The present research investigated the tendency of female pre-university students toward police job in Ardabil province. The Important goal of this paper is to find the factors affecting students’ tendency to this job. Due to the functional nature and purpose of the study, authors utilized the methodology of a survey. The information is gathered via questionnaire. Its reliability estimated via Cronbach’s alpha coefficients (79.8), and it was validated through the formal approval of teachers and scholars. To analyze the data, chi-square test was utilized. The study period was the year 2012, and the population consisted of all pre-university girl students in Ardebil daily state schools. The sample consisted of 379 subjects, which have been chosen randomly based simple sampling. Among the 24 main districts of education in Ardebil province, five cities on five provinces were selected randomly (Hir- Razi- Nir- Namin- Ardebil). After selecting five cities, a city center in each city, a pre-university school in each pre-university centers, and three classes in each one (math, humanities, experimental) were selected by simple random sampling. The relationship between independent variables (student characteristics, family characteristics, knowing the police and police social status, police behavior) and the dependent variable (students’ tendency to police job) has been studied. Important results obtained from the study showed a significant relationship between the independent variables (school scores average, education district, family characteristics of female students (socio-economic), social status of women police, knowledge of the behavior of woman police with citizens) and the dependent variable (the students’ tendency to police job). There was no meaningful correlation between age and the students’ field of study and the tendency of female pre-university students toward police job.