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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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اخیرا مقاله ای تحت عنوان «بررسی میزان خود استنادی مجلات علمی- پژوهشی انگلیسی زبان ایرانی حوزه پزشکی نمایه شده در نمایه نامه استنادی Scopus» در مجله «مدیریت اطلاعات سلامت» به چاپ رسیده است. این مقاله به بررسی میزان ارجاعات و همچنین درصد خود ارجاعی در مجلات علوم پزشکی پرداخته است.

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Introduction: Personal health record (PHR) enables patients to access their health information and improves care quality by supporting self-care. The purpose of this study was to provide a comparative analysis of the concepts and applications of PHRs in selected countries.Methods: This study was carried out in 2009 using a descriptive, comparative method. It compared Australia, the United States, England, and Iran. Data was gathered from articles, books, journals, and reputed websites in English and Persian published between 1995 and September 2009. After collecting the data, both advantages and disadvantages of PHRs in each country were analyzed.Results: In Australia, the United States, and England the patient/person was recognized as the owner of the PHR, information was disclosed only to those authorized by the patient, and the PHR was created upon request and involved consent of the individual. The aims of these records in the three countries were to provide access to health information for the patient, to offer a secure and confident place for sending message and communication, and to enable the person to use databases.Conclusion: In most countries, PHR has been developed to provide access to health information. It is thus necessary for Iran to benefit from experiences in other countries.

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Introduction: In today’s world of knowledge with increasing complexity, the need for exchanging data, information, and knowledge is undeniable. Electronic health record is undoubtedly a key technology in health care which facilitates the recovery and processing of health information from multiple locations and provide more efficient and more effective treatment for the patient. Automatic data transfer on the other hand, increases the rate of services, reduces errors, and improves the quality of services. For distribution and exchange of information, development and use of a messaging standard in electronic health records is required.Methods: A descriptive-comparative study was conducted on messaging standards provided by Health Level Seven International (HL7), International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) whose standards in field of electronic health records are more comprehensive and complete than other organizations. Using a checklist, data was collected from articles, books, and magazines and English language websites. The validity of the checklist had been approved by some academic experts in the field of electronic health records. The collected data was analyzed using comparative and qualitative methods.Results: The obtained results showed that several organizations and institutions such in the world, as HL7, ISO, and CEN, have standards related to electronic health records. While HL7 has a messaging standard, CEN developed a standard named EN13606 which was later adopted by ISO. Therefore, EN13606 is currently updated by ISO.Conclusion: Most activities in providing a messaging standard for electronic health records have been done by ISO and HL7. Messaging standards of the two organizations, despite the similarity in some cases, have some unique differences. Comparing these two standards showed that although these two different standards tried to exchange messages, HL7 messaging standard was not successful in creating interoperability and had some inconsistency in its models’ classes. ISO13606 standard however, used some features in definition of clinical concepts and could create interoperability.

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Introduction: Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) includes ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), non- ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), and unstable angina. It is among the leading causes of death. Registry systems are designed and implemented to collect and analyze the data related to a specific disease. Decreasing the burden ACS would need some strategies such as designing and implementing a registry system. This study tried to compare ACS registry systems in selected countries.Methods: This comparative descriptive research used an applied approach. The data was collected from the national registry of ACS in the USA, Switzerland, and Malaysia and myocardial infarction (MI) registry in Isfahan (as the first MI registry in Iran). Data was mainly collected from articles, journals, websites, and other written documents using a checklist which was designed based on the minimum requirements of a registry system. The validity of the checklist was confirmed by specialists. Since most resources were in English, translations were performed by an expert team to maximize the concordance with the source. Data was analyzed using comparative tables.Results: In all three countries, there were national registries for ACS. They registered all stages including gathering and analyzing data and distribution of information. Although there is no national registry in Iran, an MI registry has been implemented in Isfahan which only covers data collection. The registry systems in the USA and Switzerland are supervised by specialty associations relevant to coronary disease. In Malaysia however, the database is under the control of Ministry of Health. The American ACS had the highest level of experience and the best features among the studied registry systems.Conclusion: Overall, according to the large burden of heart diseases in Iran, designing and implementing a national registry is essential. It could bring a better management for controlling and preventing diseases.

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Introduction: Commitment to abstracting standards has a very significant role in information retrieval. The present research aimed to evaluate the rate of commitment to ISO 214 standards among the Persian abstracts of approved research projects at School of Health Management and Medical Informatics, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran.Methods: This descriptive study used a researcher-made checklist to collect data which was then analyzed through content analysis. The studied population consisted of 227 approved research projects in the School of Health Management and Medical Informatics, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences during 2001-10. The validity of the checklist was measured by face and content validity. Data was collected through direct observations. Statistical analyses including descriptive statistics (frequency distribution and percent) and inferential statistics (chi-square test) were performed in SPSS16.Results: The highest and lowest commitment rates to ISO 214 standard were in using third person pronouns (100%) and using active verbs (34.4%), respectively. In addition, the highest commitment rates to ISO 214 standard (100%) related to mentioning third person pronouns, starting the abstract with a sentence to explain the subject of the research, abstract placement, and including keyword in 2009. On the other hand, during 2001-3, the lowest commitment rate was observed in reporting research findings (16.7%). Moreover, various educational groups differed significantly only in commitment to study goals, providing research findings, and abstaining from using abbreviations, signs, and acronyms. Furthermore, the educational level of the corresponding author was significantly related with extracting the keywords from the text. Other factors of ISO 214 standard did not have significant relations with the educational level of the corresponding author.Conclusion: In general, a desirable rate of commitment to ISO 214 standard was observed among the Persian abstracts of approved research projects at the School of Health Management and Medical Informatics of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. However, commitment rates differed between years. In addition, commitment to ISO 214 standard was not significantly related with educational group and degree.

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Introduction: The purpose of this study was determine the application of knowledge management among the staff members of central, faculty, and hospital libraries at Tabriz University of Medical Sciences (Tabriz, Iran), based on Hissig model. Hissig model consists of four processes including knowledge creation, storage, sharing, and application.Methods: This descriptive survey included all of the listed members of university libraries (59 persons) in 2010. Using Cochran’s formula to determine the sample size, 40 individuals were selected to participate. Sampling was conducted through stratified random sampling proportional to size. A 5-point Likert scale researcher-made questionnaire was used to gather the needed information. The face validity of the questionnaire was approved by experienced teachers. In order to determine the reliability, Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was calculated (a=0.949). Descriptive statistics, including frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, and inferential statistics, including single- sample t-test, multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), and Scheffe’s post hoc test, were used to analyze the collected data.Results: Our findings showed that the application of knowledge management based on Hissig model among the library staff members at Tabriz University of Medical Sciences had an average of 2.90 and was higher than moderate. While the studied population scored higher than moderate in knowledge creation (3.06), sharing (2.87), and application (3.12), their scores of knowledge storage (2.56) were lower than average.Conclusion: According to the findings of this research, the application of knowledge management based on Hissig model among the library staff members at Tabriz University of Medical Sciences was rated higher than moderate. However, between the investigated components, knowledge storage was rated lower than average which highlights the importance of knowledge storage among library staff members. Utilization of knowledge storage systems is thus essential.

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Introduction: Knowing the rate of overlapping in results obtained from information retrieval tools is important to prevent waste of time. Medical and health- related information has an outstanding place among the variety of information available on the Internet. Hence, this research aimed to study the rate of overlap among medical search results derived from MESH (medical subject headings) in general search engines.Methods: This applied, descriptive, comparative approach survey was conducted in 2010. The research sample included 4 general search engines, i.e. Yahoo, Live Search, Google, and Ask. In order to determine the rate of overlapping among the searches, 10 medical keywords were first selected randomly. The first 10 results retrieved by each search engine were then listed. Finally, the overlap rate was calculated by means of Microsoft Excel. To determine the overlapping search results, 10 common terms were searched in the mentioned search engines. Then, 10 results retrieved in the first page of each search engine were collected and compared. The overlap rate among the retrieved results was finally calculated using a checklist and a researcher-made equation whose validity was confirmed based on observations of the researchers, comments of some expert professors, and especially referring to related literature. In addition, due to the descriptive, comparative approach of the research, descriptive statistics revolving around a statistical equation was utilized.Results: It was found that search engines can retrieve 48% of relevant searches retrieved by other search engines. Yahoo had the highest number of unique results while Google had the highest number of results overlapping with other search engines. The overlap rate of the 4 studied search engines was 11%.Conclusion: The results obtained from different search engines hardly overlap. Therefore, users are suggested to search more than one search engine simultaneously to access more relevant documents. Moreover, they are advised to use specialized search engines to search medical information.

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Introduction: Database evaluation indicators include management, content, technical, and search indicators. A database must have a high level of information retrieval. As search features is one of the most important factors in database evaluation, this research tried to evaluate search input and output in online databases of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences (IUMS) central library website based on international standards.Methods: In a cross-sectional study in 2007-08, 7 online databases of IUMS central library website were included. Search input and output were evaluated by a researcher-made checklist according to Maryland K-12 and Ovid criteria, database management system (DBMS), and Gulliver assessment tool. The reliability of that the checklist was approved by professionals. The checklist consisted of 2 parts, 11 items to assess search input features and 15 items to evaluate search output features. The collected data was finally analyzed in Microsoft Excel.Results: Our results showed that input and output features of Ovid databases were completely (100%) according to the standard criteria. However, MD Consult had the lowest (input: 51.52% and output: 61.9%) concordance with the standards. Although other databases.Conclusion: Ovid and MD Consult had the highest and lowest concordance with search standards, respectively. Although other databases had acceptable concordance, decisions to continue or discontinue using their services depend on further evaluations of their management, content, and technical features.

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Introduction: The present age is the age of dramatic changes in technologies whose intellectual structure deepens information and considers creative and knowledge-oriented human resource participation. The present study has been performed to determine the relationship between knowledge management and creativity among the librarians of university libraries of Shiraz, Iran in 2010.Methods: All female and male librarians of state and Azad universities in Shiraz were respectively studied during 2010. From the 120 subjects who received the questionnaires, 90 persons (75%) completed and returned the questionnaires. This survey study used researchermade questionnaire of knowledge management and creativity questionnaire of Randsip. Internal consistency of the two questionnaires was calculated using Cronbach’s alpha (0.90 and 0.81, respectively). Data was analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics including Pearson’ s correlation coefficient, t-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA).Results: There was a significant direct relationship between knowledge management and creativity according to Pearson’s correlation coefficient (0.261). Our results also showed that individual and cultural dimensions of knowledge management among librarians had significant and positive relationships with their creativity (Pearson’ correlation coefficient =0.273 and 0.338, respectively). However, the two dimensions of technology and process had no significant or positive relationships with creativity (Pearson’s correlation coefficient=0.122 and 0.094, respectively). The results of one-way ANOVA showed that the level of education had a significant effect on librarians’ knowledge management. On the other hand, gender and military service record had no significant effect on knowledge management among librarians.Conclusion: The results of this study suggested higher levels of knowledge management in more creative librarians in Shiraz university libraries.

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Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of morning and afternoon personality styles of the staff on an organization’s psychological capital (optimism, resiliency, hope, and self-efficacy) based on Fred Luthans’s model. We also assessed whether the relationship between personality type and psychological capital could affect the individual and organizational performance.Methods: In a descriptive correlational study in 2010, from 1615 employees of public and private hospitals in Isfahan, Iran, 250 individulas were selected using cluster random sampling proportional to population size. Data was collected using Munich chronotype questionnaire, psychological capital questionnaire (with a reliability of 93%), and the morning and evening personality questionnaire (with a reliability of 81%). The validity of the tools was confirmed to be high by experts. SPSS was used to perform descriptive and inferential statistical methods [Pearson’ s correlation coefficient, t-test, and multivariate analysis of variance (Manova)].Results: The results suggested significant relations between scores of morning personality and hope, efficacy, and optimism. On the other hand, evening personality type was significantly correlated with efficacy, optimism, and resiliency. However, evening and morning personality scores were not related with hope and resiliency, respectively. The two groups were also significantly different in terms of marital status. In fact, more individuals in with afternoon personality were married which implies the higher resiliency among this group.Conclusion: The results obtained in this study showed a significant positive relationship between psychological capital and personality styles. Overall, employees with evening personality styles constitute higher psychological capital.

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Introduction: Increasing numbers of chronic patients who need permanent support and staff members who are exposed to daily psychological stress highlight the need for hospitals which consider health promotion programs as a key service. Health Promotion Program was introduced by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1990 and has ever since been implemented by many countries throughout the world. This study aimed to compare health promotion programs in pilot hospital of the WHO.Methods: In this applied comparative study, data was collected through reviewing digital and printed publications as well as the reports provided by the WHO about the European pilot health promoting hospitals. The study sample included 20 European pilot hospitals in the WHO’s Health Promoting Hospitals program between 1993-7. Finally, the collected data was tabulated, described, and compared.Results: Health promotion programs have been implemented in 4 main categories of promotion among patients, staff members, hospital, and community. An overall number of 149 subprojects have also been identified. All studied hospitals were members of the Health Promoting Hospitals Network. Moreover, all hospitals except the one in Prague and took part in the pilot projects of the WHO. Moreover, 31% of the hospitals collaborated with other institutions. While 78% of the hospitals had more than 10 subprojects, patient health promotion subproject was the most common. All hospitals informed other centers about their plans. Indicators for health promotion programs assessment were considered in 75% of the studied hospitals. All hospitals had defined a project structure for implementation of health promotion programs.Conclusion: The WHO has defined a series of necessary measures, such as implementing health promotion programs, participating in the Health Promoting Hospitals Network, and establishing evaluation indices for health promotion programs, for the hospitals which would eventually lead to improvement of health among patients, staff, hospitals, and community.

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Introduction: The Subject of Knowledge, as one of the most valuable sources of every organization, has recently gained more importance in businesses and industries, especially in governmental organizations. Therefore, this study aimed to explore and prioritize the most important subjects in the field of hospital management to be documented in knowledge management system of the Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Education.Methods: In 2010 and in an applied study, university professors in the field of health management who had passed mini master of business administration (MBA) courses in the Ministry of Science were included. The number of the subjects was estimated as 45 people. A 5-point Likert scale questionnaire and interviews were used to collect data. For assuring the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, content validity, face validity, and test-retest reliability methods were applied. Data from 30 questionnaires was analyzed using binomial and Friedman tests in SPSS.Results: Having in depth studies on the literature and the conducted interviews, 70 preliminary hospital management subjects were identified. A total of 29 subjects were finalized and embedded in the questionnaire. The results of binomial test indicated high importance of 26 subjects which implied their importance in documentation in the hospital knowledge management system. This study not only identified important subjects in hospital management, but also prioritized the importance of each factor in a ranked order. Strategic management in hospitals, total quality management, and participative management and leadership were identified as the 3 most important hospital management issues.Conclusion: Identifying and prioritizing hospital management subjects will help managers to allocate their limited financial, human, and time resources to the most important subjects that should be documented in knowledge management systems. Such a method would prevent losing knowledge after the highly experienced hospital managers leave the Ministry of Health and Medical Education.

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View 2002

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Introduction: In the current world of business, benefiting from information technology is considered as one of the main factors to develop and improve the performance of organizations. This study was performed to identify access to infrastructures of information technology among the managers and executive experts of health departments in Iranian universities of medical sciences. It also tried to explore the related individual and organizational factors.Methods: This retrospective study was conducted in 2010. Using stratified systematic random sampling, 13 Iranian universities of medical sciences were selected. All available managers and executives in the vice-chancellery of health of the selected universities were interviewed and inquired using census method. A valid and reliable questionnaire was filled out to assess individual and organizational variables. The collected data was analyzed by chi-square, Mann-Whitney, Kruskal Wallis, and Fisher’s exact tests and Spearman’s correlation coefficient.Results: Among the 293 studied managers and executives, 288 people (98.3%) had computers in their office and 281 people (97%) had access to the Internet. While 30% of the participants were completely satisfied with the Internet speed, 46% were moderately satisfied. The automation system was available for 205 subjects (70%). Having access to the Internet was significantly related with the availability of the automation system (P£0.045). Satisfaction with the Internet speed had significant relationships with university rankings (P£0.013), having access to the automation system (P<0.001), and age (P£0.015; r=-0.143). Moreover, 220 persons (75%) had active email accounts.Conclusion: We found a good quantity of having access to information technology. Therefore, designing and implementing interventional programs to promote the quality of the provided services seem to be necessary.

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Introduction: In health care services, preventing problems and failures is more efficient than concentrating on correcting them. Repairs are always expensive, as they require highly specialized personnel and costly spare parts. Regular inspecting and servicing, using manual services and checklists, would maximize the impact of maintenance and minimize the costs. It is thus important to introduce a planned preventive maintenance (PPM) system to the hospitals.Methods: This quantitative-qualitative research used a Delphi survey to assess 23 medical engineers and managers at hospitals affiliated to Isfahan University of Medical Sciences (Isfahan, Iran) in 2010. Using interviews, the requirements were categorized into 4 groups of structural, human resources, financial, and equipments. A Delphi survey was obtained according to the results. A final questionnaire based on a Likert scale with a Cronbach’s alpha of 92% was used to collect data. The data was then analyzed by SPSS.Results: Medical engineers and managers prioritized the requirements as structural needs (preparing appropriate organization for repairing and maintenance activity in hospitals and treatment center and cultivation of the plan in the hospitals), human resources (all management personnel should have true belief in the plan), financial needs (allocating specific budget for teaching managers and nurses), and application needs (providing a specific checklist for medical equipments).Conclusion: Medical engineers are definitely needed to be available in all hospitals affiliated to the university. A unit for following preventive maintenance programs, and creating sympathy and cooperation between managers and engineers is also of high importance.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: In this article, we used a panel smooth transition regression model to estimate the relationship between health expenditure and income. This approach is employed to continuously model changing parameters among countries and during time. It is thus suitable for eliminating heterogeneity among countries and the variability of the relationship between gross domestic product (GDP) and health expenditure. The purpose of this study was to determine whether health care is a luxury product in the Middle East.Methods: The data included a panel of time series and cross-sectional observations in 14 Middle East countries during the 1990-2006. The data was collected from the World Health Organization (WHO) and World Development Indicators (WDI, 2008). The results were analyzed using EViews.Results: The results showed that in most countries, income elasticity is less than unity. It seems that the relationship between income and health expenditure is affected by the advancement in technology among different countries. The estimates for all countries indicated that the income elasticity of health expenditure for the years 1975-2006 had continuously increased.Conclusion: The technological change is one of the main factors that affect health expenditure growth in the Middle East. Hence, health policy makers should consider the increase in health expenditure ratio along with technology growth in their programs.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Health databases contain a wide scope of clinical data to explore relationships and patterns that can lead to new medical knowledge.Today, the emergence of integrated information systems and growth of information technologies have better highlighted the importance of such databases.Data mining is among the technological advances toward data management whose integration with traditional methods has become a necessity due to the widespread use of information systems and databases. This article reviews concepts related to data mining and its application in the field of health.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesDownload 0 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesCitation 2 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesRefrence 0
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