During the last few decades, the East Azarbayejan has been facing with population immigration due to social, political, economic, and especially geographical factors. In the past fifty years more than 1, 800, 000 of the people in Azarbayejan have emigrated to other provinces. As a result, the immigration rate has gone up from 101, 000 persons in 1345 to 153, 000 persons in 1385. Therefore, this province is ranked first in our country as far as immigration rate is concerned.The purpose of the present study is to analyze the immigration status in the East Azarbayejan province and to determine various economic, social, political, and geographical causes which affect the immigration of people from East Azarbayejan province. The method used in the study is a descriptive one and the authentic statistical sources have been introduced in case the reader needs to verify the authenticity of the data.The results show that large rural population, low income from agricultural activities, reduced productivity, rainfed lands, intensified droughts of the past, weak industrial foundation and services in urban centers, and lack of employment opportunities in rural areas have been all effective in the immigration of people from this area.