional study in the Yasouj Legal Medical Center in 2005. The Sampling Method was census. The study subjects included all women and girls who were battered and referred to the Yasouj Legal Medical Center. The sample size was 325 subjects in this study. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire and interview. The study results were analyzed by descriptive, analytical statistics.Results: The findings of the study showed that the majority of the women (31.1%) had trauma and laceration because of their husbands violence against them and few of them (0.9%) were battered by their fathers. Also, the results of this study showed that, 61.5% of the type of injuries were kinds of bruises and ecchymosis. In the most cases (68.8%), the severity of the damages was diagnosed as moderate trauma. The most important complication occurred in the majority of the women (55.4%) was bleeding from the damaged tissues. Conclusion: according to the research findings, the rate of beating and laceration of the women in with serious complications and consequences Yasouj was high. Therefore, it would be necessary to investigate the etiology of this problem deeply and to pay more attention to the issue of violence against women.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Aim: Orodental health is one of the most important aspects of children's health. Care of mouth and teeth is important in children during childhood, because it guarantees the appropriate raising of permanent teeth. Therefore, mothers' awareness about orodental health is important, as a foundation for health promotion planning for children. The aim of this study was to determine the knowledge of mothers about their children orodental health at age of I-6 years old. Material & Method: This was a cross-sectional study in which, questionnaires and interviews were used as tools for data gathering. Five hundred mothers of children at age of 1-6 years old were selected by random sampling method that took part in the study. Results: About 8.6% of mothers had low level knowledge, 44% had moderate knowledge and 47.4% had good knowledge regarding orodental health in children (P=0.000). The ANOVA test showed that significant correlation between the variables of knowledge and mothers' age as well as, mothers' education, children's age, economic situation of the families and residence area. Conclusion: As mothers have great responsibilities about children's orodental health, therefore, increasing knowledge regarding this issue is important and planning educational programs for mothers would be-necessary.

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Background & Aim: Drug abuse is a kind of unhealthy behavior or behavioral disorder especially among adolescents. Ecstasy is one of the most dangerous substances which is abused and has numerous harmful side effects. The aim of the study was to determine knowledge about ecstasy and the rate of ecstasy abuse among adolescents in 1385.Material & Method: the design was a cross-sectional study that was carried out in the West of Tehran. Eight hundred adolescents who were 16-18 years old and resided in the areas of West Tehran, were selected continuously and participated in this study. The data collection instrument was. a questionnaire consisted of items regarding knowledge and performance about ecstasy with some questions about demographic information.Results: The study findings showed that 53.8% of adolescents had moderate knowledge regarding ecstasy. The difference between boys and girls' knowledge was not statistically significant. With respect to abusing ecstasy, the findings revealed that 7.6% of subjects used ecstasy at least once. Chi square test showed a significant difference between girls and boys performance about estasy abuse (P=0.000, X2=19.73). Also there was not any significant relationship between. Knowledge and performance of the adolescents towards ecstasy abuse. The frequency of abuse of ecstasy was significantly different between male and female adolescents (P=0.000, X2=19.73). Relationship between knowledge about ecstasy and abuse of it was not significant. Conclusion: Based on the study findings, establishment of in-service educational programs related to life skills for teachers and parents in order to improve these skills in adolescent pupils are important. Public propagganda through billboards, posters, short messages regarding drug abuse consequences seem to be necessary among adolescents. Also educational programs by famous actors and sportsmen in order to attract public attention to increase knowledge about drug abuse and their harmful side effects will be useful as a preventive strategy.

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Background & Aim: Breast cancer is one of the most important causes of women's mortality, in the world wide. Breast self examination (BSE) is a method that often leads to detect breast cancer in early stage. Therefore, health care team, such as health care volunteers have an important role for traning BSC to women. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of education of breast self-examination on knowledge, attitude and practice of health care volunteers, in Gachsaran, in 2005.Material & Method: A quasi-experimental study was conducted, in which the data were collected by a case-record form and a check-list. The study sample consisted of 53 health mediators by census method from five health care centers (one in mal area) in Gachsaran. Results: The sign test showed a statistically significant increase in the mean of knowledge scores at post-intervention compared to pre-intervention (P=0.000) the result of wilcoxone test showed a significant increase in the mean scores of attitude at posttest compared to pre-test (P=0.021) too. Also the results of kruskalwallis test showed a significant increase in the mean of BSE practice at post-test compared to pre-test (P=0.000). The literacy level of the study subjects had a significant influence on BSE knowledge level at post-test (P=0.015). In addition, the kruskall wallis test showed the mean seores of BSE practice in women with the history of breast pain was significantly high (P=0.019). Conclusion: To sum up, educating health care volunteers could lead to increase the in levels of knowledge, attitude and practice of BSE. Therefore, it is recommended that to establishe practical BSE classes for all women in the community educating health care volunteers would be necessary.

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Background & Aim: Every year, thousands of children admitting in Foster Care Centres, because of several reasons. Most children live in foster care centers, as a results of neglect, physical abuse, parental substance abuse, divorce and social-economic poverty. In addition, living in Foster Care Centres cause a lot of health behavioral problems in the children. With regard to this issue, mental health status of 7-11 years old children living in foster care centres in Tehran was assessed. Material & Method: We performed a cross-sectional study with 105 children (57 boy, 48 girl) liring in the centers. In this research, the sampling method was census. The required information about children's mental health was obtained by interview of the Child Behavioral Checklist (CBCL) from guardians who recognized these children on the basis of their behaviors. Results: The result showed that the frequency of behavioral problems in these children were as follows: Delinquent (%44.8), externalizing (%40), internalizing (%40), social problems (%13.3) and aggression (%11.4). Furthermore, the obtained total scores of questionnaire showed that more than %28 of these children had mental health problems. Chi-square test showed that there were significant relationships between attentional problems and mental health with gender. Conclusion: On the basis of these findings and the results of other studies, paying full attention, assessment and further studies on high risk groups of children were recommended.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Aim: Extensive surgical interventions as diagnostic and therapeutic methods can cause anxiety in patients. Therefore, health care professionals such as nurses should try to reduce the level of patients' anxiety by addressing beneficial effects of providing preoperative information. The mairipurpose of the study was to determine the effect of education using a booklet in different times (1 day and 6 day before surgery) on anxiety level of patients as candidates for Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG), in Tehran Heart Center Hospital, 2006. Material & method: The study design was a clinical trial. The total sample size was 60 patients. Thirty subjects were given a booklet 1 day before surgery and another group, received education, 6 days before surgery. Sampling method was consecutive. The Spiellberger's State-Trait Anxiety Inventory was used for data collection at pre and post education. Results: The result indicated that the anxiety level decreased in both groups, but paired t-test showed that the difference of state anxiety and trait anxiety in the first group (received education at 1 day before operation) at pre and post intervention were statistically significant (t=3.27, P.value=0.030), (t=2.23, P.value=0.034) respectively, whereas there was not statistically significant difference of anxiety level in the group of patient who received education 6 days before the surgery, at pre and post intervention. Conclusion: According to the results, providing educational booklets to the patients in clinical setting one day before surgery, seems more applicable which could reduce patients' anxiety effectively.

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Background & Aim: There are several stressful situations in nursing profession which could cause job dissatisfaction, low performance, and quit or turnover among nurses. These situations may lead to physical or mental problems which irreversibly disturb nursing care quality. In this regard, social support is a factor that buffer stressful situations. Material & Method: The aim of the study was to determine the level of nurses' occupational stress and its relation to social support in Medical Educational Centers of Iran University of Medical Science in 2006. A cross-sectional design was used in the study. The sample size was 373 subjects who were selected randomly among nurses with minimum of 6 months nursing experience with no managerial experience. The instruments of data collection consisted of demographic form, the Toft-Gray and Anderson Questionnaire and the McCain Marklin Social Integration Scale. The data were analyzed, with descriptive and inferential statistics (mean, standard deviation, chi-square, Fisher's exact test and Spearman coefficient of correlation) through SPSS-13.Results: The results showed that the majority of nurses (59%), perceived high level of occupationl stress, 37% and 4% of the subjects had moderate and mild stress levels respectively. There was not any significant association between the variables of job stress and social support, however there was a significant association between job stress and age (P<0.04, X2=12.95, r=-0.1). Interestingly eighty five Percent of the subjects considered perceived support from coworkers, head nurses and supervisors respectively. A significant association between social support and working shifts was found (X2=8.13, P=0.01) too. Conclusion: It is concluded that nursing is a stressful occupation and the majority of nurses in the stressful working environment are confronting, with no social support. Therefore, it that increasing and development of social support could lead to reduce occupational stress in nurses.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Aim: Osteoporosis is one of the most common diseases in middle-aged and elderly women that impose high costs on family and society. Acquiring knowledge about factors related to this disease such as reproductive risk factors, could help health care professionals to prevent osteoporosis and provide better services. Material & Method: A cross-sectional study was performed to determine the related reproductive factors with osteoporosis on 500 women who were admitted to Iran University of Medical Sciences' Bone Densitometry Centers in 2006. Data was gathered by a questionnaire. Result: The study finding revealed that there were significant differences between the number of pregnancies, delivery mode, number of children, pregnancy intervals less than three years, frequency and duration of breastfeeding with osteoporosis (P<0.05). Also, there was a significant relationship between oral contraceptive pills, menopause situation and number of years after menopause with osteoporosis (P<0.05). The results of discriminant analysis showed that number of years after menopause was the most important related reproductive factors with incidence of osteoporosis, as number of children, menopause situation and pregnancy frequency were settled in other stages. Conclusion: According to the study findings and with consideration of osteoporosis complications such as disabilities and high mortality and morbidity rates, investigating and consideration of the related risk factors for prevention of this disease in the society was recommended.

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