In this study, the effects of auto-hydrolysis steam treatment on digestion kinetics of sugarcane bagasse were studied. Samples were damped so that their moisture content reached 50%, then they were steam-treated under 3 levels of pressure (14, 17 and 20 atm) and 3 levels of treatment time (120, 180 and 240s). The effects of steam treatment were evaluated in terms of dry matter loss, chemical composition of fibrous portions, sugar content, rumen degradability and in vitro gas production. Data from this experiment were analyzed on the basis of CRD statistical design (3x3) factorial model with three replications. The steam treatment significantly increased water solubility of sugarcane bagasse including water soluble sugars and decreased its fibrous portions (NDF and hemicellulose, but not ADF). Dry matter loss and sugar content were greater in longer treatment times (240s) or higher pressures (20atm) compared to shorter times and mild pressures. The least NDF, Hem and the most DML were as mach as 56.60, 11.86 and 4.55 percent respectively (20atm-240s). Dominantly, degradability and gas production traits were most improved in (20atm-240s) samples as water soluble sugar, Deg48, potential degradability, total gas production, G24 and gas production rate, as much as 29.52, 63.63, 71.10 percent; 61.85, 44.11 ml and 4.87 ml/h, respectively. Also, these samples had the least fibrous portions too (NDF, 51.60; hemicellulose, 11.89 percent). However, some traits were better in (17atm-240s) samples like washing loss. It seems that the optimal treatment results could be obtained at a steam pressure of 20 atm for 240s.