An unanimous view, claims that wisdom and philosophy started by Tales from Greece but Sheykh Eshraq believed that the Hermes (Edris, the prophet) was the source of wisdom and philosophy. There are so many researches and documentations that justify this theory. Hermes has different names in different cultures, old civilizations, Holy Scriptures and dictionaries and each one called him different names. He was called Hermes in Greece, Taat in Egypt, Akhnukh in Bible, and Edris, The prophet in Islamic scriptures. Hermes is an extraction from the Sheith, the son of Adam. He was the first one who was preferred as prophet after the former two prophets, Shieth and Adam. He founded sciences such as writing, physiology, chemistry, astronomy, wisdom and philosophy. Accordingly, he was called Trismegitos in Greece and Almosalas- Belhekmah in Islamic references. Hermetic masterpieces, which have been written mostly in the old important languages, have deeply influenced on the Eastern's and western' s streams of consciousness. Hermetic scriptures have discussed different logical issues like, the God, the Man and the Universe. These scriptures are not only more coherent but also more purposeful and philosophic than Grecian ones.