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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Citizenship relationship management has inspired by customer relationship management in private sector has entered in public litrature management. Considering citizenships as public sector organizations clients, such management attemps to improve public sector organization activities. Trafic police is one of the organizations that have an important role in improvement of people satisfaction from public services when performance is improved. Dreadful condition of accidents in Iran and developing countries, in number and severity, required a particular attention to formulate framework to mitigate the road accidents. This question increases the responsibility of traffic police. In this article looking at police and citizenship relationship as a social exchange, related documents and literatures reviewed and a framework for vehicle drivers compartmentalization introduced. Criteria used in construction of suggested framework were quantity and cost of accidents. After analysis, necessary strategies for each cluster are given.

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The philosophy of organization or organization unit establishment from demography ecology is to respond to internal and external stakeholders; therefore the organization or the unit that can not meet this need will collapse and probably new organization or unit will be established. In research center 'A' due to existence of units that can not meet the need of internal and external stakeholders or due to inappropriate composition of these units, in addition to cost increase (surplus equipments, place and work forces), parallel working, lengthing process of doing works and decrease of effectiveness and efficiency are evident. In this article the author using metrical research method (27 individuals from interested departments and workshop), the position of organization unit in research center 'A' were reviewed using general electric model which provides organization top managers with a decision making tool. Finally some suggestions to improve the units' synergy were provided. This action resulted in ommission of financial and administration units and merging some other units.

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Content analysis method has many applications in security debates; among the most significant of its applications are content analysis of leadership speeches and other high officials in relation to security debates and police forces, determination of type of attitude and level of satisfaction from police forces, foreign medias news content analysis to encounter soft war threats, police forces periodicals content analysis to investigate and understand security issues publication process in these periodicals and etc. Content analysis includes repeatable and systematic test of relational symbols within which conceptual and quantitative values based on measurement valid principles attributed to text, then using statistical methods the relation between those values are analyzed. The most important purposes of this method include communications description and inferences from communication consumption and introduction domain. This method is consisted of two general type of qualitative and quantitative which each one subdivides to different parts (evaluation analysis, occurrence probability analysis). Different stages of content analysis in summary includes: 1- subject circumscription; 2- case study population determination; 3- free observation; 4- finalizating hypotheses and converting them to units and category.

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If police is considered as a mere organization, personell will consider security as a product that in exchange for its production they should receive salary from government; therefore they will always do a comparison between what they produce and what they receive in exchange and try to produce it to that extent. In case instituitional attitude functions replace organizational attitude, security will be considered as human primary need that no price will be equal to it. So security establishment as a human value will be an honor to police. Security will be transformed to a process that will be provided by cooperation between police and people. In this article the documentary and library method is used. Considering police existence philosophy and its intrinsic mission namely maintainance of security and order in society and in the light of quranic verses and present theories, the impacts of instituitional attitude to police are reviewed. Finally the benefits of instituitional attitude to police and its impact on maintainance of more security and order at social level is explained.

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Salient organizational performance is not the results of ordinary personnel attempts. of reasons resulted in great organizations success is the existence of personnel who attempt beyond formal duties. In other word these organizations possess personnel who manifest organizational citizenshipship behaviors. Researches indicate that there is a positive relation between managers’ emotional intelligence and personnel organizational citizenshipship behavior. Present research has been done to study the relationship between managers’ emotional intelligence and organizational citizenship behavior. Analyzing this claim the required data has been collected from research statistical population using goleman emotional abilities questionnaire and organizational citizenshipship behavior. Data analysis using Spearman Correlation Coefficients indicates that there is a meanigful relationship between managers’ emotional intelligence and organizational citizenship behavior. Moreover there is a meaningful relationship between all emotional intelligence factors and organizational citizenship behavior. Furtheremore multiple regression analysis indicates that of managers’ emotional intelligence factors, social awareness and relationship management has the most influence on personnel organizational citizenship behavior. Therefore the administration of this research in police organization particulary in police science academy is suggested. In case the results repeated, for promoting police personnel organizational citizenship behavior, managers and commanders with transformational leadership style and emotional intelligence abilities to be used.

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Today in business world, emotional intelligence is introduced as a tool to measure organization and staff success. Because application of this measurement tool has capital gains, its appropriate use is studied. In this regard, experts and researchers have attempted to study  the positive effects of emotional intelligence on productivity and staff performance in managing business process  and to deal with organizational changes, an effective human resource strategy was planned and applied. In such process, organization can enact changes easier and in a more appropriate condition and organization culture becomes more adaptable. The main objectives of this article is to study the application of emotional intelligence in relation to human resource management procedures to formulate the nessasary strategies and how intelligence has effects on performance and usefulness of organization are studied. Achieving the fore-mentioned purposes the analytical and descriptive and library methods are used for data collection. The results of this study indicate that skills related to recognition, application and teaching of emotional intelligence are tools that used not only for promotion of different teams in organization but it is also usefull and inevitible for staff education because communication and daily human interaction with colleagues and managers involve using emotional intelligence.

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Unless an activity is measurable, it is not manageable. No meaning can ever be achieved with activity that is not manageable. Human management, especially performance management cannot be left to be manage under it's own philosophy. It is fundamental for any function that includes performance management that it must be subordinate to the organizational vision, mission and objectives. Adaption of measurement philosophy is imperative not only for effectiveness of performance management as a strategy but also for it’s survival. Unless, a function proves beyond doubt the kind of contribution it makes to the business, no budgetary support and appreciation to such function can be expected. Objective and scientific measurement based performance management enhances the performance of employees and organizations. Strategy of measurement based performance management is a holistic approach that guides organization in assessing the progress made on several dimensions of organizational effectiveness. This process suggests the most optimal ways of performing an activity. This strategy consists of two interventions: first, nurturing measurement based performance management and second, capitalizing on measurement management in institutionalization of performance management. Each intervention is of ten drivers.

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