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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The issue of housing and marginalization is common in architecture and urbanization. Informal settlement can be considered as illegal brainchild of this overwhelming phenomenon which is increasing in different dimensions. Regarding, the importance of all existential aspects of a city in environmental, economic and cultural basis of development and growth, the study of informal settlement has turned into a serious research scenario attended by social scientists, geographers and architects. This research aims to provide regulations and guidelines for informal settlement to develop them into safe places to live in. The research is descriptive-analytic based on field observation. Thirty five residents of Imam Khomeini Hesar quarter were chosen randomly and they were asked to fill the questionnaire. The results showed that most of the residents are immigrants from rural areas with little satisfaction from their life places while the indexes of life can be promoted by low-interest loans, easy registering and delivering official documents for ownership.

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Today, health care as one of the factors contributing to the development of the society is known. If the vital health services are not distributed equally, the utility would not be created for all residents and this is a weakness that makes it difficult for the process of achieving sustainable development. In Khuzestan province this has also been observed that health services have tended to concentrate in the city of Ahwaz, and some municipalities of the province have been neglected with regards of health services distribution. Therefore, this study aimed to examine and analyze the indexes of health services in Khuzestan province. Strategy Research, functional and descriptive and analytical methods have been used to gather the required information, the library method was used as well. To analyze the data, the coefficient of dispersion (CV), T- test and model Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (Fuzzy AHP) were used. The methods of the health status of Khuzestan province by 20 indicators was examined. To do better calculations excel and spss software were used. Hierarchical process model, a model of Multi Attribute Decision Making (MCDM0 was used in which the performance has been confirmed in uncertainty. The model calculations showed that the city of Ahvaz getting 2.302 Score, was the most enjoyed city in Khuzestan province. In ratings the second and the third it was found that, Respectively Abadan (0.474) and Dezful (0.326), along with other cities in this province are in a state of denial instead. The standard minimum weight calculations showed that the city of Ahvaz and other cities of the province to provide health services to their inhabitants have not been successful. Dispersion calculations showed that the distribution of services in Khuzestan province is willing to be focused. T- test showed that both in towns and in the villages, there is no distribution of health service coordination. It was concluded that in relation to the distribution of health services in Khuzestan province, there are structural and functional weaknesses and distribution of health services are not subject to the principles of sustainable development.

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Urban green space is among the most significant land uses which has been referred to as the lungs of cities. Since the main objectives of urban planning are health, comfort, and beauty, site selection of urban green space is regarded as one of the most important elements of the urban environment having a large contribution to space utility and amenity for citizens. So, paying special attention to space – spatial organization of this use is an essential step in ensuring the welfare of citizens. The aim of the present study is practical developmental taking advantage of a descriptive and analytical method. Here, using the tools available in the ARC GIS 10.3 software and the analytical means of the GeoDa software, an analysis of the spatial distribution of green space use in urban areas of Ardebil city is presented, and ultimately, it has been attempted to provide solutions for optimization of the status quo. In this study, the library-field research method were used to gather the basic required data. Moreover, Moran’s Bivariate correlation index (Moran’s I) is used to analyze the spatial distribution of green spaces, the relationship between the per capita green space distribution with the population density of the areas, and the rate of the green space area with the area of each region is assessed. The analytical results of the Bivariate Moran’s I indicated a negative spatial autocorrelation (Li) between population density and per capita green space in the regions of Ardebil city. The analysis of the relationship between the area of the green spaces and the urban areas of Ardebil showed no significant relationship between them. In other words, an increased population density and urban area of Ardebil could not improve its per capita and the green space use area.

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View 2132

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Along with increasing population of cities, informal employment is considered to be an integral part of the economy of the cities, which is known as a source of subsistence for poor families of the each city. A considerable part of informal labor force consists of street vendors throughout the world, working in public spaces of the cities. Most of them are women. In this study, women street vendors have been investigated as one of the aspects of informal businesses. It also aims to scrutinize the social-economical characteristics of women working in the informal sector in district two of Rasht, streets and places where they sell their products, and also their geographical origins. The method is survey with descriptive-analytical approach. Data collection tool is questionnaires and interviews.Results revealed that most of studied woman are either illiterate. Most of them live in rural areas of Rasht and are between 40 and 59. Most of the subjects are the only financial supplier for their households. More than half of studied population sells vegetables and other sorts of perishable substances. Respectively the streets of Sardar-E-Jangal, Motahari, and Shariati are hosting the most women working as street vendors. Finally, it was found that most of these women are from villages.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1973

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One of the most important goals of any society is social justice and social welfare and the equal distribution of resources, which include poverty reduction as an important dimension. To achieve the above objectives at any level in any society it needs to recognize the rate of social equality and poverty and inequality rate among different regions. This study is kind of applied-developed research where its analytical methods and the assessment of poverty in the province of West Azerbaijan was performed by using 17 indicators. Analyzing findings using TOPSIS model and Coefficient of dispersion model and hypotheses research was conducted in accordance with Spss software requirements as well.The weight of indicators were determined by a panel of 20 relevant experts. Accordingly, each of the urban areas of the province in terms of indicators was rated and classified. The study showed significant differences between cities in terms of development. Orumyieh was ranked as one of the lowest poverty rates in urban development and Chaypareh as the rank of the highest urban poverty.

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View 1978

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Various climate parameters such as temperature, humidity and rainfall in one location of the factors that affect the region's climate and understanding of the climate of this region are determined. The present study, because of its importance to assess and evaluate climate change (temperature) in the Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province which is located less attention, was undertaken. Calculations and analysis on the average, maximum and minimum temperature were done. For this purpose, statistical information from stations of Shahrekord, Koohrang, Lordegan and Borujen for a period of 25 years (1988-2012) were analyzed using Mann-Kendall 1. In this paper, trends and changes including monthly, quarterly and yearly periods were examined. The results of the analysis of the data showed that 100% of March was the biggest changes and December shows with 85% without the slightest change was the second period. The negative trend in winter by 30%, with a 55 % surge in spring, a positive trend with 35% in summer, autumn without trend by 55%, and the annual with the sudden change and increase of 35%can be observed respectively. We had winter and summer with 90% of the maximum change and in fall we had the lowest with 45%.Annually a trend of 75% and a 25% without a trend can be observed.

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Distressed textures are regions which are separated from life evolution cycle and became the bone of problems and inefficiencies. Nevertheless, these textures account for high percentage of urban population, and yet have numerous capacities and potentials for future intra-city developments. Dealing with distressed and inefficient urban textures is not apart from dealing with economic, cultural and social realities, and entails careful, comprehensive and realistic planning. In recent years, urban regeneration has been brought up as a new approach for improvement and renovation of these textures. “Urban regeneration” approach is beyond objectives, desires and achievements of “urban renovation”, “urban development”, and “urban improvement”, and has comprehensive, consistent and sustainable outlook by considering all social, economic, physical and environmental aspects. The current study has been carried out by understanding effective factors on urban distressed textures and evaluating the sustainability and unsustainability of District 10, and using SWOT-QSPM methods; research variables were determined through documentary and library studies that include social, economic, and environmental indicators . Throughout the survey method, the required information was collected and analyzed using the entropy criterion and SWOT-QSPM model. Further quantitative results showed that this area is economically unstable in the first place due to its social and environmental dimensions. The instability of the economic dimensions of the tissue is that: this leads to the instability of the other dimensions of the texture and ultimately shows itself as a physical instability. Thus, the later approach of sustainable urban regeneration with the strategy (economic regeneration and community-based recreation), due to its integrated globalization and interactivity, can be an optimal version to intervene with this tissue.

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Looking at the urban management and administration trends shows that planning is not possible without paying attention to participatory approaches and local scale. In this regard, the local community governance was proposed as a model for effective and efficient administration in the local community. Local community governance has the high potential for local community participation in decision-making. Basically, governance refers to the process of decision making and the process by which decisions are implemented. In this paper we analyze the components of the local community governance such as accountability, responsibility, rule of law, transparency, effectiveness and efficiency and interaction between participation and institutional trust in the Drake neighborhood. It should be added that the local community participation is considered as key to the success of community-based planning and local community governance also, trust has importance in many measures including institution-building and capacity development as well as improving governance. Also, accountability is a key requirement of good governance and can be considered as the key to the success of many initiatives and programs. Indeed, when the established mechanisms of accountability work, corruption is reduced. In this context, the theoretical and library studies and in the field a survey of 100 questionnaires were used.The results showed that the components level of the local community governance in the Drake neighborhood is lower than the average level. Furthermore, it was found that there is a direct correlation between the local community governance components, institutional trust and participation. Therefore, the local community governance and institutional trust rating will be reduced when participation rate is reduced.

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