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In the contemporary world, the phenomenon of globalization has been leading to more similarities in many aspects of social life at different levels. But there are many differences among countries yet. The present research concentrates on the child rearing values. Nine characteristics of importance in the process of socialization have been studied.The main question is ‘what are the important child rearing values?’ Then similarities and differences among the targeted countries are discussed. The research method is second analysis. Data are from the fourth wave of the world value survey. The sample consists of 14 countries from Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa whose data were available. Findings show that the child rearing values in Central Asia is different from those of the Middle East and North Africa. In addition, there are significant differences in the importance of all the values amongst the countries under study.

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The aim of the present research is to examine the relationship between pat-terns of communication (in the form of conversation) and conformity on the one hand and the empathy and self-control of children on the other. The sample comprises 348 students of third, fourth and fifth grades of prim-ary schools. Empathy scale (Eisen-berg, et al., 1991), family communica-tion patterns instrument (Fitzpatrick & Ritchie, 1994) and self- control rating scale (Kendall & Wi-lcox, 1979) were administered.These scales were completed by the children, their mothers and teachers, respectively. Factor analysis, itemtotal correlation and Cronbach alpha coeffi-cient reported acceptable validity and reliability of the measures. Results show that conversation was a positive and conformity was a negative predi-ctor of empathy and self-control. Girls and 4th and 5th grades students had significantly higher mean scores on empathy scale than boys and 3rd grade students, respectively.

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The aim of this paper is to identify family predictor factors for premarital heterosexual friendship and sexual intercourse among female university students in Tehran.1743 female students were enrolled in the study from four multidisciplinary universities in Tehran using two stage random cluster sampling and anonymous self-administered questionnaires. To deter-mine predictor factors, bivariate and multivariate analyses were employed.Almost more than half of unmarried females reported premarital friendship with the opposite sex, less than one -fifth reported any type of sex and one-tenth reported intercourse. Multivariate analysis showed that strict parental control during adolescence, parents' liberal attitude, and low respect for parents’ views are important predictors of premarital heterosexual friendship. Moreover, strict parental control, poor family atmosphere, liberal parental attitudes, low respect for parents views are significant predict-tors of premarital sexual intercourse. The importance of having a good family atmosphere, communication about parental views and their expectations and a balanced control over adolescents needs to be emphasized in interventions.

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The main purpose of this research is to examine the consequences of the imprisonment of parents on the academic achievement of their children achievement in the Iranian province of Kurdistan. Student academic achievements are compared before and six mounts after the incarceration of their parents. The statistical sample comprises 108 imprisoned parents and 155 of their children selected using the sim-ple random sampling method. The instruments used to gather relevant da-ta consist of a researcher-made questionnaire and a checklist.Data were analyzed using the descriptive statistical indices and inferential statistics such as T, F and multivariable regression tests. Main fin-dings are: (1) student academic achievement was lower after parents were imprisoned compared with the time before their imprisonment; (2) academic achievement of female students was found to be lower than that of the male students; (3) academic achievement of high school students was less than that of primary and middle (junior high) school students.

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The aim of the present research is to examine factors influencing of parental self-efficacy in mother with 2-6 year-old children. The study is descriptive post hoc.350 mothers were selected from 15 kindergartens of 3 areas of Tehran by multistage sampling method. They completed Rosenberg’s Self-esteem Scale, Parental Bonding Questionnaire, Parenting Stress Index, Sources of Social Support Scale, Maternal efficacy Questionnaire and Preschool Behavior Checklist.Stepwise regression analysis showed that parenting stress, behavioral problems in children, mother’s selfesteem and parental stress subscale from parenting stress index, in four steps, could explain 32% of variance in maternal self-efficacy. Therefore, educational programs relevant to the mentioned factors can enhance maternal self-efficacy and prevent from children’s psychological problems.

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The purpose of the present study was to examine the efficacy of stress coping skills training on parenting stress of mothers of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Twenty four mothers that their children were diagnosed with ADHD were matched and randomly assigned to experimental and control groups.were randomly allocated to two experimental and control groups. The experimental group received a 8 sessions of instruction within the framework of a Positive Parenting Pro-gram. The subjects were assessed by General Health Questionnaire in 3 sections (before and after treatment and the follow-up). The collected data were then put to the Multivariate Covariance Analysis. Findings show that the instruction has caused significant mental health improvement in the experimental group compared to control group mothers. The positive parenting program was found effective for the mental health of the mothers who had children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. There-fore, the program is recommended to be used for mothers of such children.

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Marriage is defined as a sexual, emotional and economic partnership that is socially and/or legally sanctioned. Sexual behavior is an important aspect of marital satisfaction. Sexual relationship can be communal, or exchangenal. The aim of this study is to evaluate the psychometric properties of sexual relationship scale.This research is a descriptive-correlational study with a random sampling of 121 couples to investigate the construct validity, 21 persons (10 females) with marital problems to examine the differential validity and 30 persons (15 females) for test-retest reliability. The sum of samples is 293. Original Sexual Relationship Scale (24 items) and Sexual Relationship Subscale from ENRICH Questionnaire (10 items) were administered. Collected data were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis, MANO-VA, Pearson Correlation, and Chronbach Alpha. Exploratory factor analysis supported a 3-factor (17 items from 24 original items) solution namely “communal orientation, ” “exchangenal orientation, ” and “dem-and”. MANOVA shows a significant difference (p< 001) between the normal group and the group suffering from marital problems in “exchangenal orientation”. Correlation between “communal orientation” and sexual relationship scale from ENRICH questionnaire was found to be 0.92. The results provide further support for the differential, and convergent validity of the SRS. Chronbach’s Alpha for the factors ranged from 0.81 to 0.90. Test-retest reliability was between 0.92 and 0.96, supporting the reliability of the SRS. The 17-item SRS was found a useful scale for research on marital satisfaction, for professionals to help those in need choose an appropriate marriage therapy method.

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