Port and waterway risk management is an essential way for safe port operation. The waterway risk management is capable of:a. Assessing the risk in ports or waterways, comparing to the risk level considered by authorities: the elements that can be taken into consideration include those related to vessel conditions, traffic conditions, navigational conditions, waterway conditions, immediate consequences and subsequent consequences;b. Identifying appropriate risk control options to decrease the risk to the level considered to be acceptable: The risk control options available include improved co-ordination and planning; training; rules and procedures including enforcement, navigational, meteorological and hydrographical information; radio communications; active traffic management and waterway changes.c. Assessing the risk level of existing ports and waterways to determine the probable risk level. The assessment then indicates whether the existing risk level in the waterway is:1. Acceptable, and no further work is needed unless changes occur in important criteria, such as the traffic pattern or the types of ships using the waterway;2. Negligible, but the risk control options necessary to make the risk level of the waterway acceptable have been identified adequately;3. Not acceptable, and more detailed study is necessary to enable the risk control options that will make the risk level of the waterway acceptable to be identified adequately.The six elements which have considered for evaluation of risk in waterways are as follows: 1. Vessel conditions -the quality of vessels and their crews that operate on the waterway.2. Traffic conditions -the number of vessels that use a waterway and their interactions.3. Navigational conditions -the environmental conditions that vessels must deal with in a waterway relating to wind, currents and weather.4. Waterway conditions- the physical properties of the waterway that affect a vessel manoeuvre.5. Immediate consequences -the immediate impacts of a waterway casualty.6. Subsequent consequences -the subsequent effects of waterway casualties that may be felt hours, days, months and even years afterwards. At the end, waterway risk management, if applied properly, could promote safety of port and waterway.