The purpose of this study was to compare the personality and
demographic characteristics of adjusted and maladjusted couples, to
identify the risk factors and predict the probability of maladjustment
through discriminant analysis. In this regard, one group of 40 adjusted
couples and one group of 40 maladjusted couples who had referred to the
Family Judiciary Assembly were selected to answer the Marital Problems
Questionarie (MPQ) and a demographic questionnaire. The correlation
coefficient of the husbands, and the wives scores on the MPQ items
constituted the adjustment score for a couple. It was hypothesized that there
would be significant differences between the two groups with regard to
marital problems and demographic characteristics. The results of
multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) showed that adjusted couples
scored significantly higher than did the maladjusted couples on the
following variables: motivation for marriage (p = 0.007), sexual adjustment
(p = 0.04). adjustment in making decisions (p = 0), husbands education (p
= 0), wifes education (p = 0.003) and husbands job (p = 0.05). The result
of discriminant analysis showed that the correlations between these
variables and group - membership (adjusted or maladjusted)were as
follows: Adjustment in decision making (r = 0.583), husbands education (r
= 0.58), wifes education (r = 0.46), motivation for marriage (r = 0.425),
husbands job (r = .323), and sexual adjustment (r = 0.32). The group
membership prediction equation was: y = 0.674 husbedu + 0.16 wifedu +
0.387 husbjob + 0.674 sexadj + 0.904 marrmotive + 1.62 decision - 4.92. If
the scores of a couple are put in this equation and the resulting discriminant
score (y score) becomes positive, the couple is predicted to be adjusted and
if it becomes negative, the couple is predicted to be maladjusted. The
probablity of becoming maladjustedfor each couple can also be computed.
A discriminant analysis was performed on total adjustment scores and the
following equation was obtained for prediction of group membership: y =
4.21 totaladj + 0.55 husbedu + 0.14 wifecu + 0.42 husjob - 5.1.
If the scores for each couple are put in to this equation and the resulting
discriminant (y) scores were positive, the couple is predicted to be adjusted
and if it were negative they arepredicted to be maladjusted.