Introduction: Occupational risks and incidents at work have led to many unpleasant consequences during the last decades so that each year the 28th April is dedicated to "Workers Memorial Day" to commemorate workers who lost their lives in occupational incidents.Safety of personnel and their work environment have a great importance all over the world.Consideration required in medical and health units and also in hospitals, is an important administrative task. Most of the managers in developed countries, assume safety as an investment with a great return profit. Safety in hospital radiology units is very crucial. In these units, there is a risk of potential radiation to the patients, companions, personnel, etc. The current study aimed to assess risks and identification of hazardous areas in order to increase the awareness of hospital managers and providing them with correct measures to improve safety in such Methods: This was a descriptive-cross sectional, applied study.In this study, all private and hospitals radiology units were included. Using standard safety checklist, needed information was collected via interviews and observations and then, following data collection; we evaluated the risks through Melbourne University’s 3D Model. SPSS was applied for data analysis.Results: The results showed observing safety principles in connection with using personal protection equipment was 2.53 out of 5(51%), safety laws and guidelines is 3.03 from 5 scores and 60%, physical safety and environment equipments is 3.6 from 5 score, 72%, fire safety equipment and electricity safety is 2.9 from 5 score, 58%, public safety public is 3.05 from 5 score and 61%. Also it is determined that Conclusion: Generally from the 5 areas studied, the greatest score and percentage (3.6 from 5 score and 72%) related to physical safety and environment equipments. The lowest score and percentage however (2.53 from 5 score and 51%) pertained to personal protection equipments.