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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: This research follows the relationship between macro economic variable (such as inflation rate, national income percapita & unemployment rate) on sale rate of complementary insurance policies between 1369: 1 until 1382: 4. with use of quarterly adjustment data.Methods: In this research , VAR model has been used and the co-integration with stationary variables have been accounted and analyzed. At this stage, firstly the co-integration variables of the model are known, and then, the structure of the model and the number of optimal orders are identified. The next step, however, determines the number of co-integration vector of model. Results: The results from the Dicky-Fuller test generalized and Johanson co-integration test shows that total data is in the 5 percentage level integrated from the degree one, and there is no vector co- integration between them, meanwhile, the results of impulse- response from each of model variables show that income percapita both in short term & long term has the most affect on the sale rate of insurance policies. The relationship between inflation rate & health insurance in short term is positive and in long- term is negative, and unemployment rate has positive affect on health insurance both in short term & long term. Conclusion: Macro economic variables related to the sale rate of complementary health insurance.

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Introduction: For emergency patients, the quality of the treatment based on evidences and information, are key factors in their lives or dead or even disabilities for the rest of their lives. Considering this point the importance of information for timely decision making, and introducing appropriate plan for patients, in intensive centers such as emergency centers -in which lives and death of patients is a matter the question- would be raise, how information management would be act in terms of answering complete and timely to information needed by medical personals in ER?. This research is aimed to identification of Information management on emergency departments at Esfahan University of Medical Sciences.Methods: This is an observational study; and its study community is the hospitals of Isfehan University of Medical Science. Tools for collecting data are check lists based on joint commission of standards of health care organizations, and researcher made questions, which after validity and reliability evaluation in six hospitals, have been completed. To achieve the goals and answer to research questions of SPSS software has been used. Results: Maximum of most complete identities recorded data in emergency patients records, were in AL Zahra hospital (98.1%), and minimum to Kashani hospital (83.3%) (P<001). Statistical information have been recorded and collected in 70.8% of studied ERs. Frequency distribution for storage and retrieval of Emergency data showed that 50% of storage and retrieval of data have been done correctly. Result showed that in 64.8% of hospitals storage and retrieval of data have not been done at all, and the statistical information have been used as non-processed (raw) data. In 66.6% of cases the assignment of data was suitable. Conclusions: In studied hospitals' ERs information management in medical documents are desirable but least for appropriate for collecting data. A research results have been done in ER at Iran University hospitals showed different findings, comparing to this research and the data recording by reception personals in Isfehan University of Medical Sciences had better conditions. 

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Introduction: Human resource is the main capital of each organization. Any attempts in privatization programs (according to 44 principal of constitution) and performance budgeting encounter to fail because of inappropriate scientific information about public sectors unit cost. Hence designing and applying of appropriate costing systems seems to be essential and indispensable. Methods: In this study information of total expenditures in academic year 1385-1386 analyzed and unit cost of student training and per credit hour calculated in two different scenarios. The method applied in calculating is Activity Based Costing (ABC). Administrative and teaching department of faculty categorized in three different group as overhead, intermediate and final activity center and total cost of these centers distributed between credit hour and finally between students trough cost drivers. In Calculation process we used Excel 2003 software. Results: Total cost of each activity center is one of primary calculating process results. After final calculation in first scenario, the average unit cost per credit hour calculated 8693137 (R) and student training unit cost calculated 18148974 (R). In secondary scenario, unit cost per credit hour calculated 8902854 and student training unit cost is 18586807. In both scenario the unit cost of student in Health Information Management course (PhD level) is highest (56566092) and is least (7760748) in Medical Report course (graduate level). Conclusion: Financial information review of management faculty shows that information registration and data gathering in hard copy documents form can not provide information needs of costing analysis in useful form to management in different period. The reason of high costs of postgraduate students showed a close relation with such factors as: few numbers of students in this level, post graduates- specific facilities in comparison to the other students in undergraduate level, hiring lecturers with high scientific grades. Large proportion of research facilities, scholarships from Ministry of Health given to the student. 

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Introduction: Nursing care facilities are among a variety of health care services. Nursing care facilities refers to a broad spectrum of health, social, supportive, medical and rehabilitation cares. People that lives in these facilities can choose their services. Then, nursing care facilities need some professional organizing and standards about health information management. Methods: This is a comparison-qualitative study. The data was collected from professional texts, articles, internet, and elderly care centers. In this research health information management in elderly care centers in America, Canada, Japan and Iran were compared. Considering similarity and differences characteristics of health information management, a model were suggested. Using Delphi methods, the recommended model was put into practice in two phases. The data collection tool were questionnaires. Findings were analyzed, and a final model for Iran was presented. Results: Findings divide in to five section: 1. documentation elements (social data, clinical data), 2. documentation standard (general standards, authentication, permanency, manner of documentation, guidelines for handing correction , errors , omission) 3. storage and retrieval standards (policy and procedure of storage and retrieval, filing method , maintenance of record, time, manner of filing, filing equipment), 4. coding system(policy and procedure of coding , coding books) 5. health information management standards (request for medical record, confidentiality, release of information, maintenance standard, destruction, staff training). Conclusion: In conclusion, the final model of health information management tend to American and Canada model of health information management. It has the lowest similarity to Japanning model. It is suggested that guidelines about documentation elements, documentation standard, filing and retrieval, coding and health information management standards were published and updated annually. 

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Introduction: Health expenditures are important factors in the economic growth; it can be raise economic development by labor forces and physical capital. in Iran health expenditures are important because more young population .It can be help to develop in economics by keeping of young labors healthy, and increasing general education. Methods: It was considered growth theory based on health expenditure aside other factors such as labor force and physical capital for economic. We used from solo model for study; and results of first estimating have evaluated by Husman test. Results: The findings show positive and statistically significant effect for health expenditure, positive and statistically significant effect of population growth on the economic growth in Iran during study period, aside positive effect of other factors such as: labor force and capital. Conclusion: Considering the direct effect of health expenditure on the economic growth, and indirect effect on economic through decreasing death of active population and also decreasing weakness and absence because of lessening disease, and distinguishing of effect amount on the economics in Iran; this study helps to programmers and decision-makers to change their views in the ways of funds allocation in the part of health and therapy, they consider healthy as a capital goods and investment more in this field. So that it develop the economic growth and development of country in future. 

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Introduction: To increase the productivity of the organization, several conditions are needed; human resource is the most important one. That is why staffs incentive needs, are the most important factor and it happened by increasing their level of their morality and the job satisfaction. To achieve these, their needs in work environment must be identified and satisfied. The aim of this research is to study incentive needs for nursing staffs in selected teaching hospitals of universities of medical sciences according Maslow's needs hierarchy. Methods: This research is a descriptive cross-sectional study. The statistical population are Namazi, Shahid Faghihi, Shahid Chamran, Hafez, and Khalili hospitals. Some 141 nurses have been involved in study; selected by stratified random sampling. The needed information have been collected by questioners; and analyzed using SPSS software calculation. Results: Data showed that all fifth levels of Maslow's needs had a high level of incentive needs and evaluating and comparing the average incentive needs, and the respect need has the maximum score. Also, it showed there are a significant meaningful relation between physiological needs and age and sex, receptiveness and job situation variables, job experience and age, the respect needs and job experience and age factors. However there is no significant relation between security needs and self-dehiscence. Conclusion: according to the achieved data, the fifth level incentive needs for nursing staff in Namazi, Faghihi, Chamram, Hafez, and khalili hospitals are listed as below: 1. Need to respect, 2. Physiologic needs, 3. Needs to kindness and love, 4. Need to security, 5. Need to self-dehiscence. 

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Providing a suitable work condition to attain common personnel and organizational goal, is one of the most important management's duties. There is no doubt that increasing management job motivation is important to achieve quality and quantity organization performances. Present study evaluated the impact of reducing motivations on managers, Job performance at Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. Methods: Present research is a descriptive comparative study carried out. Data have been collected by questioners Included all Isfahan University of Medical Sciences mid operational managers. Sampling method was random and based on pilot study the number of the sample subjects defined 78 people. Results: Results showed that material reducing motivator's elimination had fewer effects on mid management; however it had better effect on upper average level management. Conclusion: Influencing factors on job motivation process determined by personal values. So care must be taken to extend finding of present study to other research populations. 

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Today, just having the knowledge and money to become successful is not enough. One of the effective ways to gain success is the correct case of time, called time management. The purpose of this study was to investigate time management skills in the managers of Medical University and Health centers. Methods: This study was a survey, carried out on 182 managers of different units of Ardabil University and Health Centers in 2006. The data collection tool was a questionnaire including 12 questions; validated in a 15-days interval in a pilot study. Data were analyzed through SPSS. Results: Our study showed that 15.4% of the managers are in a high level situation in terms of time management. Women's skills scores in time management were more than those of men, with statistically significant difference: (p<0.05). In different units of the university; time management skills of the managers in logistic department managers were more than those of other managers (p<0.05). Also there was a positive significant relationship between individual skills and organizational skills in time management. Conclusion: Training management courses, especially time management, is important for university managers. Women managers are better than men, in the individual and organizational time management. Therefore, we recommended that women, like men, be place in appropriates management positions; so their efficiency can be more useful. 

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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