The purpose of the present study was to compare women and men in relationship with in-laws. There fore a questionnaire was developed and administered to 735 married people (385 women, 350 men).Participants were selected through accessible sampling method from six populated cities of Iran.Results showed significant difference between men and women in estimation of in-laws role and proportion in marital conflicts (U=5.832, P<.001), offending in-laws during the marital conflicts (U=5.851, P<.001), informing in-laws about marital conflicts (c=18.256, P<.003) and amount of visits and phone calls with them.Women's relationship with their in-laws were worse than men's (U=5.71, P<.001) and they reported less satisfaction in comparison with men (t=-5.46, P<.001). Women believed more than men that their in-laws have irrational expectations of them (c=5.04, P<.002).In comparison with men, women felt unhappier about the presence of their in-laws were at their life (U=6.009, P<.003), and reported more conflicts with them. Women and men reported different ways of conflict resolution with in-laws.In case of conflict with in-laws, women preferred to show no reaction, decrease the number of visits and ask their husbands to act as an intermediary. Men stated that in case of conflict with in-laws they would prefer to neglect it or discuss about it with in-laws directly. But women and men had more desirable relationship with their mother and sister in-laws. Besides, in both genders it was more probable to have undesirable relationship with mother and sister or brother in-laws from the opposite sex of their spouse. Father in-laws were the last one whom participants had desirable or undesirable relationships with. Lastly women had worse relationship with their in-laws than men that can be explained from psychological, sociological and cultural points of view. Considering the role of relationship with in-laws in success or failure of marriage in Iran it is necessary to develop therapeutic or preventive interventions with consideration of gender and culture.