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One of the difficult issues of free will and determinism is how to explain the theory of "Amri bain al-Amrain" and to reconcile God`s Absolute Agency in the world system of creation and the human optonal agency in his actions. The rational and inner arguments, as well as the Qur'anic verses, agree with the God`s and human effects in the human optional actions. But the problem of how the two optional agents influence the same action and its being very complicated have caused many interpretations of the theory of amri baini amrain to be incomplete in such a way that most of the interpretations have been led to absolute free will, tafwiz and they can not determine and explain the effect of God in the human beings` optional actions. In the present article, after analyzing the verses of the problem and the evidences of the theory of amiri baini amrian, the interpretations of the theologians have been analyzed and criticized in this regard in seven general categories, and their authority has been weakened in response to the above problem.

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Riahi Ali arshad

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Fakhr Razi believes that human belief or disbelief come from by direct and immediate creation of God only. The view is called the theory of khalqi iman and kufr. In this study, firstly, Fakhr Razi`s main arguments for the theory have been criticized, through content analysis and rational reasoning. As explained in the paper, none of his seven reasons may be taken as correct. Then his cases of Quranic interpretations being influenced by the theory have been criticized. For this purpose, all the verses interpreted based on the theory contrary to the apparent meaning of the words and verses, have been gathered and according to other verses, the consequences of his mysterious interpretations and the apparent meaning of the words, the correctness and incorrectness of his perceptions have been determined. And, finally, it has been concluded that none of the 12 interpretations of Fakhr Raz may be taken as incorrect.

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From the early years of the emergence of Islam and its spreading in the Christian lands, a different positions was taken against Islam, and especially against the Prophet (s) most of which were in the form of struggle. After the seventeenth century when the Qur'an has been translated into European languages and the teaching circles for Arabic languages were estalished, to some extent a more balanced view to the Prophet`s life was provided. The appearance of colonization1`s hegemony in the ninth century and early of the tenth, however, created new researchrs to prepare their colonialist states` purposes. WilliamMuir is one of the most important representatives of colonialism, whose book "The Life of Mahomet", is included among the sources used by those studying Islam. In this article, after expressing Muir's views on revelation, the authors, using rational arguments and verification of narratives, have criticised his view. It has been made clear that Muir has tended to the false narratives and, eliminating some of the traditions and reversing their meaning, he has based his view the basis of his mental presupposition.

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In this article, using the comparative analytical method, we state that Ibn Sina in his metaphysical system is leading in philosophcal divinity. Analyzing existence per se, he proves the existence of the Necessary Existence. Then, by contemplating the existence of the Necessary Existence, he proves the Attributes of the Necessary Existence and, then begins to study the Necessarie`s actions. Relying on such an approach, while introducing Ibn Sina's intellectual model in the field of philosophical divinity, one may argues against those viewing him as being a theologian or being restricted to Aristotle philosophy. Finally, it ha been shown that to what extent Ibn Sina owes his philosophical system of divinity to Farabi and to what extent has affected Henry of Ghent, the christian philosopher of the thirteenth century?

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The seventh verse of Surah Al `Imran has given a division of all the Quranic verses into those entirely clear and those not entirely clear and knowledge of their hermeneutics; the meaning of the verse has been the case of disagreement for the Quranic commentators and theologians. Some have viewed the word mutashabih to means not understandable and mysterious. The present study with a descriptive-analytical method has centered on the semantics of mutashabih of the verse and tries to survey its being a sign for mysterious state of the Quranic language as viewed by Ibn Taimiyyah and his being influenced by Salaf, particularly by Ahmad Ibn Hanbal. Ibn Taimiyyah is known as an influential and well-known figure in the world of Islam. Some contemporary currents as Salafism and Wahhabism have been affected by his thought and this is the most notable reason for rereading and studying their mental and scientific principles. Gathering and summarizing Ibn Taimiyyah`s view from the original sources and cohering it in a new structure and showing his being influenced by Ahmad ibn Hanbal in his view is one of the remarkable particulariy of this work. Ibn Taimiyyah, while rejecting any mysterious state of the Quranic language in the allegorical verses, has viewed aforementioned views as misunderstanding the word mutashabih and and confusing the meanings of interpretation.

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Aqaei Asghar | ATRAK HOSEIN

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One of the theories given in the phenomenology of revelation is that of Sorush called prophetic dreams. The theorist has viewed Divine revelation as the Prophet`s accounts of his dreams. In the present research, the theory has been studied with regard to theorist`s explanation, consequences and reqiremnts regardless of any other negative consequences. The most notable objection against the theory seems to be the lack of sufficient reasons for its main claim of viewing revelation as dream. When justifying the theory, the theorist has comitted neumerous fallacies such as the confusion of relation, irrelevant reason, hasty generalization and may not be taken as being of necessary comprehensiveness in referring to the Quranic sources and structural analysis. In addition, it opposes the theorist`s other theoris like the Prophetic experience. The theory neither has what claimed by the theorist nor gives a solution in the field. Again, it causes new problems like lack of a reason for the authenticity of the dream-like.

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One part of the monotheism of actions is monotheism in sovereignty. Referring to the rational discussions of the early scholars, especially Islamic scholars, there are close definitions of human rule and its types. The purpose of this article is to analyze the relationship between these two titles as understandable of the Islamic philosophy and theology and to provide a precise definition of the true and virtual relationship between monotheism in the sovereignty of human beings. In this article, relying on the sources of philosophy and Islamic theology, we studied the status of monotheism in sovereignty and examined the religious basic beliefs in Islamic theology. As understood in the study, the true meaning of a human rule leads us to the fact that the essntial relation of rule with the human guardianship in Islamic theology has based on the monotheism in sovereignty. Such a relation is foundamental and direct; and if the human ruler be the one whom God has chosen, such a humanist rule would be its consequent and reflection. Otherwise, the rule would not be lawful. In general, as described in the paper, human rule is a status of the monotheism in sovereignty and of the requirements of the fact.

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The present study intends to explain the Wahabist paradoxes of the great challenge between preserving the appearances and the Salafist manner of life on the one hand, and accepting the unceasing and inevitable human advancements on the other hand. The present study is library-based in collecting information and uses descriptive-analytical method. The findings indicate that there are many contradictions and ambiguities in many aspects of social life and Islamic activities in Saudi Arabia, of which one may refer to: the contradictions of the necessity of staying in the past and the necessity of passing from the past, the attitude to the woman`s dignity and cover, the attitude towards the veil, the encounter with the achievements of the new civilization, elections and democracy. As explained in the study, the origin of all these paradoxes is the retrogressivism, inflexibility and irrationality of Wahhabism, and an emphasis on narrativism and opposition to the manifestations of a new civilization and denial of ta`wil, which governs the attitudes and mental principles of the Salafist movement.

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Namdarpoor Bahador

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Human salvation is one of the major concerns of divine religions. Such being the case, a question arises as: may one view human salvation as a mere external reality, or in addition, and even prior to it, it is also an innate reality? This article tries to explain the relation between innate nature and human salvation as may be understood by Mulla Sadra`s teachings through a descriptiveanalytical method. For the purpose, after a brief description of the concept of innate nature and the what of salvation, it presents four reasons: 1. The overlap of the vital natural affairs with the components of salvation; 2. the principle of reconciliation of reason and religion; 3. Naturality of monotheism and the purity and accidentalty of disbelief and sins in the human being, 4. The common origin of the human salvation and perfection-seeking, and, in this way, justify hauman salvation`s being based on innnate nature. And finally it is conclude that if the human race returns to its direct and original nature and follows the discernment of the common sense and tendency of the heart, the same minimum of natural teachings can save its salvation as nature is viewed in Shia teachings as an inward program of human salvation (the inner prophet)?

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Recourse means the mediation of an object, an action, or a person in front of Allah, with the purpose of approaching Allah, is of parts. By accepting some of its parts. Ibn Taimiyyah believes that resorting to the spirits of the Lord`s Particular Friends is a case of heresy, polytheism and, therefore, unlawful. He hs viewed those of these beliefs as lawfully condemned to death. As in the field of religious knowledge they are extreme traditionalist and in the field of semantics extreme externalist and view the companions of the prophets and two generations of their followers, tabi`in and tabi`ni tabi`n, as being scientific authority. In addition, their attitude of monotheism, polytheism and worship is incorrect and pay no attention to the views and beliefs of other Muslims and, therefore, contrary to all other Muslims, view recourse to the spirits as unlawful. In the present paper with the documentary and analytical method, their view has been critically studied and it has been proved that on the basis of of Shiite and Sunni sources, recourse to the spirits of the Lord`s particular friends is lawful.

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Positivism, whether it be Conte’s or logical, purports to have the sole monopoly of episteme in relation to tangible and nonsensical issues or meaninglessness of concepts as well as metaphysical matters including philosophical, religious and ethical ones. This school fails to account for the origin of concepts and of judgments and the realm of knowledge, and takes its road to skepticism in the human epistemological processes and dimensions. However, Sadra’s philosophy has been able to explain concept-and judgment-related laws via its profound intellectual precision concerning the notion of knowledge in addition to final criteria to define knowledge and its standards to divide into the knowledge by presence and knowledge by acquisition. Based on this school of thought, concept-and judgment-related knowledge types have their roots both in sense-data and meta-sensory origins. Consequently, meta-sensory notions and propositions including religious and ethical knowledge lend themselves to comprehension, explanation and verification. The present study explored the aforementioned axes from the viewpoint of both schools on the basis of verdicts in both schools’ sources, and afterwards presented values and reasoning of religious and meta-sensory knowledge in Sadra’s philosophy with utmost meaning.

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