At the beginning of conquering different parts of the world, the strong and
young Mongol government was mesmerized by the habitable lands and civilized
centers of far west Asia and the Mediterranean domain. Dominating the Iranian
plateau, Mesopotamia (present Iraq), Damascus and Egypt, was one of the most
important objects of the Mongols.
Although the mongol dominance was not established in Iran and
Mesopotamia in the first destructive raids of Mongols to Central Asia and Iran,
and although the conquest of Damascus and Egypt did not take place then, yet
one of the main plans of Holacos mission to,the west was continuing to move
forward to Damascus and Egypt, and dominating the Mediterranean domain. It
was one of the most important military operations of the Mongol Empire to
strengthen the western conquered lands after repressing the resistant centers in
Iran and Mesopotamia. During the Ilkhans governing Iran, following up the
military targets in the west took on different fonns because of internal changes of
the Mongols vast empire, and the internal modifications of the flkhani political
system; however, it was always a main concern of the Ilkhan government and
wealthy tribal people to access and to have control over Damascus and Egypt.
The political collapse of the Mongol Empire, the forming of the authoritative
Mamalic governments in Egypt, and the reforms of the Abbassid caliphate in
Cairo were among the important factors in changing historical conditions during
the first period of the Ilkhani government; these factors led to important internal
changes in the Ilkhani government and, at the same time, were important in
foreign relationships. For this reason, ihe relationships with Egypt will be studied
and evaluated as an important domain in Ilkhanian foreign relationships
because of its special links with the internal changes of the Ilkhan
government, and some main approaches will be investigated in this regard.
This article, due to the conditions and some of the characteristics of the
llkhani period--especially the serious occurence of mutual influences of foreign
and internalfactors during the reign of Ahmad Tagodar (681-683 A. H)--
examines the main approaches in the llkhanian period based on existing sources,
especially the cOlTespondences between Muslim ilkhan and Sultan Mamluk