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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Drug abuse is a major of medical, social, economic and cultural problem. The purpose of this study has been determining the pattern of drug abuse and high risk behaviors in patients that referred to DIC and MMTC of Amol (2012).Methods: This study was descriptive, analytical, and cross-sectional. Samples were selected by systematic random cluster sampling. The samples were 389, that were selected according to determining sample Krejcie and Morgan table from addicts referred to DIC and MMTC of Amol. Data collection tool was questionnaire that was completed by interview and review of patients records, And analyzed by related test in spss 18.Findings: The samples were consisted of 92.5% male and 7.5% female.80.2% of them were urban and 19.8 % were rural. The number of male addicts referred to this center for abandonment has been 11 times more than females. And most of the drug has been used before referral to treatment centers was opium.15% of patients were single and 85% were married. There was a significant difference Between the variables of drug abuse and gender (p=0.00), marital status (p= 0.00), occupation (p=0.00), education (p=0.003) and a history of drug abuse (p=0.00) at p<0.01 level.Conclusion: Smoking, unemployment and low education are the influencing factors on drug abuse, so the occurrence of such abnormalities Can be prevented by promoting of cultural and educational fields, especially during the academic career, creating job opportunities for youth And informing the families in the community.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Backgrounds and Objective; Existence of suitable leadership style helps correct performance of nurses who are the most specialized personnel in hospital and performance improvement results in the development of quality and reliability of the supervision and makes them responsible for their performance. This study was carried out to determine the effect of servant leadership style on the nurses’ performance.Materials and Methods: Materials a methods: the current research is a correlation study which was conducted in tonekabon and ramsar hospitals. Subjects of this study were nurses of these two hospitals who met the requirements of the characteristics of research samples and ware randomly selected. In this study first the nurses’ leadership style was examined regarding the adaptation rate with the servant leadership indexes. Then, its effete on the nurses’ performance was determined. In this way, after distributing the questionnaire for determining servant leaders, 10 subjects were assigned to each of these two groups, one observing servant leadership style, and the other non servant leadership one, to homogenize subjects, 150 nurses (75 in experimental group, 75 in control group) responded the questionnaires. First, the degree of demographics variables was determined by the use of descriptive statics and annual evaluation used for determining nurses’ performances. Then independent t-test was used for comparing the score of the two groups, and independent t-test and ANOVA were used for determining the effect of demographic characteristics of head nurses on the servant leadership style.Results: Data analysis by means of independent t-test showed significant difference at the mean of nurses annual performance evaluation score in the two experimental and control groups (p<0.05). Nurses annual evaluation score mean obtained using independent t-test by considering their gender (p=0.31) marital status (P=0.17), educational degree (p=0.44) wasn’t significant. Further more, ANOVA test didn’t show any significant difference between nurses annual performance evaluation scare in fourfold age groups and fourfold groups of service yours (P=0.59). ANOVA test also showed that servant leadership style had great effect on the nurses performance (P=0.01). These results are applied to each of performance parameters.Conclusion: considering the importance of servant leadership style in hospitals, the head nurses who particularly make use of the results of this study for managing the respective ward can be successful and this is possible through teaching them the most effective methods.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduce: In Iran the First Case of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) was reported in 1987. This was followed by a rapid increase in the number of cases.There are several factors that contribute to the higher risk of HIV infection among young people e.g. first sexual experiences, the higher ratio of sexually transmitted diseases, addiction that begins usually at this age, and so on. We intended to assess the knowledge of Aids among mazandaran Azad University s, Students in Iran and produce suitable prevention.Materials and Methods: Eight hundred and seventy students of the Mazandaran Azad University Completed a 52-item questionnaire. The Subjects were selected through different stages with final randomization. The validity and reliability of the tool were determined by content validity and test– retest method respectively.Results: The mean age of the respondents was 21.5 years however 49.5% of them were below 20 years.96.1% Were aware of AIDS but 82.5% of students expressed a wish to know more about HIV.AIDS. "Television and books" Were the main sources of information by the participants. Female sex, Course of study age of groups, though statistically significant (p<0.05) were maximally associated with students, Knowledge about HIV/AIDS. Against to a question about the best way of fighting AIDS, 90% of the students believed that investment on youth education is the best method.Conclusion: Although this survey showed the knowledge level seems to be moderately high but we believe that there is a need to change and to promote the present notification and education methods for ADIS.

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Introduction: Exercise induced proteinuria is more related to the intensity and exercise mode than to the duration. Limited studies about the concomitant effect of exercise mode and sub-maximal intensity on the rate of urea protein excretion are available.Methods: Ten young active males performed the training protocol in three different exercise modes (elliptical, running on treadmill and cycle-ergometer) conducted at two sub-maximal intensities (70% and 80% of maximal heart rate) on separate days. The rate of albumin (Alb), total protein, creatinine, and β2microglubolin (b2-m) excretion prior to and after exercise were measured.Results: No significant difference on the rate of urine protein excretion was observed following the three exercise models at two different intensities (P³0.05).Only creatinine following elliptical at intensity of 85% maximal heart rate did show significant difference (P £0.05).Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study, it is concluded that the different exercise modes at sub-maximal intensities have insignificant effect on the athletic proteinuria and are not stimuli for the effective factors on the athletic proteinuria.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: The environment for clinical education is a place to educate, train and improve nursing students' clinical skills in order to enter the business community that is hospital, studies have shown that students' perceptions of clinical learning environment are different and incongruent with what they encounter with in reality and they are looking for such learning environments which can yield to better results and is the most favorable condition. As a result, the present study aimed at studying the students, administrators and nursing instructors' ideas on the clinical training effects on the recognition, attitude and mastery of nursing students' clinical skills.Material: This is a descriptive study in which 150 nursing students at Islamic Azad University, Varamin Branch and 22 Nursing instructors and 5 nursing administrators were chosen to conduct the study. Data collection tools included a questionnaire whichhad two sections: 1 - a field characteristics that included seven items, and 2 - a questionnaire to measure student’s administrator’s and nursing instructors' ideas with 51 questionson6 majoritems of theoretical lessons, clinical instructors' features, clinical training environment, clinical assessment procedures, and the consequences of participating in the clinical internship which was used after verifying the reliability and validity of the questionnaire.Results: The findings of the study revealed the fact that although the students, instructors and administrators' ideas were not in harmony in the case of improving some items in the clinical internship, they were positive on the remarkable role of participating in such courses on the recognition, attitude and mastery of the students in conducting their clinical skills.Conclusions: The results of the study showed the various perspectives of students, instructors and administrators on nursing clinical education environment. Recognizing the exact nature of the ideas can lead to accurately identify the key problems clinical training which can be best used to apply strategies to improve the clinical training effectively.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: This research was carried out with the aim of A comparison of the effectiveness of confrontation technique with response inhabitation and flooding technique on ablutomania of patients with O.C.D.Material: out of total 120 women referring to the psychiatry and counseling centers of Amol small province hospital, 90 women patients from 20 up to 40 years old having obsession of the kind of ablutomania were chosen on the basis of Yeal-Brown obsessive-compulsive questionnaire and psychiatrist’s diagnosis, Out of this number 48 were randomly chosen and divided in three groups including two experimental groups and one control group. Yeal-Brown obsessive compulsive questionnaire was carried out in the form of pre-test and post-test in each of these groups. Obsessive individuals situated in the experimental group received the flooding technique and confrontation technique with response inhabitation in the form of group each week for one and a half hour. the control group was in the waiting list during the execution of the research.The obtained data were analyzed by the application of Bonferoni method and Spss version 16 software for the purpose of descriptive and inferential statistics based on covariance analysis of ANOVA. The results of the research have shown that there is a difference between the effectiveness of flooding technique and confrontation technique with response inhabitation on the reduction of the severity of the signs of ablutomania in patients having O.C.D. Also the confrontation technique with response inhabitation is more effective on the reduction of the severity of the obsessive signs than the flooding technique.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: marriage is an important stage of life. The current research aimed to determine of educational needs for premarital counseling sessions of premarital couple’s point of view.Methods: This research is a descriptive study. Research statistical population included premarital couples (369 men and 371 women) that referred to health centers in Neyshabur city (1387-88). The samples have been selected via easy sampling and data have been collected by questional. The questional included two forms. Form 1 included demographic characteristic and form 2 included seven segments (fertility, family, planning, genetic malformations, current cancers, sexual relations, relationship to spouse, Islamic and legal laws).Results: Educational needs in both groups (men and women) were higher than medium. Educational needs in both groups mostly in were relation to expressed in Islamic and legal laws.Conclusion: Successful marriages and healthy society can be obtained by improved premarital counseling sessions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objective: Anxiety among patients experiencing coronary angiography increases within invasive studies including angiography. Anxiety as an intensifier at cardiovascular reactions can endanger patients in angiography clinics.Materials and Method: This research is a prospective and descriptive study performed on a group of 180patients hospitalized in Sari Fatemeh-Zahra Hospital for coronary angiography who were randomly selected. Demographic data and variables sheets and Spielberger state-trait anxiety inventory were distributed among the two groups before and after aromatherapy. The data were analyzed using SPSS-16 as well as statistical T-test and F test, Kendon coefficient, Pearson correlation coefficient and chi-square test.Results: The results also showed that in the 60-90 years old group, illiterate persons as well as patients who were smokers, obese people, patients who had high trait anxiety level with waiting period of more than 7 days, as well as patients who did not enjoy exercising habits, patients who had family background of heart disease, patients experiencing their first angiography, patients who had no history of angiography in their family and patients who had no awareness on angiography all revealed high levels of state anxiety and, statistically, significant relationship was observed between state anxiety and the mentioned variables. (p<0.05) Conclusion: Increase age, low illiterate, smoke, obese, had no exercising, family history of heart disease, Lack of awareness about angiography, experiencing first angiography and family history angiography, waiting period (>6days) and trail anxiety are factors which must be focused and managed.Conclusion: In general, high anxiety in these patients makes clear the necessity of paying more attention by nursing and medical personel to reduction of anxiety and application of appropriate interventions in order to reduce such problems and this issue will be possible when the factors causing anxiety are identifie.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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