When an earthquake occurs and its news spreads, on the spur of the moment, the militaristic imagination of notions and categories, objects and technologies, army officers and relief guards, a mass of victims and people damaged, spring to mind. However, of the moment, ironically neither prior notions nor categories are sufficient to fathom the reasons behind it, nor the objects have their previous meanings. Accordingly, we do not consider earthquake victims as the passive ones in advance, or linking them to such fictitious creativity that they, themselves were coping quite well with what had happened to them. Although nobody has been killed by the earthquake which has struck Abdanan last summer, it was important enough not to be ignored. Over the course of earthquake, we could both pondering ways individuals withstanding and their inability, their asthenia. At once watching both their endeavor to live and their grief and incapacitation. Paying attention to how the affairs were being reordered, likewise such an up growing traumas which based on our capabilities in hand, there was no way to be cured. Meanwhile, though the government acted munificently in the case of providing people with services and facilities, it did not has potency in counseling with people neither in the process of allotment nor in the field of specifying the requirements. Surprisingly, the goal was to settle people down. Those who were being put aside from the course of consultation.