Since a long time ago, real happiness along with perfection, good and pleasure has been the subject of discussion among philosophers. Different views have been expressed on these concepts particularly happiness due to their complexity. So far, no criterion has been provided to be used for the evaluation of the multiplicity of views. The present article is an attempt to provide a common ground through exploring the hidden aspects of happiness and revealing its different layers in the context of this world and the hereafter from the perspective of Mulla Sadra. For this purpose, the concept of ‘comprehensive happiness’ with the approach used by Molla Sardra as the major hypothesis and the concepts of‘material and sensual happiness’, ‘spiritual happiness’ and ‘esoteric and internal happiness’ as the competing alternative hypotheses are examined and analyzed.Relying on certain theoretical grounds such as the principality of existence, the gradation of existence, thetheory that the soul is originally material but later becomes spiritual, the substantial movement, the free will, the relation between this world and the other world, the unity of soul and its faculties and the unity of knowerand known, the article tries to demonstrate the advantage of Mula Sadra’s views over the other theologians’ views on the concepts mentioned above.From Sadra’s point of view, happiness is either real or unreal. Each one is either related to this world or to the world after. These four are either related to external senses, internal senses and stimulating faculties or to theoretical and practical intellect. Real happiness goes to human intellect, as the happiness realized through intellect is more perfect, more intense, more inseparable and more inclusive. The happiness realized by theoretical and practical intellect is minimal, middle or maximal.