Background and aims: Maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) represents physical work capacity. Therefore in physically high demand jobs like firefighting, precise evaluation of employees' aerobic capacity in order to ensure their physical capabilities and fitness for work duties is vitally important. The aim of this study was to evaluate maximal aerobic capacity and its associated factors in firefighters.Methods: In this cross-sectional, descriptive, analytical study, 31 firefighters from suppression division of Tehran Fire Department were selected randomly. Sociodemographic questionnaire and also Tuxworth and Shahnavaz step test method were applied as research tools. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics via SPSS19 software.Results: The results showed that the mean VO2max in firefighters was 36.18 ± 3.28 ml/kg/min. VO2max had significant negative correlation with weight (P=0.017, r=-0.43).There were not any significant relationships between VO2max and marital status, having another job, smoking experience, height, age group, BMI, and job title (a=0.05).Conclusion: The mean VO2max in firefighters was at average level according to its norm values (34- 42 ml/kg/min for 20- 29 years old, 31- 38 ml/kg/min for 30- 39 years old and 27- 35 ml/kg/min for 40- 49 years old), and higher than the other job groups' reported values in other studies but in comparison with other firefighters in other countries, their VO2max was less. According to the importance of firefighters' job and also the results of the study, making effort in order to enhance firefighters' VO2max is really important. In addition, doing similar research by the other methods for evaluating VO2max like treadmill and ergo cycle and comparing the data is suggested.