News agencies are one of the sources of information and health news in our country. However, the study that examined the issue of health communication in this media has been less widely seen. "Health Communication" is the art of information technology, the impact and encouragement of individuals, institutions and public audiences on important health topics. This article aims to understand the approach of three news agencies ISNA, TASNIM and MEHR in addressing the issue of "promoting health" and "understanding the format of health messages" in the coverage of health-related topics. For studying, the framework for framing theory and the Tannahill Health Promotion Model, which depicts the areas of health promotion, and content analysis method were used. 507 items were investigated during the period from May to August 2014. The findings showed that among the various health topics, news agencies considered "health-related benefits, such as proper nutrition, exercise, and vaccination, " with 18. 9%. Supporting health in the media in the form of three themes: "health policies", "legal and legal controls" and "restrictive or unwanted policies of unhealthy actions" were investigated, which supports health agencies with 70. 6% in the form of "health supportive policies". They considered less than two other issues. Aggregates have highlighted early prevention, with 83 percent showing. News agencies have used more positive messages in the formulation of health messages, with a frequency of 32. 4%.