One of the most important and distasteful natural hazards of Iran is floodwater hazards. Meshkinshar Township by having mountain face and climate conditions is sustainable for the production of flood hazard. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the zoning of part of Meshkinshahr Township with an area of 318 square kilometers in terms of potential flood occurrence. In this study, the first, we investigated 10 flood risk factors in the region. These factors are: slope, elevation, rainfall, temperature, CN, runoff height, distance from drainage, soil, lithology and landuse. Then data layers were prepared by GIS. The standard benchmark map was combined with Fuzzy method. Analysis and Modeling was performed by using the Vikor model. According to the results, elevation, lithology, rainfall and slope value allocated to flood in Meshkinshar. According to zoning map, 23. 37 and 52. 50 km2 of area located in categories of very risky and high risk, respectively.