Ranking is one of the key tools for performance evaluation, competitiveness and success of universities. A desirable ranking is emanated from the core mission of higher education. In this paper, the upstream documents related to the higher education, as communicated strategies, are extracted and the corresponding texts surveyed by content analysis through the selection of binding statements for universities as well as open and axial coding. From 241 statements, 36 main codes are extracted and grouped in six categories. For axial coding, basic functions of universities were considered. To extract appropriate mesures, the resulted axial codes are used. Then, we propose 6 categories of mesures and corresponding concepts for Iranian university ranking including educational, research & development, social & cultural impact, entrepreneurship & wealth creation, help for sustainable development, and international interactions. The results confirm that the most effective code in each of the above criteria is demand-driven research, demand-driven education, Islamic values, sustainale development, and international interactions, respectively.