There have been different interpretations of Hafez's Divan, partly because of its deep mysterious meanings, partly as a result of various readings, and partly because of Hafez's complicated dimensions of thoughts. In this article, hermeneutical assumptions in mind, various readings of a lyrical poem (ghazal) are reviewed, and various factors of influences (inside and outside text) and its multi-meaning aspects will be studied. The reading of analysts as an outside-text factor and Hafez's mysterious discourse as an inside-text factor are studied in the following areas:1. Mystical, example: Bard-u Shorouh2. Literary, example: Sudi's Interpretation of Hafez3. Realistic, example: the Interpretation of Hafe's Ghazals4. Mystical-Realistic, example: Hafez's ThechingsThe writer of this article, using one of lung's archetype-naming, Anima presents a different interpretation of this ghazal.The outcome of this study shows that various reading of Hafez's mental world and inner style of his mysterious pen and the substance of his mysterious discourse leave the way open for more explanations, analyses and interpretation of this ghazal.