The present article aimed at exploring the position of Iranian women in the globe, based on gender and development, in the arenas of education, economics, politics, management, and communication and information technology. Knowing it can be helpful for policewomen, due to their interaction with women who are considered to be more than half of the population. The present study utilized a conceptual and review method via library research which investigated the related theories on human and gender development, gender capability and gender gap between the years of 1998, 2003, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2010. Findings showed that Iran attained the rank of 70 from among the 169 countries in human development index, based on the UN statistics, and it has had an increasing rate from 1999 to 2010. However, Iran attained the rank of 123 from among 134 countries considering gender gap index. The results showed that gender and sexual inequality exist in all societies during the process of development, but it becomes worse in developing and undeveloped communities. Considering the indexes of human development, sexuality and gender empowerment in the region, Iran has not arrived at a desirable position.