Citation analysis is a credible bibliometric method in which scholarly texts are examined based on reviewing the citations assigned. The present paper employs citation analysis to review the citations to the articles appearing in five scholarly journals in library and information sciences (Ketabdari va Etela Resani Astan-i-Quds, Ketab Quarterly, Oloom va Fanavari Etela’at Quarterly, Ketabdari, Etela Shenasi) from 2002 to 2006. Using Morgan’s formula, 252 articles were selected from a total of 732. Each journal’s share was determined by the number of articles in this sample. Findings indicated that these 252 articles were cited 2410 times. In general, the average citation per article was 9.52. 39 percent of citations were to journals, closely followed by books with 27.59 percent. Least citation was made to reference sources with 0.91 percent. Persian language journals had higher citations (12.94 percent) than English language journals. 81.74 percent of the articles published were authored while 18.26 percent were translations. Fifty instances of self-citations, or 2.07 percent of total citations, were observed. Authors concentrated more on ten Persian and English Journals, with Ketabdar Quarterly topping the list. Horri with 27 citations was the highest cited author, and Assadullah Azad with 8 citations was the most highly cited translator.