The discussion of predicative attributes was taken place in the fields of theology (kalam) and commentary when revelation began. In explaining predicative attributes and the way in which they are related to God, different points of view such as similitude, tashbih, embodiment, tajsim, stoppage, tawaqquf, proving without interpretation, ithbati bila ta'wil, proving without quality, ithbati bila keif, and proving with interpretation, ithbati ba ta'wil, have been presented by commentators and theologians. Seyyed Morteza and Qazi Abdul jabbar have been among those believing in the last. Their thought has stablished on the basis of unity of attributes and essence, einiyyate sifat ba dhat, and the theory of purification, tanzih. Reffering the allegorical verses to the clear ones, using reasoning, literal and confirmative designation, Seyyed Morteza seeks to interpreat Quranic verses. Qazi Abduljabbar, however, using pure reason and in some cases, without any sign for ta'wil, interpreats them.