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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In recent decades attention to the geo economy discourse and super role of economy in international relations, energy Geopolitics and transmission and its security has high worth in the international relations. Chabahar Strategic Bandar which is only oceanic Bandar in the north of gulf of Oman in Iran, is the nearest and easiest way of central Asia countries (which are surrounded in the land) to the high seas. Marginal areas of Iran despite capacities and capabilities, in cause of being away from the decision making center and in terms of catching development policies and non- experimental plans for these districts has worse consequences, which the most important of them is lack of development of these districts and being marginal. Islamic Republic Of Iran, is one of the countries which has many transit advantages in terms of placing in the suitable geographic positions. South coasts of Iran, specially coasts of Oman is in center of oval energy in cause of direct access to the high seas and width oceans, potential powers in field of goods and energy transmission, also placing in the Northwest transit path plays important role, which in the future leads to the development and security of district and Iran. In this article Chabahar dignity in terms of geopolitics and geo economy In North-west transit and its important in development and security in west have been examined.

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With utilization of a few approaches, the determination and analysis of the levels of rural areas in different fields play an important role in the planning of rural development process. The present article takes advantage of Morris inequality index and it uses 4 indexes in the fields of economy and education to determine and analyze levels of rural districts of Dezful’s central village. This article uses the data from the census of general population and housing to select 4 indexes in the year 1385. The ranking and development degree of rural districts of villages were analyzed and determined with Morris method. The results of research showed that 21.4 percent of rural district of Shams Abad villages are in developed group and 78.6 percent of the villages are in the less developed group and also in rural district of Qibla, 43.8 percent of villages are in the developed group of villages and 56.3 percent of villages are in the less developed group of villages and in total 32.6 percent of central district villages are in the developed group of villages and 67.4 percent of villages are in the less developed group of villages therefore , in the line of balanced and harmonious development of rural areas, strengthening local centers and also development and enhancement of centers and new axes of development in the less developed areas are essential.

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This investigation performed under title of rural development process in rural district of miyanjovein conformed with agricultural part in purpose of recognition natural humanity, economic resource of rural district and also recognition of problems about agricultural field and rural development. According to performed studies regard to natured and climate properties. Relatively ideal condition provide for developing agricultural process somewhat agriculture is consider as important part of economic activities of course there are problems in this field which more important of themes follow; Land area are small and other cases such as unsuitable distribution of rainfall in during of year, don’t optimal operation “cutilization” of zater sources, incorrect manner of irrigation. In this rural district reliedon optimal utilization of water resource by modify traditional canal “stream” and construction of cement canal or trans form water to main way via bulky “thick” tubes, investment on using field from modern irrigation manner, protection and integration lands, encourage and supporting farmer.

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In the fields of insight recognition, the significances are applied often differently, so despite having the same structure and domain in the matter, their coincidence’s load varies in different aspects. Geomorphologic’s balance is one of the examples. The meaning of balance is applied in all evolution aspects of Dayvis, in the field of systematic perception’s district (ramesht1381p77) and also in the Qoran’s interpretations. the Dayvis’s point of viewtime would encounter evolutions or gradually depletions, in other words they have unreturnable changes in a way that this meaning has its origin in antropy’s backgrounds and positive feedbacks. but undoubtedly the balances meaning in dayvis’s opinion differs with the qoran’s systematic point of view.(chapters: naml, verse88, shams, verse6, meraj, verse9, alqare, verse5 and many others) that expresses the evolution, regularity, permanency and balance in the phenomenons. but with the gylbert’s that the forms and processes could be related to negative feedbacks that the changings are with different speeds and cause surfaces forms proportionaly vary with them. therefore the earth’s forms are dependant to a situation which the forms that change in a shorter time. in this editorial is tried to analyze the conflicts and the similarities through the basis of library studies. the issue will help to achieve a better comprehension from the meanings by encountering different views of balance in Geomorphology and also emphasizes on the importance of it’s significances load, and the contrasts in different views.

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The concept of environmental hazards on rural planning is considered necessary and important that it be comprehensive and constructive cooperation of the villagers in the modulation of plans and programs of the risks of conflict efficient management this sphere provide. This article aims to assess natural hazards - human capabilities and limitations of the assay, resulting in Gonbarf village life and the village in order to develop the best strategies and environmental planning. To achieve this purpose, the method of SWOT-AHP hybrid model that utilizes the SWOT technique, attempt to identify the strengths and weaknesses (internal factors) and opportunities and threats (external factors), and the use of the AHP model and Likert preference polls and Rankings internal and external environmental factors and determine the final value of internal and external factors and adopt the best strategy and a strategy for prioritization approaches in terms of SO, WO, ST, WT. The results of the model combination strategy of SWOT-AHP analysis tables indicate the superiority of natural features - human hazards, so that the final result of the evaluation and assessment of internal and external factors indicate that the strength (with a total value of final 0.233) and opportunities facing the region (the sum of the final value of 0.324) weaknesses (the sum of the final value 0.230) and the threats surrounding it (with a total end value of 0.213) is higher and thus the overall strategies of the invasive strategy should be formulated in such a way environmental opportunities and can be used strengths.

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One of the most important resources of every country is soil. Today, its erosion and producing deposit is a difficult that is increasing progressively and causes to lose surface soil of slope, sediment accumulation in reservoirs, sedimentation in channels and enormous damage to the economy. In this research the gullies of region Salavat Abad-Bijar was studied. Dimension of gullies was studied by using field surveys. The parameters of width, depth, the ratio of width to depth, the channel angel and the parameters of gully shape obtained the cross-sections were estimated. Then these data was clustered by SPSS software and analyzed by the effectiveness of each variable in clusters by variance analysis and used mann-whitney U for assessing difference of each variable with litology. Among of parameters, slope and depth of gully have a significant difference with litology. According to this clustering the gullies is divided into three clusters. The results of test show homogeneity that among the different factors, only slope has been effective in the gullies of region and the reminded parameters has not been effectiveness as the direct factor on gullies, therefore we concludes in the region studied, the morphometric indexes cannot interfere in clustering as an effective factor. Also, it was surveyed the difference among the numbers of gullies in this span under study along with the factors of the amplitude shape, land use, the sensitive level to gullies, slope and the direction of amplitude by using Kruskalwallis H test. The results of this test showed that there is a significant difference among the number of gullies with the mentioned factors in the meaningful level of 0.05.

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Beaches fringe about 40 per cent of the world’s coastline, and generally consist of unconsolidated deposits of sand and gravel on the shore. More than half the world’s population lives in coastal regions, and many people visit the coast frequently. Beaches have also formed along the fringes of coastal lowlands. In Iran, the river and coastal systems are one of the most important factors in the location of cities, network connections, commerce, tourism, agriculture and areas of industrial development and have high population density and have high population density. Beach systems deal with the interactions between beaches and the processes (waves, currents, tides and winds) that work on them. Case Study at coordinates of geographical longitude of 51o,30, and 00 up to east 52o, 45 and 00 and geographical latitude 36o, 18,َ and 55 up to north 36o, 44,َ and 00 with an area of 2068.57 square kilometers in North of Mazandaran Province is located. The main purpose of this paper is to the Identification and morphological classification coastal zones used Shepard Classification method, from Nowshahr to Babolsar. Thus, topographic maps and geology, satellite imagery and geographical information system software in Arc GIS and several field visits from landforms, has been used. The main purpose of this research is to morphological classification of coastal zones from Nowshahr to Babolsar using Shepard classification method. This research is based on the satellite imagery (Landsat, sensors: TM & ETM+, IRS), field observations geological and topographic maps and GIS information. Results of this study, show that the most dominate part of region is covered by Alluvial Plain (with: 42.8%), Pediplain (or Pediment) (with: 16.7%), Lowlands (11.85%), & Flood Plain (9.6%).

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