The emotional disorder experienced by individuals can create problems in their interactions. In the past, the emphasis of studies has often been on the cognitive dimension and, as a result, less attention has been paid to the emotional dimension. In this survey, in order to study the effectiveness of the emotional focused therapy approach, as well as the marital satisfaction inventory and its subscales, the Snyder questionnaire was conducted with randomly selected participants in experimental and the control groups in split half individuals (each group including 6 couples). The participants were selected from among the couples of counseling centers. They received emotional-focused therapy for 10 weeks (a weekly session of about 90 minutes). The scores were converted to T scores and then analyzed through ANOVA. The findings indicated that: 1) There was a significant difference between pre and post test in total marital satisfaction score and marital satisfaction inventory subscales such as CNV, ROR, CCR, GDS, FC, PSC, TTO and SEX, while there was no significant difference in other subscales such as AGG, FIN, FAM, DSC and INC. 2) There was no significant difference between men and women groups in total marital satisfaction score and marital satisfaction inventory subscales such as PSC, AGG, INC and CNV. But there was no significant difference in subscales DSC, FAM, FIN, SEX, TTO, AFC, GDS, CCR, ROR, and CNV. 3) There was significant difference between the experimental and control groups in total marital satisfaction score and marital satisfaction inventory subscales GDS, AFC, SEX, CCR, PSC and TTO. But no significant difference was observed for subscales DSC, ROR, FIN, AGG, CNV, and INC.